Ever consider this?
Posted by flanap 12 years, 2 months ago to Technology
I am sure many agree that there are world powers directing major events over the world to their own end...so be it. Now is where the controversy begins...
I believe the Bible, in God, Jesus Christ, and that there is a Prince of the Power of the Air (Satan), roaming the world and is so immensely arrogant that he thinks he can become like God.
That being the case, I believe that all the peak oil scare and energy independence ties perfectly in with GRIN advancements (genetic, robotic, AI and nanotechnology) in that since Satan's minions running the world tangibly want to advance themselves through technology, someone (supposedly the surfs who are us) will need to run the technology and that will take energy derived from oil and gas reserves.
I completely do not think we are even close to running out of oil and gas, but we are being told we need to get off of it for the fallacious idea that using it is harming the world and will shorten our lives. The real reason is that they want the energy for themselves so they need to reduce our dependence on them to make the shift much more palatable.
Additionally, the internet will be Satan's counterfeit of God's omniscience and omnipresence which God inherently possesses.
How does this tie in with AS, Ayn Rand and the like? Well, you make your own choice and I will make mine...mine is to believe in absolutes (like God and the fact that Ms. Rand actually lived) and view the world from the perspective of He who made it in the first place.
Just a thought...
I believe the Bible, in God, Jesus Christ, and that there is a Prince of the Power of the Air (Satan), roaming the world and is so immensely arrogant that he thinks he can become like God.
That being the case, I believe that all the peak oil scare and energy independence ties perfectly in with GRIN advancements (genetic, robotic, AI and nanotechnology) in that since Satan's minions running the world tangibly want to advance themselves through technology, someone (supposedly the surfs who are us) will need to run the technology and that will take energy derived from oil and gas reserves.
I completely do not think we are even close to running out of oil and gas, but we are being told we need to get off of it for the fallacious idea that using it is harming the world and will shorten our lives. The real reason is that they want the energy for themselves so they need to reduce our dependence on them to make the shift much more palatable.
Additionally, the internet will be Satan's counterfeit of God's omniscience and omnipresence which God inherently possesses.
How does this tie in with AS, Ayn Rand and the like? Well, you make your own choice and I will make mine...mine is to believe in absolutes (like God and the fact that Ms. Rand actually lived) and view the world from the perspective of He who made it in the first place.
Just a thought...
Unfortunately, it can be used by people for evil purposes (eg. UN taking over the internet-big brother).
Peak Oil is a misunderstanding of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and of how technology evolves. The Earth is not an isolated sytem, nor the solar system, nor the Universe. All peak resource/environmental arguments are based primarily on this misunderstanding.
In AS, the argument was that the country/world was in a "crisis" and it was not fair that one person or group controlled a "needed" resource. For your reference on the concept of "peak", please see: