Gobry has figured out why other conservatives like Ayn Rand

Posted by robgambrill 10 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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From the "Oh, their not that bad" Department: Christian Conservative Pascal Emmanuel Gobry explains why conservatives "would" like Ayn Rand.
SOURCE URL: http://theweek.com/article/index/265008/i-hate-ayn-rand-mdash-but-heres-why-my-fellow-conservatives-love-her

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 7 months ago
    Interesting that a man that abhors the self interest aspect of Objectivism because of his deeply held Christian value system, he can appreciate the free market side so well:
    From the article:
    "But that is not the whole truth. The whole truth takes into account that part of our human nature is a deep drive to find meaning through work, productivity, and even creativity, and that the free enterprise system enables this. That makes free enterprise morally, not just empirically, superior. From the Etsy merchant and the blogger to Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, the free enterprise system, more than any other system that has ever been tried, enables people to express their creativity and flourish by producing work that other people want and makes their lives better."
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