Posted by CarolSeer2014 10 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
I believe we have now come to the struggle of the individual vs collective. If any other person (second-hander?) other than Obama were president, we would not be aware of it. It would have creeped up on us, to the point where it would have been too late to fix. Any other comments?
I think a lot of others see the need for change. Don't give up hope!
What has brought it to a head for so many people now is the divisiveness that has come along with this president.
He and his administration have divided the people on every front they can think of.
Democrat Vs Republican (actually anyone other than democrat to be honest)
Women Vs Men
Black Vs White
Citizen Vs immigrant
Citizen & legal Immigrant Vs Illegal immigrants
Its horrible, and those are only some of the surface fissures.
contrast between government control of the individual
and personal control of the individual, because of
BHO's ascending to the presidency. this is a real
"look to the bright side" value;; Thank You!!! -- j