Commie Cars

Posted by rbroberg 7 years, 4 months ago to Humor
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I agree with everything in this article except most of it. :D

My favorite picture is that of the Tarpan. What's yours?

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  • Posted by starguy 7 years, 4 months ago
    "In a Yugo"

    As the snow flies

    At a used car lot on the edge of town
    A liberal guy and a liberal gal
    Buy a Yugo
    And they drive with pride

    Cause if there's one thing that this world needs
    It's environmental friends who'll take the lead
    In a Yugo

    They say, "people don't you understand
    Those suburbans are ruining the land"
    But they'll wish they had a full size van one day
    They point fingers at you and me
    They say we're too blind to see
    But do we simply use our heads
    And choose another way?

    As those small wheels turn
    Fifty miles to the gallon
    And their knees on their chest
    They're gonna save enough gas
    For all of the rest
    In a Yugo

    Then one day on the interstate
    They suddenly lose control
    They swerve to miss a baby duck
    They're squashed beneath a produce truck
    But they drove with pride...

    And as the crowds drive past a little flat car
    You know they saved a lot of gas
    But they didn't get far
    In a Yugo

    And as they're trapped inside
    At a used car lot on the other side of town
    A liberal guy and a liberal gal
    Buy a Yugo....

    And they drive with pride...
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  • Posted by TheOldMan 7 years, 4 months ago
    At some time in the 1980s, a friend of ours had a Yugo. She, two other guys and I were in SF looking for a parking spot. She pulled to one and the four of us lifted the car and moved it sideways into the spot! To make it really funny, she is about 6', one guy was maybe 5'10", I'm 6'4" and the other fellow is 6'6"! Clearly we were much more flexible at that time. It helped that we had already been to one club and were on our way to another...
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 4 months ago
    The icon of Communist cars was always the East German produced Trabant: plastic body over a steel frame, godawful gutless stinking two cycle engine. The only more laughable auto design from the era was probably the UK produced Robin Reliant, a three wheel monstrosity with a penchant for rolling over on even the mildest of sharp turns (see the UK Top Gear reruns, which made enormous fun stock of this auto).
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 4 months ago
    Those three cars in the top photo look like little things to pack circus clowns into. Old dino saw as much as a runty kid under a big top circus tent.
    Also recall the ringmaster saying not to mind where a rain storm water leaked through tent rips because it was pure water dripping down from heaven.
    No, I wasn't in Poland. I was in Dothan, Alabama, where I did most of my growing up.
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