Quote of the week: “The only way we will get sexism out of politics is to get more women in politics”

Posted by $ CBJ 7 years ago to Politics
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Hillary does it again. Women already comprise 52% of the voters. Sexism isn't the problem and is not the reason she lost.
SOURCE URL: http://www.phillyvoice.com/hillary-clinton-returns-to-philly-to-talk-election-her-book-and-the-way-forward/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
    Restrict voting to those who earn it by producing, understanding and supporting the original intent of the constitution, and knowing the real issues instead of being distracted by the divisive propaganda rubbish of statists like Clinton. Then sexism will not be an issue for the rational voters that remain.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 7 years ago
      Well said!

      It is amazing how many people buy into the "everyone else is the problem" mantra that so many leftists seek to exploit. In the end, the only person you have any control over is yourself. Personal control starts there.

      What is absolutely disgusting is that Hillary Clinton is the one saying these things. Her moral position is lower than a hole in the ground reaching to China.
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  • Posted by term2 7 years ago
    Women have priced themselves out of the market with all these sexism claims. Now, I would take a few pre-emptive steps:

    1) Never touch a woman colleague or business associate or person under 18 under any circumstances or for any reason.
    2) Never be alone with a woman colleague or busines associate or person under 18 under any circumstances or for any reason
    3) Avoid hiring an american woman if equal talent is available elsewhere to avoid possible sexual harrassment allegations. (This part is really unfortunate)
    4) Never comment to a woman (or a man for that matter) on their physical characteristics or "sexiness".
    5) Treat all co-workers and business associates and particularly persons under 18 as if they were asexual beings.
    6) Think twice about the legal and politically correctness ramifications of dealing with people in general.
    7) No hugging or touching of other people without realistically considering what they might claim later if they want to 'get even'.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
      If me dino ran a business with a chain of stores, departments or whatever, I'd place all the above in a memo and send it to all the male managers.
      Female managers? Do believe I'd omit #3 after considering #6.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
    Maybe all those women in politics augments the problem because it seems that many men that are attracted to power are still powerless to resist the "Evil Rays" that the muslims think emanates from the hair on their heads.

    I think that women, just as men, that seek power, have self control issues...I'd sooner see Conscious Human Beings representing us; but that is a very rare commodity these days.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
    As I mentioned here earlier...I was sitting in disgust watching MSNBC's coverage of the Al Franken story when, at the end of the story which obviously made the reporters very uncomfortable, a female reporter said, "Well, this just shows a need for more diversity."

    Still...STILL I don't know what that was supposed to mean. No, it shows a need for an offender to get a knuckle sandwich from an outraged husband, brother, or father.

    Leftists are master linguists. Many of their statements are rope-a-dopes for the addled masses.

    What has prompted their mass discomfort in all these recent developments is that the type of activities reported always feel like they lead back to Bill Clinton. Now, they are all reporting on stuff that they thought they could continue to gloss over. Nope...
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    • Posted by term2 7 years ago
      Franken is probably not suited to be in congress in the first place. Wasnt he a comedian in a previous life? Last thing we need in congress.

      That said, women are coming out of the woodwork and his future is doomed without even any court hearings. Its all done through allegations. This isnt right.
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      • Posted by $ 7 years ago
        The infamous photo was more than an allegation.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years ago
          I dont see the harm done. When women wait for years to all of a sudden claim horrible consequences, it just doesnt sit well with me. How would one assess damage from that photo?
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          • Posted by $ 7 years ago
            From an Objectivist viewpoint, would it be okay to have a colleague take (and maybe circulate) a picture of you striking the same pose with a female co-worker? By a strict definition, it's not an initiation of force and does not constitute fraud. But it's definitely an invasion of personal space. Perhaps the Objectivist definition of individual rights needs to be further refined.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years ago
              Interesting point. If you mean a female worker circulating a picture of me in some compromised position without my knowledge or approval, I suppose I wouldnt think it was appropriate, but on the other hand theres no harm done unless the picture caused me some harm in a politically correct venue. But I would simply respond that I was not aware of it, and no one should assume that some "relationship" existed where there was none.

              It isnt a classy thing to do in any event. I do think that "class" has been abandoned to a large degree in our modern culture, and I wish it would return. Theres a book "class with the countess", written by (of all people) one of the real housewives of new york, where she sort of defines "class" as having consideration for other people and making them feel comfortable around you. Sounds good to me. I think the housewive was Countess LuAnn.

              I am not into the real housewives to any great extent, but when I see something of merit, I will check it out.
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            • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
              No...this doesn't demonstrate a flaw in Objectivism.
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              • Posted by $ 7 years ago
                I didn't say it demonstrated a "flaw" in Objectivism, I said the Objectivist definition of individual rights may need to be further refined. There are plenty of issues in philosophy that Objectivism has not thoroughly explored.
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                • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
                  I see. Well, I don't think Objectivism addresses your example. But, does it need to? Hmmm. I wouldn't think so.
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                  • Posted by $ 7 years ago
                    Philosophy, in this case Ethics, needs to address reality and real-life issues. It is the fundamental means of evaluating such issues. Ignoring or sidestepping such issues undercuts any claim that Objectivism is "a philosophy for living on Earth."
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          • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
            Well, she didn't know it happed when it did because she was asleep. Then, upset, she sat on it for a while (I forget how long). I think she was wrong in that and I don't understand it. I've had a few lady friends try to explain it to me but I don't get it. He's still wrong and should get the knuckle sandwich. And, I think there is harm done by this. What if he were dangling a noose over her head and she were African American? "No harm done"? B.S.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years ago
              I would just argue that whatever harm was done was so slight that she didnt report it or sue him back then. If it cost her a job or something tangible, I could see it.
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              • Posted by $ 7 years ago
                There can be costs to reporting such behavior or suing its originators, especially in a career environment (such as the entertainment industry) where such behavior is widespread and enabled by others in a position of authority (including the authority to hire and fire). Many of those who did fight back earlier probably lost career opportunities without ever knowing the cause. The issue needed to reach "critical mass" to lower the risk of reporting such behavior.
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                • Posted by term2 7 years ago
                  I understand your point. I would say that there are always conditions of employment which must be accepted in order to obtain that employment. If you dance to the music, you have to pay the piper

                  Agreeing to have sex really shouldn’t be a job requirement for most jobs , but if it is and you want the job, it’s consensual and ok

                  There are plenty of other job requirements to accept if you want most jobs- arrive on time, defer to the instructions of the boss, adhere to safety regulations, wear uniforms or adhere to a dress code, etc Having sex with an undesirable boss is most likely one that should convince most people to look for another job
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 7 years ago
    Wonder why it took so long for this quote to appear...
    Then, again, Hillary has been slowing down, of late (though I wish her mouth would simply quit working, altogether).
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  • Posted by chad 7 years ago
    When it comes to choosing who will have power the constitution should be followed, no one should have power. The moment someone has the right to use violence to take from another the Mafioso operation has become legitimized and the opportunity or ability to resist it vanishes.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years ago
    There used to be a time when men would tip their hats to women walking down the street and a vulgar word to a woman on the street would immediately bring to her defense - and the offenders pain - a half-dozen onlookers. I credit the feminist movement with the destruction and shaming of respect for women.
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  • Posted by TheRealBill 7 years ago
    Saw the headline in my email and thought “Did Hillary speak again?”, was not disappointed. Well no more than the statement itself is disappointing in and of itself.
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