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  • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
    There are also indications of jokes in The Fountainhead. There's humor in Atlas Shrugged.There's mention of musical comedies.There's love of A Man Who Laughs.Laughter starts The Fountainhead.Comedy may include celebrations of wins.A number of communists and communalists are funny people. A number may dwell on funny farms.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years, 1 month ago
    Galt's Gulch, Mulligan's Valley, was a retreatist community created to meet an emergency need -- and that was in the context of a novel. It was not intended as a plan of action for millions of followers. If you know Ayn Rand's life story, then you know why she chose The Valley as literary device. Remember that Ayn Rand lived mostly in Hollywood (Los Angeles) before moving to New York City. She grew up in St. Petersburg, the most western of Russian cities. Rand derided conservatives for their "cracker-barrel philosophy" drawing an image of bumpkins and yokels idling in a country store. She was urbane, civil, polite -- all words that speak from the city. Remember, also, that In Galt's Gulch, there were concerts by Richard Halley, and theater performances by Kay Ludlow.

    Living in New York City, Ayn Rand enjoyed the humor of (communist) comedian Prof. Irwin Corey (who just passed away Feb 7, 2017. at 102).

    Here he is in the 60s on the (communist) "Smothers Brothers":

    (His website is still up: )
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    • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
      Various communists may resemble communalists. One place under one owner may resemble a feudal estate to a number.A number of people may believe the Gulch is continuing. Also next to a certain type of valley.It is one of separate sustenance.Galt's Gulch is a place toward men of the mind. It includes certain females, too.Certain select people are getting allowings to be there.There are certain qualifications.One may ask about chamber groups, orchestras, and more ensembles of actors and actresses.Also one may ask of ban barns.John Galt may be the deviser and Mike Mulligan the real estate mogul proprieter.It is a place where freedom rings and prosperity is not with requirement to hide in shame.
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