Philosophical Health Check - an interesting test!
Posted by Government 7 years, 3 months ago to Philosophy
It has 30 questions and highlights any contradictions in your beliefs. It does not check whether the base is right or wrong, but only if the parts form a coherent whole.
I achieved a score of 0. Post your score!
I achieved a score of 0. Post your score!
For example, it is not a contradiction to say art is a matter of taste and that Michelangelo is a great painter. On the latter point, a majority of people evidently share the same taste.
I quit before finishing the question of the impending train wreck. I refused to choose either of their answers, and they would not let me skip it. The test composers word questions to trick you into choosing something that will seem contradictory, yet there are epistemological choices between their either/or extremes. I say, Bah, humbug, to the test. The only thing amusing about it is trying to identify the points they are trying to propagandize. I smell a progressive rat.
Seemed like common sense to old dino.
favor of "affirmative action". I am not, but if some-
one was recently mugged and is waiting for treat-
ment in a hospital, perhaps that person should be
treated before someone who has had only a mild injury.
also, as to "natural" vs. "unnatural"; yes, one should kill germs, even though they are natural;
but this is different from pervertin nature.
These questions reminded me of the "values clarification" exercises they used health class to give to high school students when my daughter was that age.
Morality is relative.
Genocide is evil.
Treat others as they merit.
Discriminate positively to those wronged.
First: Arthur Eddington held for a Selective Subjectivism or otherwise referenced as Scientific Epistemology. And here I will too. Has to do with defining morality. In my case morality is to groups as self-interest is to the individual. Groups or A group on the butt end of genocide feel evil. I can understand that quarantine and killing is a survival tool for other groups justified to my satisfaction or not.
I see another held back; a captive by poverty or another chain, but otherwise capable, I will personally move positively to rectify the injustice if I'm able.
I also think art appreciation has a lot to do with taste but that Michelangelo is a great painter. So freaking what?
My score is my business.
I'll take the test later today and long as you do not record my score "to be used against me". (as Arlo Guthrie sang in Alice's Resturant.)
One can not live by non-qualifying statements alone. Context is needed and within context there is usually no tension at all.
Even without context, one familiar with current day misguided culture could tell exactly where these non-qualifying statements were headed.
The test identifies a pair of beliefs as being in tension, where (a) there is a direct contradiction between them, or (b) some sophisticated reasoning is required to allow both beliefs to be held consistently. If two of your beliefs are in tension, we advise that either giving one of them up, or developing some rationally coherent way of reconciling them (assuming you have not already done so).
I got a 33. I always was a person more concerned with rational and observed extenuating circumstances prefaced by...but, but, but...laughing
Government, are you from the Government?