Allow teachers to arm themselves.

Posted by terrycan 12 years ago to Politics
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Our prayers and thoughts are with the people of Sandy Hook Elementary. We all feel sorrow and express our sympathy for their losses. The question is always asked how can we prevent this from happening again?

The gun-grabbers will exploit this tragedy for their own agenda. They wish to totally disarm the American public. This is one half of the European solution. The other half is to institutionalize the mentally ill against their will. That is why Europe does not have a problem with homelessness. However Europe still has a problem with violent crime. We are not Europe.

I propose an American solution to make another school shooting less likely. Allow teachers to arm themselves. This would be on a volunteer basis. Conceal Carry Laws of the state always apply. An armed teacher should be trained to a higher standard than Conceal Carry. Local Police and private security companies could be used for this training and require practice to keep the skill levels high. There are many details to be managed here. Such a system should be done at the state and local level.

The Gun Free Zone policy is a failure. It has killed more people than it has saved. The cowards who use guns against the innocent and defenseless must be stopped. They will be less likely to start shooting in a situation where their is a chance they could face an armed citizen. Gun Free Zones tell these cowards they will be unopposed. They are certain no one else will be armed. We can remove that certainty.

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  • Posted by khalling 12 years ago
    I agree with solution. Here is one big obstacle. We are a litigious society. I just don't see many teachers willing to take that risk. Because of the litigious nonsense unresolved issues will become battle grounds for assets. Yes, even if scores of lives are potentially saved, one class action lawsuit could ruin individual lives. So, you wouldn't have many teachers agreeing to carry in school.
    I don't want to change this post into a debate on legal theory, but I just don't see it happening even if, say, private schools might agree to it and teachers were open to it.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 12 years ago
      I see some parents demanding better security, I see some parents removing their students and home teaching and if enough of them do this the schools will have to respond because they have to have xxx students in the school to get adequate funding. Saying there is armed security on campus would be sufficient.
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    • Posted by 12 years ago
      I agree with you. Remember the goal is to remove the certainty that the school is defenseless. Announcing that Mr Smith or Ms Jones has a gun would be reckless.
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      • Posted by khalling 12 years ago
        good point. What would be the best way to "announce" the school is secured?
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        • Posted by 12 years ago
          Announcing that some teachers may be armed is sure to scare some people. This is another reason I support school vouchers. If a school wants to advertise they are a gun free zone they can choose to do so. Parents should be free to choose a school that supports their values.
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          • Posted by khalling 12 years ago
            I absolutely agree. We need seminars. Or put together training sessions where once faced with a scenario, will backtrack into reason. Backtrack into reason. :)
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 12 years ago
              LOL....might I ask for a scenario that backtracks into reason? And would the unreasonable, attending said seminars, understand this "reason"?
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              • Posted by khalling 12 years ago
                if there was role play with teachers in the class room (I'm not suggesting kids be involved at this point), two things would happen. First, they will feel alarmed at how quickly everything can go wrong. 2. Identifying and practicing wise strategies for self defense empowers people. and the practicing ensures actions become automatic. what I meant by backtracking into reason is referring to your comments early on about being intense when you handed over radios and some teachers were just surprised and thought you might be a little over the top. After defense training, where these actual horrors have been researched and stratagems developed, I bet you'd be amazed how many more teachers would want to be armed in school than before. .
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  • Posted by flanap 12 years ago
    To address the question directly, yes, arm the teachers to the hilt...they are not after killing children last time I checked and the concern about a child accidentally getting ahold of a firearm once in a while, well, even if that happens once in a while, it is a small price to pay for that risk. Educating children on what guns are for and the proper use thereof wouldn't hurt them.

    For those that believe there is a God, there was a time in our society when many feared God and taught their children about God and society had a general sense that if one died, that person would go to heaven so the concern over death wasn't as much as it is in this self-sustaining culture we live in today.
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