The Tyrrany of Apathy

Posted by flanap 12 years, 1 month ago to Culture
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Ever encounter someone that just didn't care about anything? At first glance you would think they were a candidate for suicide just waiting to fall off a cliff and didn't care when or how; however, when approached with such an option, they vehemently would deny that such an option was an option for them. They were content with just "being." They would do the minimum to live and didn't care how they achieved survival, whether by hook or by crook. Basically, little less useful than stale jello. Overall, the posterchild for the definition of "apathy."

What do you do with someone like that that works for you, or that thinks they are your friend, or that you are related to, or that you thought you were interested in but no longer are and they don't know it, or that HAS AUTHORITY OVER YOU?

I have found that when you don't know how to deal with such a person, you can get real despondent, really fast; therefore, what do you do?

Well, I was thinking about this one day on what motivates someone like this. I believe whole-heartedly they are extremely arrogant. They think the world completely revolves around them AND I MEAN COMPLETELY.

So what is the antidote for these people, especially if they have authority over you? TREAT THEM AS A GHOST. The just don't matter to you getting what you need to do and what they seem to ask for from you really doesn't matter because you know their motives. Albeit, a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while and they may put 2 and 2 together for coherence, however, overall, what they folks do not like and despise with all their being is to know they are not all they think they are and get completely ignored.

I have found folks like this in my life from time to time and have found that completely ignoring them as they are not even in existence is the fastest way to shake them up, or ship them out.


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    • Posted by 12 years, 1 month ago
      Perhaps; however, I am not advocating ignoring the law of the land which they are in control of, including all federal, state, and local laws. Since I am a Christian, I have a responsibility to obey government until they pass a law directly preventing me from doing that which God in His word prescribes.
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        • Posted by 12 years, 1 month ago
          Understood; however, may I clarify a few points as I realized I left a few things out.

          God established government, first as Himself, then in Genesis 9 when He ruled that man could take the life of another man who shed innocent blood, which implies a governmental body to adjudicate the legal situation when applicable circumstances arise.

          Therefore, with God being the arbiter of governments, He establishes them. God judges a people through government...the more responsible a people, the more freedom they will have, and vice versa.

          Concerning obedience to government and the extent of which that is carried, we read in Romans 13 clearly that we are to be in subjection to government and the Apostle Paul wrote this under Nero, clearly a despotic figure in Roman leadership.

          The Constitution clearly lays out the principles we are as a people to live under and provides the guidelines for governing officials; however, that Constitution implies that a people already agree there are absolutes and understand the basis on which our Constitution was drafted.

          The Constitution can be changed legally, which we know it has, and whether those changes are really in conformance with what the principles upon which is was founded is dynamic and based on a people who, at a minimum, recognize absolute rule by God and who and what He is based on His Word and the understanding thereof.

          Unjust government is in the eyes of the beholder...against what do we determine the government is unjust accept in the light of a one, pure, absolute determining factor. The very next poster to this topic could easily say that our government is unjust because it hasn't nationalized all industry and the Constitution needs to be amended to require such a move.

          If we are, and I agree, in control of the law of the land, then we must ensure we are using principles which are perfect and absolute to wield such control.
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            • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 12 years, 1 month ago
              Most religions do NOT charge you with the responsibility to think for yourself. By asserting that there is a higher state of existence beyond humanity they make humans subservient to that higher state and its members (God or Gods, representatives of God, etc).

              To state it another way, religion says, "These are the rules. It is your choice to follow them or not, but if you choose not to you will be punished." That isn't much of a choice as you'd be accepting rules without thinking and it'd be foolish to choose punishment.
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