The Custom Service and Border Patrol used to be able to deny people with a communicable disease entry. That changed in the 80's. If someone with AIDS told you they were going to infect every person they possibly could you could not deny them entry. It was politically incorrect and unfair. The lib/progressive won't be satisfied until they've killed us all.
If you can find it you might want to watch the film, "We're Here to Help" Some people believe that things in the IRD improved after the film, and that may be true, but it is still a bureaucracy that grinds some innocent NZ citizens to bankruptcy. I personally know of two such good people.
Having said that, I would leave the US to live there in a heartbeat.
This is a huge danger and vulnerability because of how easy it is to move around the world now.
Any sufficiently virulent disease with a relatively long incubation period where the infected person is contagious. But before frank symptoms appear will slip right through any and all border security. No matter what country you are talking about.
The longer the incubation and contagious period, the more widely rooted the outbreak becomes.
The ONLY reason Ebola hasn't spread around more than it has is where it is originating.
If a disease like that originated in Europe for instance, it could infect a scary percentage of populace before frank symptoms and deaths began to appear.
With the further danger that Europe is a major transit point for the world. Providing vulnerability to almost any country in the world.
Epidemics/Pandemics are terrifying, and for good reason.
The black plague wiped out a good bit of Europe and the average mortality then, without modern medicine was roughly what Ebola is even with modern medicine.
And diseases mutate, which will also affect their virulence and mortality.
The deceased healthcare worker was working as part of a project sponsored by Samaritan's Purse. Samaritan's Purse is a charity run by Franklin Graham, the son of the famed Christian preacher Billy Graham. The Graham family is of noble character, but altruism has its penalties.
Some people believe that things in the IRD improved after the film, and that may be true, but it is still a bureaucracy that grinds some innocent NZ citizens to bankruptcy. I personally know of two such good people.
Having said that, I would leave the US to live there in a heartbeat.
Any sufficiently virulent disease with a relatively long incubation period where the infected person is contagious. But before frank symptoms appear will slip right through any and all border security. No matter what country you are talking about.
The longer the incubation and contagious period, the more widely rooted the outbreak becomes.
The ONLY reason Ebola hasn't spread around more than it has is where it is originating.
If a disease like that originated in Europe for instance, it could infect a scary percentage of populace before frank symptoms and deaths began to appear.
With the further danger that Europe is a major transit point for the world. Providing vulnerability to almost any country in the world.
Epidemics/Pandemics are terrifying, and for good reason.
The black plague wiped out a good bit of Europe and the average mortality then, without modern medicine was roughly what Ebola is even with modern medicine.
And diseases mutate, which will also affect their virulence and mortality.