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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 2 months ago
    We have argued this many times. It is one of the two most difficult tenets of objectivism to argue. I understand Rand's line of reasoning. She argued, one must give precedence to the actual over the potential. Thanks to medical advances, today the potential has greater chance for becoming actual earlier in the pregnancy. I find the practice deplorable, and think it should never be used as birth control. However, I also find myself without moral justification to force a woman to prostrate herself before society and justify her decision. What right do I have to demand she reveal and relive a traumatic experience to gain this control of her own destiny? If a woman is the victim of rape or incest, who am I to tell her what to do in the first trimester? I think late term abortions are barbaric and should be outlawed except in case of medical necessity to save the mother. Better birth control and adoption are more agreeable options. I do not believe it feasible to outlaw it completely, and the law would not stop it in any case. It would just drive it back to the back alleys where more lives would be at risk. How would that be superior? I suspect that in the near future this issue will be diminished by virtue of better birth control. Aren't the numbers already going down? I still struggle with this one.... :(
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    • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
      Please read the article.
      There is no "potential". It is either "actually" a human being, or it is not. A or non-A.

      If it is a human being, then to "abort" it is to kill it. And if that is the case, then you need to fit everything else you have said into that context:

      "However, I also find myself without moral justification to force a woman to"... not kill a human?? I could give you some moral justification for that. And so could Ayn Rand!

      "What right do I have to demand that she"...not kill a human?

      "If the woman is a victim of rape or incest, who am I to tell her"... not to kill a human?

      You see, thinking rationally and in context makes things much clearer.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 2 months ago

        I read the article and understood it. I believe we have a simple disagreement on what constitutes opinion and what is fact. I simply find myself not as resolute as you on the definition of what it is to be human and at what stage a zygote or embryo acquire the same status as the woman. There have been countless miscarriages and stillborn births. This simple fact demonstrates that there is a difference between potential and actual, or at least casts doubt on the premise that all potential will become actual. Because of this birth certificates are issued at birth not before, and therefore full rights as defined by law must then be adhered to. Your argument that the fetus has human DNA is not sufficient because it may also be found in your fingernails as you posit. No one would argue that you can’t dispose of your nails. Your assertion that it is not the same because it has a different combination is also insufficient in the eyes of many. Other people’s fingernails have different DNA combinations. You claim that stage of development is not a criteria essential to be a full fledged human. That is where the objectivist argument is perhaps the strongest, yet to some it is subjective on both sides.

        Tell me The Christian Egoist, in your terms, when is a baby given a soul? Conception? Can you prove this? You will find I am quite receptive to your moral argument if you can answer this question with empirical evidence. Likewise, I am also swayed by an argument that provides evidence of the moment when consciousness or cognitive abilities are evident. This is why I object to late term abortions without reservation. Your conclusion is that objectivist approval hinges upon an evaluation of an individuals humanity. Correct. It is the definition of what it is to be a human that is in question. Your definition is unfortunately not embraced by all. Even if I agree to your definitions, you have no better solution, than to return to the days of back alley abortions... You offer only condemnation of a human failing that laws have not prevented since time immemorial. How will that improve things? I desire an alternative. The morning after pill seems just as objectionable to right to lifers…

        Your closing paragraph closes with ad-hominem name calling and condemns “cowardly, evasive, pseudo-intellectuals” on the basis of their subjectivity, yet your criteria seem just as subjective. With what I view as subjectivity on both sides, I personally lean on the side of life, but others see things differently. Though I must say, you make as compelling an argument as I have heard. Having said all of that; I am more in your camp than you know. I appreciate your humanity. Being a man, it is not a problem I have had to face, though I would like to believe that except perhaps to save my own life, were I in such a circumstance, I would choose life. I am just waiting for an argument or development that is indisputable and without subjectivity on either side. I would like to live in a world where abortions are non-existent, where people were responsible, rape and incest did not occur, birth control was 100% effective, all children were born to a mother that wanted and cared for their offspring and child abuse and death did not occur due to unwanted pregnancies. Do you have workable solutions to these problems that have yet to be tried? If so, I am very interested.

        Note: I am not an "objectivist" and I do not strictly adhere to objectivist dogma or I would place no limit on abortion except the discretion of the woman. For me, that would be doctrinaire.

        "Rationally and in context..." yeah... right... I'll try to remember that... sounds a bit condescending to me... Still, I did enjoy the exchange and reading your perspective. Who is John Galt?

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  • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
    PLEASE: Read the actual article before posting.

    There are a lot of comments (in fact, the majority) which completely ignore the actual article posted here. The article outlines and refutes the most popular and evasive arguments "for abortion"... and yet everyone in this thread keeps committing the same fallacies:
    -Changing the Subject
    -Definition by Non-Essentials
    -Subjective Views of Rights

    There's one other fallacy being used a lot which I did not include in the article, and that is:
    -Morality by Extremes (or by Emergencies).

    This isn't a random post about "Abortion in General". There is a very specific argument presented which would be good to engage.

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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
    Until someone can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt when human life begins, all arguments are feckless. I know this is a daunting task. I've tried. Does human life begin…
    1) At the twinkle of an eye?
    2) When sperm and egg connect?
    3) At twenty weeks of gestation?
    4) When the fetus is capable of living independently of the womb?
    5) At delivery?

    I'll applaud anyone who takes up the challenge.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
      It's actually very simple (as the article points out).

      The thing being aborted: what species is it? Human or other? It's not a frog or a giraffe. It's human. Is it alive or dead? Alive. So, it is a live human being. Pretty simple.

      This is spelled out in more detail in the article.
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
        The mother is a human. Her womb belongs to her. If she cannot control her own body, she is reduced to the level of a farm animal impregnated for the sole purpose of insuring profit for the rancher. What manner of ego run amok does it take to demand control of woman's reproduction?

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        • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 2 months ago
          Agreed. Even condoms aren't 100% effective. It's an unwanted trespasser on private property. Doesn't she have a right to remove it from her body?
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
            She invited the "trespasser" into her body when she invited the penis into her body.

            I will never ever understand people who fail to connect cause and effect:

            You perform the act whose function is to create a baby, and then act outraged when you actually get pregnant.

            That's like eating a bucket of ice cream and then acting outraged that you got fat.

            However, I will accept your argument *only if it is applied equally in all cases*.

            Agreed? Okay then, I have the right to stick a pair of scissors in the back of the head of any illegal aliens I encounter.
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        • Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years, 2 months ago
          Granted her womb is her own. Until she becomes pregnant. At which time, she is no longer responsible unto her own self but the fetus as well. The time for her to control her reproduction is BEFORE the fact, not after. You are the one equating her to a 'farm animal', not me. I give her the absolute right to have sex whenever and with whomever but she must bear the responsibility of ensuring a state of non-fertility. In instances where she has no control of the act of sex, some leniency can be enjoined but those should be adjudicated on a case by case basis. I guess you've never stood in the place of a man who cannot stop a woman from destroying a part of his future. I have. So, until you do, SHUT UP.
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          • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
            "In instances where she has no control of the act of sex, some leniency can be enjoined but those should be adjudicated on a case by case basis. I guess you've never stood in the place of a man who cannot stop a woman from destroying a part of his future. I have. So, until you do, SHUT UP."
            this is clearly an issue you feel personally about. I am sorry for your pain. but you cannot pick and choose who gets to have an opinion on such a large issue, john. The debate is healthy and persuade away, but others feel just as strongly as you do, and I do not want to be legislated de facto gender. That is in the past, and women are not property. where does it stop? can you force her to eat properly, not take drugs, stop from falling purposefully down a flight of stairs? Force will never be the good answer.
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          • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
            Hell no I will not shut up! Do you think you are
            the only man to face impotence in the face of
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            • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
              I am finding it more than passing ironic that this site has many participating females and none until a few minutes ago entered into this discussion. Why? I wonder why...
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              • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
                I'll look forward to reading woman's views on this subject.
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                • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 2 months ago
                  A woman’s view: The anti-abortion crowd make me laugh. Biology and the bible ( for those who use that as there source of wisdom) demonstrate to me that it is most definitely my decision --at least the first trimester. Why do I say this? Let’s look first at the spiritual aspect from a christian view. Abortions were prevalent during the time Jesus walked the earth. Much more so than today. Not once did he ever mention the moral implication. There was no sinner running for his forgiveness because they took herbs to end an unborn life. Obviously, God didn’t this was as an important issue to address so that we later on would know what to do in the modern world. He is silent on the matter. Biologically speaking, the woman’s body does not immediately accept a pregnancy. It test the viability of the fertilized egg using all available means. It’s one of the reason there is so much nausea and emotion turmoil during the first three months.Some of those chemical and hormone changes are part of a test. NIH reports that half of all fertilized eggs are spontaneously aborted (the term used for miscarriages before the 60’s) before the woman even knows she is pregnant. The woman’s own body will choose to abort a fetus for reasons as callous as the fetus was creating too much heat for comfort or the woman’s body didn’t like the change of heart rate. Going back to viewing this spiritually: it seems to me, that if God wanted us to view fertilization as the most sacred thing that must be protected at all cost, he would have designed a system that did everything that it could do to protect the fetus from the get-go, but instead, he designed a system that allows the woman’s body to decide if the fetus makes it. It’s not until the fifth month does the woman’s body start choosing to protect the fetus over the mother. So to get to the point: I’m a modern woman living in a civilized world. I don’t need a man’s opinion or a lawmakers permission to see that the system I was born with allows for choice. I’m free to use my reasoning skills to aid in my choice. My glands, and respiratory system may decide the fetus is viable, but these psychical systems don’t know a thing about my finances or my social status. I can put this pregnancy through one more test --logic. I can think for myself and say: This is not a good time for a pregnancy. And in Ayn Rand’s words, "The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."
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                  • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
                    Jesus and His disciples were "silent" in condemning a whole host of things that are evil (as well as in commending a whole host of things that are good). They had a very specific message and mission which was NOT "to expound on every possible moral issue".
                    At best, this is an argument from silence.

                    The rest of what you describe is no different than death by natural causes. There was no volition involved in the matter and therefore it doesn't say anything about the morality of that matter.

                    But when you do bring volition into it (at the end of your comment), you are blanking out the nature and context of the thing you are claiming the right to willfully "abort" (i.e. kill). It is a living human being.

                    The rest of what you say amounts to "I'm smart enough to kill a human all on my own -- I don't need other people telling me who, when, or how. It's my choice to kill a human as I see fit."
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                    • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 2 months ago
                      Death by natural causes? If what I was describing was death by natural causes then half the people who go for a run today will drop dead because it’s natural for the body to take offense to sweating. Why doesn’t that happen? Because MY body is designed to take care of me. and in pregnancy, this is especially true the first few months. I don’t agree with abortions after the first trimester because the body has committed to ‘shared housing’, and in the later months chooses to protect the baby first. It is in labor when the pituitary gland releases oxytocin, the bonding hormone in large amounts not at the moment of conception. Thomas More asked the question: "Can we know God by natural reason in this life?” Like More, I believe so by examining His handiwork. Everything that occurs during the first trimester demonstrates a natural period of decision making. You are either mature enough to handle this or not. Finger-pointing and name-calling doesn’t work with me. Shame is a weapon of a coward.
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                  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                    Rand was an atheist.

                    I can think for myself and say: this is not a good time to allow the trash from failed nations to invade my country and screw it up.

                    You can rationalize all you want; it is against the law to, with premeditation, take a human life.
                    Either the law applies to you or it doesn't apply to me.
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                    • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 2 months ago
                      I’m an atheist. This is purely an academic exercise for me. I’m also close to your age so pregnancy isn’t a real concern for me. I can “screw’ as you put it without consequence. Dagny had three lovers. What do you think Ayn Rand was implying?
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            • Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years, 2 months ago
              "...impotence in the face of death?" Yes, I have faced impotence in the face of death but that was something which was not elective. I guess why I get so worked up about this is the fact that at any point in the chain, up to the point of conception, choices could have been made to forestall these consequences. Even removing abstinence as an absolutely failsafe method, the available choices were there. Why should an innocent life (for in my opinion, such it is) be made to be expunged for someone else's convenience? I guess we will probably remain diametrically opposed on this and can agree to disagree. I apologize for my earlier outburst.
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              • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
                Thanks John. I wish that no abortion was necessary, that every child born on Earth was wanted, had two caring parents, and all the necessities and opportunities available. As I wrote on my first post on this thread, someone needs to do the philosophy work necessary to prove the logical starting point of human life. As long as it remains on an emotional level, even people who basically agree will be at loggerheads.
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                • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                  The only abortions that are necessary are those in order to save the life of the mother. And the necessity is her choice to make in that situation.
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 2 months ago
            Oh, pu-leeeze! Get thee to a cup and a surrogate.

            " I swear by my life to live for no man...."
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
              Then don't create a man.

              Without requiring the assumption of responsibility for the results of one's actions, Objectivism becomes the selfish, self-centered, hedonistic philosophy its detractors believe it to be.

              The sex act exists for the purpose of procreation, just as the act of eating exists for the purpose of nourishment. One can enjoy eating, but its purpose is nourishment, and if one over eats, or eats the wrong foods, one should be responsible for dealing with the results.

              Likewise, if one engages in the act whose purpose is the creation of a human life, then one is responsible for the results of that act... no matter how unintended.
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              • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 2 months ago
                So, um, Hiraghm. Are you suggesting I should have only had sex when I'm interested in procreating? Bawahahaha!
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                • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
                  I think he's suggesting that you use your mind to think ahead and consider the potential consequences of your actions, and then accept rational responsibility for such actions (i.e. "I will not murder another human if the consequences of my actions become inconvenient for me) -- should you choose to carry them through....

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                • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                  That would be the mature way to behave. But as sex is an addiction, the first addiction, the one responsible for all addictions, that's hardly a practical scenario.

                  Have all the sex you like. But if the act whose function is to create a baby actually succeeds... be responsible for your actions, and don't make an innocent pay horribly for your behavior and desire to evade responsibility.

                  Personally, my code of behavior is that I will only make love to a woman whom I'm willing to marry and raise a child with.
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                  • Posted by Spinkane 11 years, 2 months ago
                    How can that be a rational argument for a person who has sex for crack cocaine. Responsibility does not enter into it. There is no thought outside, money-drugs. How many abortions are performed on woman who’s life is out of control? It’s a slippery slope. The average person is less than average and can’t be expected to live according ethics. Don’t worry God will deal with them the way he sees fit, let him be the Judge. If that baby is born and they let it die, that’s murder, maybe they contemplate that. I'm just sayin'
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                    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                      People who refuse to live according to ethics either end up in prison or dead.

                      Please explain to me how I'm supposed to follow the rational argument that I can't go around shooting tourists to get money to buy crack cocaine? "Oh, he's on crack, so he gets a pass on that murder"... is that your argument?

                      Responsibility does enter into it. If you are to have authority over your life, you must have responsibility for it. If you behave irresponsibly in a fashion that harms others, we call that a crime and punish you for it. Or at least lock you away from potential victims.

                      So if a crack whore is caught having an abortion, she should have her tubes tied or be given a hysterectomy. At least.
                      The abortionist should get between 25 years and lethal injection.
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                      • Posted by Spinkane 11 years, 2 months ago
                        Wow you’re really passionate about this. I respect your right’s and hope you find relief from the pain it appears to cause you, sincerely. Here’s a joke to lighten. “A zealot is a person who does what God would do if he had all the information.” Abortion has touched my life and it’s such a painful issue I turned it over to God. I’m wrong for being cavalier and shouldn’t wade into these discussions even though the topic is philosophically compelling. Truce.
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                        • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                          I'm passionate about everything I argue about. It's a failing of mine. When I argue, sooner or later I stop taking prisoners. The more people insist on "pragmatism" as their argument, the more passionate I become.
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        • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
          So you start off by saying "who knows!? No-one can know!"

          Then I tell you "it's actually very simple. This is how you know..."

          Then you change the subject to farm animals.

          Again, please *read the article*.

          If the thing being "aborted" is a live human being, then the "choice" to kill it has NOTHING to do with the woman's rights, with her "reproduction", etc.. It has everything to do with the morality of murder.

          Please. Stop changing the subject. If you want to demand that a woman has the right to kill a child, then say so and stop hiding behind evasive language about "choice" and "reproduction".
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        • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
          thank you
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          • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
            It has been a while since I ran into your illogic.
            You are still making the same mistake. You should read a book on critical thinking. It will teach you how to avoid making logical errors and how to spot them in others arguments. Therein you will also learn the use of the syllogism. This tool allows one to take a major premise, a minor premise, and reach a conclusion. The first one learned as an undergraduate is:

            If all men are mortal (major)
            If Socrates is a man (minor)
            Then Socrates is mortal (conclusion)

            Your mistake in this post lies in this line:
            "If the thing being "aborted" is a live human being, then the "choice" to kill it has NOTHING to do with the woman's rights, with her "reproduction", etc.." which takes us from your major premise "If the thing being "aborted" is a live human being " directly to a conclusion
            "then the "choice" to kill it has NOTHING to do with the woman's rights, with her "reproduction", etc.. "
            You have no minor premise. Your logical error is
            known as non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow") Study up and try again.
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            • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
              Read the rest of the sentence: " has everything to do with murder".
              I shouldn't have to spell it out in a syllogism for you.

              Women don't have a special right to murder live humans.
              In an abortion, the thing being "aborted" is a live human.
              To have an abortion is to murder a live human.
              Women do not have the right to have an abortion.

              Therefore, to speak of "women's rights to choose" and "reproductive rights" in the context of abortion is just as hideous a changing of the subject as it would be to refer to slavery as "a white man's right to industry".

              But again, that was in the original article -- which you still apparently have not read.
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              • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
                Yeah you really need to spell it out syllogistically for a simple mind like mine. Is
                your major premise that upon successful connection of sperm and egg a human life is formed? If so, what is your minor premise?

                If an abortion is attempted the next day via the
                morning-after pill would that be murder? If so,
                to what degree?

                Assertion is not proof. Not in a court of law.
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    • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
      When it has a complete, human genetic sequence.
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
        I think all would agree that a zygote is a living thing. But is it a human being? Or is it a potential human being? If it is the latter, should it be accorded that same legal protection as a fully formed independent adult?
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        • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
          Again. Please read the original post (which answers this "question" / evasion).

          It's not a giraffe! Or a frog! There is nothing "potential" about it. It is either a live human or it is not. A or non-A.
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          • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
            1.right to choose vs robbery as right to life: analogy fails because in the case of abortion, the life can ONLY exist with the help of the female carrying the fetus. It is not an independent human. By your own words you are not required to give up your property or your blood to another person without your consent.
            2. there is a difference between whether you think it is a moral decision, however, that does not give the govt the right to use force to require you to act
            3. is the govt going to keep females from having sex? from throwing herself down a flight of stairs? eating properly? keep her from taking drugs? where does the force stop? and why?
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            • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
              Yes, the live human being in the mother's womb can only survive with the help of the mother who is carrying it (to a certain point). This doesn't change the fact that it is a live human being, and that to "abort" it is to murder it. You imply that such an action would be justified since the baby is trespassing in the mother's body, against her will. But is the baby doing so volitionally? Did the baby choose to be conceived in that womb versus another womb? No. The baby is innocent. It has no control or choice in the matter of it being alive in that particular womb -- and therefore to punish it with murder as if it has committed some crime is contemptible.

              Did the mother have any control or choice over the baby being conceived in her womb? Most of the time: ABSOLUTELY. But even if she didn't, it still does not change the fact that the baby is innocent of any crimes and therefore does not deserve death.

              The fact that babies (live human beings) come into reality in a temporary state of dependence upon the mother is just a metaphysical fact of reality which cannot -- and should not -- be evaded. All human adults (and most human teens) know this, and they know what causes it. They are facts of reality. No human should be put to death for the sin of existing -- which is exactly what abortion is.

              Making abortion (killing an innocent human) illegal does not make the mother responsible for caring for any random people, and it does not make her responsible for caring for that specific person (in her womb) for an indefinite period of time. It only means that she must provide the bare-minimum for survival for the innocent human who, by the nature of reality (not by it's own choice) is temporarily dependent upon her, until such time that she can put the child up for adoption.
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            • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
              So if I have a child with Down's Syndrome, I can murder it at will?
              If my husband (or wife, bless this fcked up century and country) comes home from war a vegetable, or a quadriplegic, I can murder him/her?

              You are not required to give up your property or your blood... but the cells, tissues and blood of the unborn child are not yours. They have the child's genetic pattern, not yours.

              You invited the child into your body when you invited the penis into your body to deposit his sperm which was not part of your body into your body.

              Let females have all the sex their vaginas can tolerate, I don't care. But if they want to legally be able to murder the child they create, then I demand the right to murder illegal aliens.

              If you get pregnant, throw yourself down a flight of stairs. But don't be surprised if you end up like the soldier who shot his own toe off...

              The government doesn't require you to act. It requires you to not act.

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              • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
                My sex life is not determined by whether YOU think I have to do something as a result of that. I "invited" a parasite when I ate the wrong food.
                Your comment mixes two concepts. "legally" (force) and moral. Your last premise implies duty. The moral question is complicated and I fall on the side of the living. The fetus cannot survive until a certain point without living person. It begs the argument of extremes, because on that test the moral "obligation" of the pregnant woman will break the premise if the woman dies in childbirth. Who do you save? the fetus or the woman?
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              • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 2 months ago
                Maybe we should think of a fetus like an illegal alien. Like say a women used protection, but it failed and she got pregnant. She didn't invite or want the child, using your words because I myself wouldn't call it a child, and she's simply deporting it off of her property. It isn't her fault it can't survive on its own just like it isn't your responsibility to ensure survivability for a deported illegal. What do you think about that?
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                • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 2 months ago
                  Die Freigabe der Vernichtung Lebensunwerten Lebens
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                  • Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years, 2 months ago
                    "Life Unworthy of Life"-the eugenicist's creed-became, by increments, the Holocaust. Only we have killed more than the Germans did in WW2. They did it under the aegis of law, so do we. Does A=A?
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                    • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 2 months ago
                      You know there's a rule on the Internet, that when one party calls the other a Nazi during an argument, the argument is over and the accuser lost?

                      Godwins Law

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                      • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 2 months ago
                        Yes - I am familiar with this. Thanks for linking to Wikipedia so others can give it a gander - particularly the bit about when the "law" does not apply. When one is discussing a subject that parallels Nazi Germany, saying so is not illegitimate. Telling others they are not permitted to draw the parallel smacks of Political Correctness.
                        The viewpoint I'm drawing from the "right to abort" crowd is the acknowledgement there is a life being taken, and that it's their right to kill it if they view it as unworthy of life by their personal subjective criteria, such as viewing the life as a "parasite". Nope, doesn't sound a thing like Nazi Germany to me. My apologies!
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        • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
          Let me capitalize it in case you didn't actually see what I said..

          When it has a complete HUMAN GENETIC SEQUENCE.

          It's human when it has a human genetic sequence. Human gene sequence = human.

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        • Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years, 2 months ago
          There is nothing 'potential' about it. It is, and there are no permutations of what 'is' is. And, yes, the protections should be the same.
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          • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
            The mother "is" also. Assertion is not proof. The problem with the abortion debate is that all sides want to assert rather than prove their positions.
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            • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
              If it "isn't", there's no need for an abortion.

              My position requires no proof; when a female thinks its pregnant, it can go to a geneticist and verify whether the creature growing within it has a complete human genetic sequence, or if it's a space alien parasite from a movie.

              If it turns out to be a space alien parasite, or a german shepherd, then there should be no legal obstacle to aborting it.

              if it has a complete human genetic sequence, then it is human and its rights are as protected as are the rights of an illegal alien invader. More protected, probably, since the Constitution doesn't protect the rights of non-Citizens - non-guests.
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              • Posted by Spinkane 11 years, 2 months ago
                They weren’t born in the US they don’t have constitutional rights. I have a German Sheppard, I’d freak out if some lady came to claim her “child” I’m hiding my dog; brb.
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              • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
                "My position requires no proof;" Why are you in the Gulch?
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                • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                  My position requires no proof because I'm not making an assertion, I'm stating a verifiable fact.
                  Read the rest of the statement after the semi-colon.
                  Check your premises.
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                  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
                    On re-read, your post is even more disturbing.
                    "When a female thinks its pregnant, it can go to a geneticist and verify whether the creature growing within it has a complete human genetic sequence, or if it's a space alien parasite from a movie." Why do you refer to a female as it instead of she? My experience is that anyone who wants to dehumanize other humans does so by making them objects not living thinking people.

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  • Posted by Spinkane 11 years, 2 months ago
    Live and let live. If I judge you and want you to bend to my will, that gives you the right to do the same to me. Instead, you are free in my eyes; we can be mutual friends without placing demands on each other. Now forcing me to pay for abortions through ACA we can both agree is unjust. I doubt many people are “pro” abortion; that poor choice of words is hostile and probably inaccurate. If you try to live a philosophy and there appears to be conflict one of your premise are wrong; live and let live or conform to my beliefs? You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
      around 40 million dead babies say you're wrong about not many people being pro abortion.

      I'm all for consistency; if I can't murder illegal aliens because I find them inconvenient and funny looking, then someone else can't kill a child they created because s/he is funny looking and inconvenient.
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      • Posted by Spinkane 11 years, 2 months ago
        Didn’t you read the stranger, by Albert Camus? You have that choice, the consequences are grim, but you have a choice. Pro choice is more accurate in most cases. Segueing to Machiavelli, are humans on the endangered species list, or are you just pro population explosion?
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        • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
          Pro-choice is not more accurate, it's a deception.
          I have a "choice" to kill an illegal alien or not to kill an illegal alien. That doesn't make me pro-or-anti-choice; that makes me either pro-murderer or non-murderer.

          Why would I have ever read Camus?

          Do you oppose equal application of the law or not? Why should some people be allowed to kill other people with premeditation, and others not?
          I demand equal protection of the law; if women can conspire and butcher innocent children who've done them no harm, then I should be allowed to conspire and butcher illegal aliens who've indirectly done me much harm, and remind me of that harm every freaking time I try to have a McChicken sandwich.

          I'm very much pro population explosion. We're going to need a *lot* of people to colonize the other planets and eventually the planets circling other stars.

          Btw, the population of the United States is not sustaining itself, particularly the caucasian population.
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          • Posted by Spinkane 11 years, 2 months ago
            So, I’m watching this nature show. There’s a microscopic camera in a mouse hole in the wall; she just had 13 babies. They introduce a cat in the house. The mouse eats all the babies and moves out of the house. Nature is pragmatic. I appreciate we all want protection from violence and this topic is philosophically compelling. I would be happy in a world with no abortion as unsavory as it is, but I push the live and let live envelope. Don’t worry when the population doubles again we will be tagging those illegals. “That old nature”. I guess it’s safe to assume you’ve never did anything like take some acid and hang out in Calcutta? That’d be a bad trip; real eye opener though.
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            • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
              Why are you in the Gulch? We don't follow nature blindly, here, I don't think.

              See, if we were to blindly follow nature, then the Gulch would be run by an autocrat and his oligarchy, with most of the population being serfs. When the tribe became too large for the Gulch to sustain them "naturally", there would be internal conflict and the 2nd most alpha male would lead part of the tribe elsewhere, forming a new tribe.

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              • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
                "Tribalism (which is the best name to give to all the group manifestations of the anti-conceptual mentality) is a dominant element in Europe, as a reciprocally reinforcing cause and result of Europe’s long history of caste systems, of national and local (provincial) chauvinism, of rule by brute force and endless, bloody wars. As an example, observe the Balkan nations, which are perennially bent upon exterminating one another over minuscule differences of tradition or language. Tribalism had no place in the United States—until recent decades. It could not take root here, its imported seedlings were withering away and turning to slag in the melting pot whose fire was fed by two inexhaustible sources of energy: individual rights and objective law; these two were the only protection man needed." AR "Philosophy Who Needs It?"

                The whole point is Man can conquer nature. Once people get beyond the Malthusian trap, the population can triple-we have the ability to feed everyone. Governments get in the way, people themselves get in the way depending on their philosophy-but we have the ability. The population has grown 100 fold since its inception. It is the welfare state which will drive the population away at some point. Drove me away.

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                • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                  Tribalism is the "natural" social form of all apes and monkeys, as pack and herd are the "natural" social form of wolves and cattle, respectively.

                  Uhm... you're quite mistaken about tribalism not taking root here. Hatfields and McCoys? You do remember that little mid-19th century bruhahah between North and South? Maybe you watched an episode of The Waltons? You don't really think the conflicts between the States delegates during the War of Independence were purely, rationally about economics?

                  Without our tribal nature, there's no point to having States, counties, municipalities... or nations.

                  We are in agreement that Man can overcome his nature. But, Man IS instinctively tribal.
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                  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
                    humans do not have instincts. historically, we may have been tribal. historically we thought the earth was flat, we had only four elements, the number 0 didn't exist. The overall structure of the US was not tribal. The Constitution is based on reason and natural rights. No need for tribalism. A hatfield/mccoy situation can exist but overall our system discouraged differences between groups. That has been changing. Whenever govt gives special rights to a group based on race, ethnicity, socio/economic class, sexual preference, gender-that is going backwards-very tribal. It is inefficient, unproductive and illogical. I do like getting a mother's day card, so I still want that Hallmark guilt thing going. ;)
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                    • -1
                      Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                      Of COURSE humans have instincts.
                      We weren't "historically" tribal... tribalism is in our bloodline going back millions of years.

                      Whether there's a need for tribalism or not... it exists.

                      There's no point in arguing with the irrational; this discussion is ended.
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                      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
                        "[Man] is born naked and unarmed, without fangs, claws, horns or “instinctual” knowledge." AR "return of the Primitive

                        Since man has no automatic knowledge, he can have no automatic values; since he has no innate ideas, he can have no innate value judgments.
                        Man is born with an emotional mechanism, just as he is born with a cognitive mechanism; but, at birth, both are “tabula rasa.” Virtue of Selfishness
                        "An instinct of self-preservation is precisely what man does not possess. An “instinct” is an unerring and automatic form of knowledge. A desire is not an instinct. A desire to live does not give you the knowledge required for living. And even man’s desire to live is not automatic . . . Your fear of death is not a love for life and will not give you the knowledge needed to keep it. Man must obtain his knowledge and choose his actions by a process of thinking, which nature will not force him to perform. Man has the power to act as his own destroyer—and that is the way he has acted through most of his history." Galt's Speech

                        I am not irrational

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                        • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
                          I agree. You are not irrational. Hiraghm, however, is.
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                          • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                            It is irrational to presume that man is the one animal on the planet devoid of instinct. How did this miracle occur? Divine intervention?
                            How did our brain and biochemical systems evolve from other forms and yet lose all trace of instinct, even though we retain the brain structures of earlier forms?

                            No, it's irrational to think we are a unique species without some proof that we were plunked down on this planet by space aliens and therefore have no relation to all other mamalian species.

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                            • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
                              Maybe 1-2 million years ago our ancestors acted
                              more on their instincts than on their reason.
                              Since then, however, our brains have grown
                              dramatically especially our cerebral cortex.
                              This expanded capacity allows us to process
                              more complex data input than our smaller-brained
                              relatives are capable of. Ergo we have no need
                              for instincts. Try this link
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                              • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                                What's need got to do with it? Are you saying that sometime in the past million years we excised the R-complex from our brain?
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                            • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
                              I thought you were not discussing this. from an evolutionary standpoint, all organisms other than man have instinct. Having an ability to reason is a severe detriment when the organism is young. The ability to reason allows you to deal with much more complex problems. for instance-building shelter. a baby tiger taken away from its mother will go through motions to hunt. a human devoid of human contact will not hunt, not build shelter, not fashion snare traps, etc.
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                        • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
                          Another situation in which Rand is wrong.
                          Man has instincts like every other animal.
                          It's why whenever I treat an obnoxious woman like an 'equal' (an obnoxious man) I've got 17 million men offering to knock my block off.


                          2 [in-stingkt]
                          filled or infused with some animating principle (usually followed by with ): instinct with life.
                          Obsolete. animated by some inner force.
                          1530–40; < Latin instinctus excited, roused, inspired, past participle of *insting(u)ere; see instinct1

                          From Merriam-Webster Online:
                          noun \ˈin-ˌstiŋ(k)t\

                          : a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is not learned : a natural desire or tendency that makes you want to act in a particular way

                          : something you know without learning it or thinking about it

                          : a natural ability

                          A list of possible human instincts:

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                          • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
                            this list enumerates the "desires" of an organism. and that it is aware of them. that is not instinct. Instinct is an automatic, pre-programmed response to do something necessary for life. For instance, a cat will stalk prey even if never taught by other cats to do so. The only comparable thing humans have are automatic reflexes. when you let a baby feel the simulation of falling, his arms will reflexively go outward. there is no automatic action of creating tribes in human beings. chivalry is not instinctual, you can find plenty of tribes where men would be totally passive to your treatment of an obnoxious woman.
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            • Posted by $ Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
              I saw a nature show where a female lioness pulled down a gazelle to feed her cubs and a pack of hyenas fought her for the carcass and broke her hip so she and her cubs starved while they ate her kill.

              That's nature for you. You want nature? Fine; do away with ALL laws against murder. Allowing women to murder and preventing men from murdering is a complete violation of the Constitution.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
      "Live and let live" ... you mean like "live and let the unborn baby live too"? Cool.

      Although I suspect that you really mean "live and let me (or someone else) kill the unborn baby" -- which sort of evades the issue... and changes the subject. Did you read the post??
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      • Posted by Spinkane 11 years, 2 months ago
        Yes I read the post. A good argument would be abortion is just a poor form of birth control. Would it be rational to expect, let’s say you for example to adopt, what did Hiraghm say 40 million babies? Most of these woman do not have the will to assume the responsibility it takes to raise children; they are just not going to do it. World population is about to triple since I was in grade school, this is the major challenge for our species; what do you think about the Chinese who struggle now with this problem?
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        • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
          No no no no. You do not get to justify murder because of the pragmatic implications -- whatever they may be.

          Stop changing the subject. This is not about world population, or the ability to raise a child. This is about the morality of murdering a child. Plain and simple.
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          • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
            the fact that you have called it murder means you have already decided the answer. no interest in discourse. by your logic, it is immoral for a physician to not treat any patient he may be able to save, or an engineer cannot decide where to put his energies, because a group has determined one path may save the most lives. Or the farmer-how to justify charging for food? the starving need to live...bottom line-you believe that someone has to live for someone else's existence. needs do not make rights
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          • Posted by Spinkane 11 years, 2 months ago
            So what do you want? A theocracy? The mullahs would love you. I’m new at this game, I’m a baseball man. When I started managing I questioned the validity of the rules. I don’t make the rules I play by them, the law is the rule. If it was illegal it would happen anyway, this argument is futile. I’m sorry if that upsets you, but you mentioned it yourself. All we can do is let go and let God. I wish you peace.
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            • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
              Again with changing the subject. Who said anything about a theocracy!? Or "letting go and letting God" for that matter!? Haha.

              A theocracy is a totalitarian rule of force over all of life, based on theological convictions.
              I am talking about individual rights -- which is about as far removed from a theocracy as you could get.

              "If it was illegal, it would happen anyway". I suppose there is no need for laws against murder or theft then, either. Are you an anarchist? Or are you just changing the subject repeatedly because you've realized that you might be wrong on this abortion issue?
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
              Murders will happen anyway, this is true. So will rapes, thefts, etc. So just throw up our hands and have no civilization at all?

              Roe v Wade was a bad decision arrived at through the wrong conclusions.

              We're getting a theocracy anyway; the Green theocracy where we all have to worship the Earth.

              Funny how this "right to control her body" decision doesn't apply to seatbelts or health insurance...
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              • Posted by Spinkane 11 years, 2 months ago
                “I am talking about individual rights” as in, divided? from it’s mother? like the rights of Americans born in the united states? those rights? Obviously that subject doesn’t exist, so I couldn’t change it. Now, talk about Obamacare, that would have been an abortion I would have been “pro” on. It’s primarily a woman’s issue, each individual can decide for herself; we are talking about telling a woman what to do about something going on inside her body; it sounds kind of personal. Informing is fine with me, enforce will just make the situation worse. Being a libertarian and telling a woman what to do with her body doesn’t square. God Bless.
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
          This is what adoption is for. There are plenty of people out there who *would* like the opportunity to raise a child; remember the bruhaha when Russia stopped us from adopting Russian babies?

          I can't believe you're raising the false premise of the population bomb. This isn't the 60s, I would have thought people would be more aware by now.

          The Chinese 'struggle' with that problem because they had an all-but-forced breeding program for years. The Chinese 'struggle' with that problem because they've been a totalitarian state keeping their populace in poverty as a result. Now that the standard of living is rising, the population growth rate will drop, as it did in the U.S. and Europe.
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  • Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years, 2 months ago
    Ugh. The pictures heading the article are horrific. But then, the procedures used to produce them are horrific, especially when used to abort late term fetuses. A life is a life. A=A. To say otherwise is to reduce humankind to the level of chemistry and protoplasm. To kill a convicted murderer with legal sanction is not the same. Such a one forfeited life when they committed murder. To kill an unborn who has done no wrong except exist is murder.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
    Remember, all of these people who are so passionately arguing that they have the "right" to destroy the designed results of the sex act are doing nothing more than arguing for the "right" to continue feeding their addiction... without responsibility.
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  • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 2 months ago
    He wasn't saying individual rights come from society, he was saying they only apply in a social context. Meaning if no humans can interact with you, individual rights don't exist. You can't have a right to property if you're the only human on an island. I'm not arguing how you applied this in your article, I'm just saying your wording may be off or possibly your understanding. Rights are a concept no matter how you look at them, a concept to determine how humans should interact. Without humans interacting you could at the very least say that whether rights exist or not, they don't matter.

    Again this doesn't apply to your argument, because if a human kills another human that still counts as an interaction. How does that sound?
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    • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
      I understand what you're saying, and you are right that if that is their argument, it is still invalid regarding abortion since killing the human is "interaction".

      However, the idea that rights only *exist* in a social context makes right contingent on social context (and therefore subjective), no matter how you slice it. It would be more appropriate to say that the right to property would be primarily irrelevant (and potentially not discovered) apart from a social context, but that does not mean that it did not exist. I, alone, am *right* to live my life, to own my property, and to do as I see fit -- whether I ever encounter another person or not.

      This is the problem which many Objectivists make in interpreting reality through their epistemology. We may come to discover certain things in reality (like rights) through experience (interaction with others), etc... but that experience in no way determines the nature of the reality being discovered.
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  • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 2 months ago
    Well done - well written - I agree. To me it's very similar to how the Nazi's dehumanized the people they slaughtered so they could do the deed and still feel morally justified. The same kind of thing goes on in war often times. Soldiers might feel guilty about killing another human being, but pulling the trigger gets easier if the thing you're shooting at is some inhuman monster.
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