Hi. My name is... Kate Jones

Posted by $ puzzlelady 10 years, 8 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch... in fact, I've been here a long time already. My 20-hour workdays don't often allow more active participation. I've been designing and making intellectual games and puzzles ("gamepuzzles") for 35 years, hence my "puzzlelady" moniker. I am also an editor/proofreader on the side.

I've been in Objectivism since 1958. I met Ayn Rand in 1965 at a lecture series. My interest in human consciousness--thoughts, ideas, reality and replication--has led to my developing an original meme theory (book in the making), and my other nicknames are Memehunter and Mind Junkie.

Memes are a key to why people so often disagree, sometimes to bloody extremes, and why some folks online just can't seem to resist calling each other names and putting each other down instead of examining their differences objectively and collaborating for mutual benefit. After all, as our greatest teacher pointed out, there are no conflicts of interest between rational people. Now if we can just identify those psycho-epistemological commonalities, those unifying premises. Wouldn't it be great to achieve the next leap forward in human evolution in our lifetimes and banish force and fraud from human interactions forever?
SOURCE URL: http://www.gamepuzzles.com/kjbio.htm

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  • Posted by BrettRocketSci 5 years, 7 months ago
    Hello Kate. Your bio on your gamepuzzles website is full of amazing stories. I have been checking out your puzzles too. Have you ever thought of making puzzle and activity books that are explicitly to educate about and promote Objectivism? I would love to talk with you about that idea. Can we talk? Thanks, Brett
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 7 months ago
      Sure, Brett, I'd be happy to talk with you. Be aware, though, that I promote Objectivism's principles and psycho-epistemology, though not by that specific name. It is difficult enough to push free-market and individualist values while avoiding all appearance of political bias. Overt capitalist partiality and uttering the name of Ayn Rand are usually the kiss of death with 99% of the people I interact with. Pointing out that things like Kickstarter and Go Fund Me are the essence of capitalist enterprise can be helpful in expanding the understanding of people whose minds have been closed by socialist indoctrination and who react with suspicion and disapproval at the slightest hint of non-altruist tendencies. I do manage to get some acceptance of my Libertarian status, mostly because they don't really understand what that means.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 8 months ago
    Welcome Kate. I would love to hear more about the time you met Ayn Rand. Welcome to the Gulch.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 7 months ago
      Hi, Rich. Thanks. It was at an Objectivist lecture series, the old NBI courses. Ayn Rand gave the first one in person, the other 19 on tape. She was flanked by her husband and Nathaniel Branden. I was going through a difficult time in my personal life, contemplating divorce over irreconcilable differences. After she delivered the first lecture, I approached her and asked, "Does your husband agree with everything you say?" She replied, "Of course. He HAS to." I thanked her for this poignantly relevant remark. A year later I got the divorce.
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