After the church murders, this is insightful

Posted by RobMorse 7 years, 1 month ago to News
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I wrote about the murder at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas. One of my readers said it better than I did. I love his brevity and insight. Look at the photo to see his words.
Not sure if this belongs in news, philosophy, or culture. More as you see fit.
SOURCE URL: https://slowfacts.wordpress.com/2017/11/07/gun-control-failed-again-at-the-first-baptist-church-of-sutherland-springs-texas/

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  • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 1 month ago
    After reading an article about how Chicago is whining and complaining about how maligned they are, and that until someone wants to throw a lot of money at them (that they can then spread around their cronies and pretend they did something that failed because of a lack of resources and evil right wing people) this article at least has it right. It is the idiot with the gun, not the gun itself. The idiots being bred today with no respect for others, who will do violence on others, and if not with a gun, then with a bat, a car, anything. That gunman should have been left in jail, and put under some restraint, not allowed out and "slipping through" a system that could work, if you did not practice GIGO. Had the Air Force done it's job, gun control would have worked fine. Had people reported his threats to police, and police acted on it (despite a legal system that seems to hold everyone unaccountable for anything they do), he would not have had a gun. The current gun control is already strict, but it depends on having good data.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 1 month ago
    Bigger words with more syllables would add nothing to this article. Good citizens such as NRA members are not the villains. Murderers are evil persons that all the gun laws on the books cannot stop their horrible intent. Why haven't we learned this by now? I am starting to believe that no gun control advocate is allowed to have an I.Q. over 65.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 1 month ago
    Me dino wrote something like this this recently in The Gulch. So I'm writing it a little differently here to be less boring~
    I'm a trained to shoot licensed concealed carry. When you carry concealed, no one knows you are carrying even in a designated gun free zone (or a place where juicy helpless targets of opportunity amble about like sheep deluded over their safety.
    If I can pull that off, so can blood-thirsty maniac. So me dino will always carry as long as there isn't a metal detector manned by a man with a gun who tells me what to do.
    A man with a gun who tells you what to do. Where in the name of Atlas have I read something like that before?
    Anyhoo, me dino avoids such manned metal detectors as much as possible.
    That way, should a mental malfunction screened by a machine in a gun free zone want to bash in my head with some handy blunt object, at the very least I can threaten to blow his off.
    Me dino is old now with aches and pains. Should some violent idiot just have to make me do it, I'd much rather place exertion on my trigger finger.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 1 month ago
    That's a nice, simple, to-the-point quote in the pic.

    It says "any solution to the problem of [evil, craziness, and stupidity]..." There may not be a "solution". I think we get into trouble when see a problem related to crime and look for the solution. Crime has always been with us. I hope someone finds a solution. But the existence of crime does not mean our society is failing. We have a low violent crime rate. There may or may not be a solution to make the crime rate zero.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 1 month ago
      CG, the solution is so simple and yet will never be implemented. Whatever you do to others, gets done to you. No debates, no prisons, not need to "rehab" idiots, if you beat your wiffe, your wife gets to beat you, or a suitable stand in. You kill someone, then, once convicted, you go out back and get the same. If people actually had to live with the possibility of the evil they visit on others boomeranging back on them, there would be a lot less of it. First few examples would quickly put a kabosh on a lot of this. Simple, cheap and effective. And it does not make everyone else pay to keep some moronic clown locked up, or having to hire people to try to herd them like sheep, and lose track of them anyways. Absent that, carry your own weapon and defend yourself.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 1 month ago
        Agreed. We need vigorous implementation of the death penalty for murderers and something similar for rapists (my wife would have them all castrated). There should be appropriate disincentives for crimes.
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 1 month ago
          My only problem with that (and I have come to realize that within the past few years), is that there are just too many mistaken convictions. (Otherwise, I would side with your wife). A man in Virginia spent over 30 years in jail before it was found he was not guilty (I think this was shown by DNA).
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          • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 1 month ago
            While I understand the hesitation, with modern DNA evidence and forensic techniques, false convictions have dropped dramatically in the past 30 years. Unsolved crimes and related crimes are now being solved at an unprecedented pace - especially serial theft cases. I found some information here: https://www.forensicmag.com/article/2...

            Ultimately, however, we have to either believe in the criminal justice system or we have to figure out something different. If we allow our fear of making mistakes to drive the way we create our laws and drive our court systems, we cease to be an objectively-oriented society.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 1 month ago
            Agreed, there needs to be a stronger evidenciary requirement, but that can be handled with a lot of technology. There is a system in place using cameras on a plane flying at 10,000 feet that records the whole city area, it was tested in Juarez, texas, and they had a killing in an alley, were able to trace the cars, where they came from, and 2 drug cartel leaders by tracing their movements. Closed the murder in 3 days with a solid conviction. That type of technology allows for a open and shut process. They should have taken the murderers out and shot them, making it quid pro quo, and be done with it.
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    • Posted by DeanStriker 7 years, 1 month ago
      Anarchy, aka the Voluntary system without GOVERNment, frees people to be their own judge, jury and prosecutor. Therein is a better solution.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 1 month ago
        Yes, but the mob has little interest in facts, hence the votes for Hillary.
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        • Posted by DeanStriker 7 years, 1 month ago
          So why have we such interest in the mob? Most of those on our ballots are merely mobsters.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 1 month ago
            The Mob can be ruled in some fundamental ways, such as announcing a person fondled you, raped you, etc to derail an election. They are ruled by emotion, not facts or logic. The lamestream media specifically targets the mob, congress panders to them with an ersatz tax bill that screws the middle class with decreasing tax reductions over time, while the upper brackets retain theirs and corporate taxes goes to 20% from 35%. Congress is 2 mobs, and they fight for turf and like the good ol mobs, the civilians get caught in the crossfire.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 7 years, 1 month ago
      I think most of US realize this. It's THEM that's the problem. You know, those people who think the government is the answer to every problem. (Somehow this got moved down. I am replying to CircuitGuy, who says "There may not be a "solution.")
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 7 years, 1 month ago
        And in response to "whatever you do to others, gets done to you," (nickursis) - yep for evil and stupid. No sure that would work for the truly crazy.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 1 month ago
          I don't now, give them a chance to use meds, go off meds, too bad. We have reached a tipping point, where violence and murder is considered "bad, go to jail (or get probation)), vice a truly heinous crime.
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