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Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 2 months ago to Government
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What is so important about certain creeds that we honor them and are offended when they are not treated with respect? ----- Matthew Continenti, Editor of the Washington Free Beacon sums it up in a single paragraph. "We are united in our creed of freedom and equality, and also by our habits, our manners, our national language, our territorial integrity, our national symbols such as the National Anthem, the Flag, And the Pledge of Allegiance -- our civic traditions, and our national story." Which is why kneeling when the Anthem is played or sung, or sitting during the pledge infuriates old codgers like me who have been taught to respect these things since childhood.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 2 months ago
    Many people probably more so in days gone by would swear by their God, Family ,and country.
    In that order but not a lot of difference in magnitude. Our understanding of a United States of America Was that we were part of the greatest country ever. Leaders in almost every industry.
    No pride today taught of our countries citizens accomplishments. No winners just a participation ribbon. When the result of the devaluing or our traditions and sacrifices for freedom is displayed by entitled athletes who make more in signing bonuses than most make cumulatively in a lifetime
    It is infuriating.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
      Infuriating? That's the word I was looking for. Infuriating, indeed. Many of us have been filled with impotent rage. I'm afraid that if this keeps up much longer, the rage will become less impotent.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 2 months ago
        1660s, from Italian infuriato, from Medieval Latin infuriatus, past participle of infuriare "to madden," from Latin in furia "in a fury," from ablative of furia (see fury). Related: Infuriated; infuriating; infuriatingly.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 2 months ago
    Not just "taught" to respect, for those of us that learned at least "Some" truth about our founders, our country and the unique American experiment came to respect all of these things because they were worthy of our respect.
    Today's youth and even the middle aged, didn't learn those things and in fact, were taught the opposite...so why do we wonder why, they have no respect for these things..?
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  • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
    The concept of the "melting pot" was easy for us to understand, even at age six. Different races, creeds, and appearance go into the pot but instead of remaining different from one another, they become united out of respect for the country and its constitution which offers more to immigrants than anywhere else. Hence the word "United" in United States.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
    The athletes are a low level concern for me. I'd wouldn't be surprised if the average IQ of pro football players is less than 100- lower than the average for the general population. Obviously there are some that have above average IQ, but I don't expect much intellect from pro football athletes. The impression that they feel they know better than the average American only reflects their intellect.
    It's the people who swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution who violate that oath with every action that are the higher priority (and greater aggravation.)
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 2 months ago
    What is ironic is that globalists talk incessantly about unifying humanity, but then do their utmost to emphasize the things that separate us, under the banner of "multiculturalism." It's delusional to think that all human cultures can exist peacefully under one banner, given that the beliefs and practices of some are repellent to others.

    The U.S. is unique, in that it's the first nation founded on the principle of individual freedom. We aren't interested in conquest, but if people are interested in becoming a part of our unique society, we're willing to let them become citizens, if they agree to learn our language and abide by our principles. We have a right to be proud of our country and its symbols, as we represent what can be accomplished by free people in a unified society with a very special culture devoid of fealty to race, religion, or class.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
      Unity is made up of individuals. My intention was not to put down the military, but to point out that is when you need unity, that is, individuals coming together for the purpose of defending ourselves. You must admit Dr., that not everyone is suitable for the military.In certain circumstances individualism must be given up for the sake of efficiency, hence, the chain of command and unquestioned obeyence.But unity in a free society is rare because of the very nature of that freedom. And further, military also means police as well as the various police agencies that are part of the national caretakers.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 2 months ago
        I do find there are serious misconceptions of how an efficient military organization operates, and the role of individuals in it. It is strange that these misconceptions exist even in some military members.

        For starters, the absolute unquestioning obedience to orders is more the exception than the rule. Insightful commanders usually listen to subordinates "on the ground" who may have better information on the situation at hand. There is some tolerance for disobeying orders when circumstances make it the sensible decision. Commanders are supposed to respect the training and experience of junior officers and senior non-commissioned officers to carry out their mission in a manner suited to the real world situation, even if those actions may skirt the rules laid down. If there wasn't a recognition that respect has to go both ways, the American military forces wouldn't be as good at their job as they are. A military force made up of uninspired members treated as cannon fodder is an unquestionable disaster.

        The most extreme recognition of individuality is the right to disobey an order that is in violation of the Constitution, or could be a war crime, as in a violation of the rules of the Geneva convention. That right is spelled out in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. "I was just following orders" is not a defense for any American, even the lowest ranking enlistee.

        Like American society in general, the American military is made up of free individuals who willingly sacrifice some liberties to protect the republic when necessary. Hopefully we will never face the need to return to a conscript military, as the motivation of free individuals to serve is far more representative of American society.

        Just a clarification.
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        • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
          The problem is that I never intended that post as a declaration of fact but used it as an example of unity. My point was that unity as described wouldn't work in a free society, it would require greater regimentation as in the military (The popular conception of).I doubt if anyone has more respect for our armed forces than myself. having known too many people who no longer exist that I admired.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
      Unified, unity, what a bunch of bull pucky. And colonies are unified as are bee nests. However, we are humans, not insects.Unity for humans is and should be a temporary state. We unify for mutual defense against a common enemy. Those few who find that lifestyle acceptable find that the military life is what suits them and where they belong. They are a necessary adjunct to a free society, and there will always be a minority suited for that kind of endeavor.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 2 months ago
        As a retired veteran, and one who bucked the system quite frequently, I find your misguided characterization both ignorant and uninformed. What happened to the idea we are all unique humans, not to be put in ideological boxes?
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        • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
          Awww, gee whiz doc I wasn't being pejoritive. Ya took away mah point. The military by its very nature, utilizing the chain of command, organized to take away individuality but as an individual citizen we are free to act individually and on our own initiative. Citizens who follow on another in lock -step are definitely not free as illustrated by their very actions.The only time that is an effective procedure is in the military. I find that to be neither bad nor good but necessary.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 2 months ago
            Missing the point, Herb. Watch any surgical team in the OR and you see rigid unified discipline for the sake of the best outcome for the patient. Does that indicate medical professionals are mindless automatons?

            Get out of your head, if you can, the purely ceremonial parade marching, symbolic of the old combat formations of the eighteenth century. Just like the UK justices who have preserved their ridiculous powdered wigs dating from the same period, formation marching is more symbolic than anything else, retained for show. The real, important disciplinary training takes place on the firing range and in training simulations.

            The effectiveness of mass formations moving in lockstep began to die with the advent of rifled musketry, and no military organization on the planet today uses the concept. The formation marching has been retained simply because it draws attention, and builds a sense of teamwork. Is a college marching band a collection of mindless drones?
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            • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
              I don't know which one of us is missing the point. I have in ferred nothing as to good vs. bad, only to point out that there is a time and place for unity. You gave a perfect example. Anytime a group is needed in order to accomplish a certain procedure , using the military is a good example, a surgical operation is a perfect example. Hoewever teamwork is not as important as having the best team leader. If a surgery requiring a team is led by the surgeon who invented the procedure this might be the best way to go if there is a choice involved. And in this case, the team would be less relied upon than the man in chargem=, wouldn't you say?
              There is no good or bad in scenarios of this sort. Onlr good, better or best. You will never hear of me doing a put-down about the military or any competent force , the key is competent.
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  • Posted by mminnick 7 years, 2 months ago
    We are taught many things as we grow and mature and not just as children growing to adulthood. I was raised in a military family. My father was career Army. My brother a West Point Graduate I worked as a DoD civilian research scientist for 16 years and as a defense contractor for 24 more years.
    I saw the pride and patriotism of my failt and co workers every day. I saw them live it and sometimes die for it. I saw the country after 9/11. I saw it after Viet Nam. I've seen it in all circumstances.
    One thing is clear to me - it is best when it stands for what is expressed in the pledge and the National Anthem.
    I saw Selma and Birmingham and Montgomery and was sickened. I heard I have a Dream was was moved to tears. The worst and the best of the country.
    All of the lessons of history say this country should not exist, free and whole as it is. We have defied the forces of bigotry and hatred many time and will continue to do so as long as the founding creed of the country is known, loved and followed.
    It is true that "All men (read people) are created equal and have certain inalienable rights ..."
    We follow this and we will be free and whole as a nation. If we don't just cast your eyes eastward and observe the horrors in the middle east..
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    • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
      It is unfortunate that most Americans have not had your experience in reality, but have been taught an alternate reality made up of the dreams and wishes of pessimistic, negative folks who view the world as "Life's a bitch, and then, you die."
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  • Posted by mia767ca 7 years, 2 months ago
    all 12 of the pilots from my Air Force pilot training class who went to Vietnqm came home with the flag over their coffin...
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    • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
      Had they died in WW2 you might be able to fay they died for the preservation of American ideals. But during Viet Nam, they died for political maneuvering.
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      • Posted by mia767ca 7 years, 2 months ago
        very true...I had a 5 hour conversation with Henry Kissinger during a flight from L.A. to NYC...he proudly confirmed that...I was proud I didn't severely hurt him right there...
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        • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 2 months ago
          Exposing him as the evil gun running deep state
          Rockefeller Kakistokrats that he is ,is far better.

          Kissinger remained at Harvard as a member of the faculty in the Department of Government and, with Robert R. Bowie, co-founded the Center for International Affairs in 1958 where he served as associate director. In 1955, he was a consultant to the National Security Council's Operations Coordinating Board.[25] During 1955 and 1956, he was also study director in nuclear weapons and foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. He released his book Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy the following year.[26] From 1956 to 1958 he worked for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund as director of its Special Studies Project.[25] He was director of the Harvard Defense Studies Program between 1958 and 1971. He was also director of the Harvard International Seminar between 1951 and 1971. Outside of academia, he served as a consultant to several government agencies and think tanks, including the Operations Research Office, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
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        • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
          It would have caused you grief and had no effect on anything except a certain degree of self-satisfaction.
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          • Posted by mia767ca 7 years, 2 months ago
            sending a message would have been important...but I had the rest of my life to lead and a family to raise...I made the better choice...
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            • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
              There ya go. Life is not always as simple as the choices made in a novel.i tend to think that most men, on their own would make a poor or downright dumb choice. It is the love of a woman and especially, a woman and a child that causes most men to make the "better" choice.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 7 years, 2 months ago
    The melting pot concept evolved into "diversity" when communism infiltrated our culture. The goal is to fragment our country into warring factions then the answer will be communism - the phoenix rising from the ashes. The left are useful idiots as defined by Lenin..
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    • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
      It all boils down to laziness. America was not conceived for those not willing to work, and yes, to struggle. But if one is willing, one can rise to the limit of their intelligence, which is always higher than average.Various socialistic plans are for those who want something for nothing. They all run out of gas once the actual producers catch on that they are the ones being exploited.
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  • Posted by helidrvr 7 years, 2 months ago
    Herb7734, at age 72 I'm probably just as old as you and I was "taught" none of those. I was taught self-reliance, to trust my own judgement, to respect not authority but reason and to never do unto others what I would not have them do unto me.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 2 months ago
      Gotcha beat by 11 years. In any case I'll bet you were instilled with the same values as I was. What's with these punks, anyhow? I'd like to line them up and kick them all in their nether regions. Why waste my breathe and brains arguing with them?
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