If the government comes to your door, just tell them that you have no guns; because you went duck hunting and the canoe tipped over and you lost everything. . .ect.
"Some things are worse than death." You, Sir, have hit the nail on the head. (Probably with that fancy ass hammer that Kathy has.) :) (I LOVE when people talk sense...even when (especially when) it makes others practically plug their ears.) I will buy you one, very large, ice cold, virtual beer of your choosing. :)
Yes, sadly, that (above) will be the only option: die or become a slave.
I don't think it's wise to talk about this very much. But I think each of us needs to do some soul-searching: are YOU ready to make that ultimate sacrifice?
David, are you "pounding the lectern" again. This is not funny and it is going from bad to worse.. All of history proves that those of us who are not going to "go along" will be murdered... that is a fact. Some are already publicly talking about killing the gun owners, as their answer to destroying our 2nd amendment rights.... turn in your neighbor for $1000.00.....most will do this to get unearned money while throwing away their own freedom and not even knowing that they are doing it.... How many Democrats didn't think their own taxes were going to go up ???? Stupid, idiotic people who don't have a clue, don't even know the difference between freedom and communism, being educated by public unionized schools, listen to the media for all their info and be programed and programed and programed til there is nothing left in the brain to make an intelligent decision..... OK. I am done with the lectern for today....
(I LOVE when people talk sense...even when (especially when) it makes others practically plug their ears.) I will buy you one, very large, ice cold, virtual beer of your choosing. :)
I don't think it's wise to talk about this very much. But I think each of us needs to do some soul-searching: are YOU ready to make that ultimate sacrifice?
Most of us, when the time comes, will not be.
... hand over your hammer. heh heh