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  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 3 months ago
    One thing I would point out is that there is a very small number of Republicans who are blocking the important reforms which have been put before them. And I'm going to name name: Susan Collins of Maine, John McCain of Arizona, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. These three senators are all responsible for the defeat of the ACA reform bill, the budget, and every other Republican-backed initiative to reduce government. Because these three side with the Democrats, the "Republican-in-name-only) majority in the Senate quickly flips to 51-49 Democrat (and Mitch McConnell doesn't help).

    I don't buy the hyperbole that ALL Republicans are to blame. Let's put it where it squarely belongs: on a very small contingent in the Senate. And add in there every single Democrat obstructionist.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
      What you say sounds correct. McCain in particular just hates Trump because Trump said he preferred soldiers who didnt get caught (which I agree with actually).
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    Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
    I strongly agree with this article. I don't have parts to highlight; I'd highlight it all.

    The article rightly says Republicans give lip service to small gov't, but it's hard to find cases of them actually executing on that.

    At the same time, their fringe rednecks have gone mainstream:
    - Rejection of the concept of facts/reality, like a less-intellectual form of post-modernism
    - Bigotry
    - Disrespect for the law
    - Anti-intellectualism
    - Crass behavior
    - Mean-spirited attitude
    - Victim thinking
    - Being easily offended while accusing everyone else of being easily offended
    - Conspiracy thinking, often in transparently self-serving ways

    Most Republicans probably aren't in this group, but they have to go through logical contortions to make the rednecks seems like something other than what they are. We end up with a just-so stories where powerful pro-gov't conspiracies are engaged in complex machinations and disregarding the law and big gov't are head fakes in a complicated strategy. At some point, though, you've got to admit if year after year spending goes up and borrowing goes up, there's no complex chess game. Usually (not always) the simplest explanation is correct. Republicans have been a loose coalition between libertarians, religious statists, and redneck idiots, and the redneck element has become impossible to ignore.

    Republicans typically say this redneck thing, esp the bigotry, is a media narrative. They say education has primed people to look for bigotry everywhere, and with that foundation the media can pick the right sound bites to make anyone look bigoted. Okay, so maybe I've been duped. But we all have to go with our own judgment, and mine says Republicans like President Trump are masters at getting attention by flirting with racism, sexism, and all forms of bigotry. It's the stuff the people in all aspects of my life steer clear of. You hear someone appears sensitive about something, and you just avoid it, unless you're a jerk or someone who stirs the pot. The Republican are the master of seeing someone's upset, and the blowing the dogwhistle in just the right way to bother someone with issues and fire up some lowlifes who feel like victims of the world and this is their chance to hurt someone else for a change, via vicarious bullying. I find it contemptible.

    So as I read this article, I thought people like me are the elephant in the room. There are more of us disgusted by the redneck act than will abide it. That's why Clinton, who is not an esp popular or charismatic figure, got 3M votes more than Trump. Republicans can't count on the electoral college to break in the favor. It can go either way. It won't help with Congress, state, or local offices.

    I think their rednecks are a real problem. They could easily support a redneck figure promising handouts. There is no reason I see they can't be sold on gov't handouts, if the sales job is done right. What Mitt Romney said was true. It's an uphill battle arguing to cut spending because most people do not pay income taxes. I think they've created a monster. It's easy to envision a handout-offering Bernie Sanders, mixed with nationalism, veiled bigotry, anti-intellectualism, victim resentment, some religion, a smattering of convenient scapegoats, and we have a real monster on our hands.

    Republicans seem to think they've got the redneck idiots locked up, so this could never happen. They don't see how close they are to people want free college, paid leave to care for sick kids and aging parents, some kind of a guarantee they can find a good job, free healthcare, help saving for retirement, benefits for kids who tragically lose a parent, free nursing home care, free food for people who've legitimately fallen on hard time.

    I feel like I can approach this with some objectivity because even though I'm registered Democrat, I don't really have a dog in the fight. I don't benefit if they win. I only benefit if the gov't gets out of my life and I send in less in quarterlies and can give money to my colleagues instead of to EFTPS.

    Sorry I wrote a rant longer than the OP article. Cripes. :)
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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 3 months ago
      Frankly, there's a lot of total bullshit in the list of "mainstream" republican traits you present. All of those element are clearly seen from the left though. I do appreciate the way you framed the argument. I am hostile??? LOL

      The reason clinton got so many votes is simple...they were too stupid to fact check and believed state run media (aka they were textbook useful idiots).

      I should add, the losses in two states at governor level was ridiculously predictable. Why would states historically supporting welfare policies and routinely voting democrat not vote democrat again?
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
        Thanks for following my LONG comment.
        "the list of "mainstream" republican traits you present."
        Maybe "mainstream" is a poor word choice. I'm saying they've become harder to ignore, and former mainstream Republicans have to do more logical gymnastics to explain away the freak show.

        "All of those element are clearly seen from the left though."
        This is a key point to what I'm saying. See the paragraphs starting with "I think their rednecks are a real problem." and the one after that. Your comment "all of those elements are clearly seen from the left" is right on the money.

        "they were too stupid"
        Whether it's true or not, the argument that people who see the Republican party as I describe are just too stupid to see that's all a media smear campaign is not a formula for winning elections.

        They're in a tough spot, though, because once the question becomes "are the Republicans the party of white nationalists," even if it's totally unfair, it doesn't matter what the answer is. "Well I'm not a white nationalist," becomes the soundbite. That's so unfair. I do not like politics.
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    • Posted by rbroberg 7 years, 3 months ago
      It is important to note that "fringe rednecks" are not mainstream, but are, rather, two things: (1) a voting block that Trump did indeed exploit with his defining views on immigration and (2) a voting block that Trump exploited which gain disproportionate attention by the Left as an easy example of the support Trump has which is morally defunct.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 3 months ago
      " I'm a registered Democrat" and " I only benefit if the gov't gets out of my life and I send in less in quarterlies and can give money to my colleagues instead of to EFTPS. ". That is a pretty polar opposit set of statements, considering that both parties are equally corrupt, both parties are equally focused on a small group of powerfull donors, such as Hillary's sell the State Dept, Uranium One, and the Republicans egalitarian tax plan that has everyone but corporations and top bracket tax payers screwed by removing the few ways to offset the looters we have. How you can have a business and be a Democrat is beyond me, CG, the Democrats are one step from being the Socialist Party of the US, and the Republicans are one step from becoming the Fascist Party of the United States and you are even siding with either of them? They BOTH want to control your life, and take your money.That is their whole existence, purpose and goal. I'm so fed up with both of them being the 2 sides of the same coin, I'm beginning to think the anarchists have a point.
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      • Posted by rbroberg 7 years, 3 months ago
        Agree. I have not ruled out registering Libertarian, for all the strange hoo-ha of their party, but I cannot in good conscious register for the Democrats or the Republicans, considering neither has MY PERSONAL INTEREST in their policies; not in any way, shape, or form.

        Choosing Democrat or Republican is like choosing between a Warszawa built by government appointees or a Volkswagen built by POW's. I'd rather walk.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 3 months ago
          I had to re-register Independent 15 years ago in disgust, but then you never get to participate in any primaries or anything, as the system locks you out.It's all part of the rigging job they have put in place to make sure people stay loyal to "the party". Only shades away from totalitarianism, are we....
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
        "you are even siding with either [mainstream political party]?"
        I wouldn't go quiet that far because siding means I'd be accepting their narrative of their being locked in a pitched battle, which I do not believe. The "strange hoo-ha of" the Libertarians is too much for me. I wish they'd be moderate, normal, and focused on winning. There'd still be room for an another party that's radical, uncompromising, and losing all elections for those who want to be sanctimonious.

        It does not make it right but many, probably most, people who have a business or practice pick one of the two mainstream parties that's popular in their area and work within it. I clearly see the argument for working with Libertarians, even if they have few people in office, but it should not be at all shocking that I work with the mainstream parties.
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