Speaking of the Great one...the one quote I remember frequently and fondly, especially in these times. Kind of like a call to action by the last real president.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
It comes back to Sun Tzu. His strategies for making war are legendary, but one of the most original "arts of war" (pun intended) originally credited with him was the idea of psychological warfare and the concept of morale. He wrote about this in simple detail, warning generals never to underestimate a motivated soldier.
The reason the Middle East is such a quagmire is because all parties are so emotionally invested (and motivated) in the outcome. Each claims a divine mandate favoring them exclusively. It is complete chutzpah (a Hebrew word if I am not mistaken) to believe that man is going to end a conflict that has been going on for near 4000 years in some form or other. I think the Princess Bride has the right quote here:
"For the last time: Surrender!"
"Death first!"
Short of literal divine intervention or the annihilation of one (or both) of the parties, this conflict is never going to end. Only the arrogant and narcissistic believe in a "diplomatic" solution because they choose to ignore that the two sides are utterly irreconcilable.
I still don't understand why he's lionized and Machiavelli, who essentially did the same for politics, is demonized. ------
"Machiavelli's name does not rank in the noble company of scientists. In the common opinion of men, his name itself has become a term of reproach and dishonor... "Why should this be? If our reference is to the views that Machiavelli in fact held, that he stated plainly, openly, and clearly in his writings, there is in the common opinion no truth at all... It is true that he has taught tyrants, from almost his own days - Thomas Cromwell, for example, the lowborn Chancellor whom Henry VIII brought in to replace Thomas More when More refused to make his conscience a tool of his master's interests, was said to have a copy of Machiavelli always in his pocket; and in our time Mussolini wrote a college thesis on Machiavelli. But knowledge has a disturbing neutrality in this respect. We do not blame the research analyst who has solved the chemical mysteries of a poison because a murderer made use of his treatise... “We are, I think, and not only from the fate of Machiavelli's reputation, forced to conclude that men do not really want to know about themselves... Perhaps the full disclosure of what we really are and how we act is too violent a medicine. “In any case, whatever may be the desires of most men, it is most certainly against the interests of the powerful that the truth should be known about political behavior. If the political truths stated by Machiavelli were widely known, the success of tyranny would become much less likely. If men understood as much of the mechanism of rule and privilege as Machiavelli understood, the would no longer be deceived into accepting that rule and privilege, and they would know what steps to take to overcome them. “Therefore the powerful and their spokesmen – all the 'official' thinkers, the lawyers and philosophers and preachers and demagogues – must defame Machiavelli. Machiavelli says that rulers lie and break faith; this proves, they say, that he libels human nature. Machiavelli says that ambitious men struggle for power; he is apologizing for the opposition, the enemy, and trying to confuse you about us, who wish to lead you for your own good and welfare. Machiavelli says that you must keep strict watch over officials and subordinate them to the law; he is encouraging subversion and the loss of national unity. Machiavelli says that no man with power is to be trusted; you see that his aim is to smash all your faith and ideals. Small wonder that the powerful – in public – denounce Machiavelli. The powerful have long practice and much skill in sizing up their opposition. They can recognize an enemy who will never compromise, even when that enemy is so abstract as a body of ideas.”
That's a great excerpt. If everyone who believes in "good government" had to read The Prince before they opened their mouths, there would be a little less stupidity in the world.
And the former Soviet soldiers I have spoken to (reminds me of our VN vets from the generation before) are just flat in shock that the US would ignore what happened to their country and go in and do exactly what every empire has done since Alexander.
Seriously - they look at me and ask if we're that stupid, that blind, and that ignorant to a history we saw happen right in front of us. While that hurts, I can't argue with these guys. And that is f'n sad.
Makes me wonder - if somehow history got it wrong, that the "promised land" of G*d isn't in the eastern Mediterranean but in those rocky, crappy mountains. Maybe that's where the Garden of Eden was really hidden... As every country casting aspersions on (and attempting to invade/control) it have failed (and miserably)... it's like G*d is watching over this patch of dirt as his own. And repelling all the Caesars throughout time that have come wanting.
Titanium deposits - interesting. There is a new, much cheaper process for purifying titanium that debuted in the past year. Now I'm going to have dig around for that article.
Yes, that's the one. Thanks, johnpe1. I am in the midst of my yearly review of articles to add to my coursepacks. With about 100 pages of news items, I knew I had that one, but couldn't find it quickly.
Except I'm not sure the Ottomans, Romans, and Mongols were too interested in Titanium... and yet their empired came apart in that pretty little "slice o' heaven".
jbrenner tell this person why this has happened because even I know what took place when the soviets tried for 10 years in Afghanistan to win a war they could not. Yet we have wasted the same thing over there while GB an BO only think about one thing. It is all about THEM.
For better or for worse, foreign policy rests largely with the Executive branch. The best thing conservatives (and pragmatists) can do is get off their sofas and vote. Too many decided Romney wasn't to their liking last time and look what happened--four more years of chaos and corruption. We will never have a perfect candidate. Get over it and vote for the best choice available. Or one can shrug. But until a real-life John Galt appears on the scene, this would be a poor choice.
I find the "lesser of two evils" thing about the most immoral action a person can do. Anyone who has voted for a Republican or a Democrat in the last 20 years is guilty of genocide, murder, selling the middle class, making debt-slaves out of the young, and destroying the Constitution. In the end it may not even matter - I think the presidency might be decided long before even the conventions take place. What would John Galt do?
Yes. Shrugging works as a plot device in a book, but will never work as an effective means of bringing about positive social and societal change. All it will do is allow the collectivists to become more deeply entrenched.
Remember that Ragnar, Francisco and even John himself, though having "shrugged", were hardly inactive. They did not just throw up their hands and walk away.
At very least - vote for the lesser evil. How many more lessons do we need on this???
No worries, I do understand the frustration although I no longer expect anything from either major party. I don't know if Romney would have been as bad or better or worse. I have no respect for any congresscritter in either major party with the exception of Ron Paul. The game is rigged. Najor party bosses control which candidates run for national office (and some of the state offices.) Majpr party bosses control the rules that reduce the chances of other parties or candidates winning national office to approaching zero. I think that no one will run for president that cannot be controlled in some way by those who run the parties. I judge actions not words. The GOP occasionally claims to want smaller government and more individual liberty and Democrats never do. Neither major party has accomplished anything to reduce government or increase individual liberty in my lifetime. Talk is cheap; liberty is not. Once upon a time voting made a tangible difference in America. Today voting and the entire election process is bread and circuses and signifies nothing except how foolish a people can be to be distracted by constant divisive rubbish. Those worthless looters in the Dark Center are only powerful if we the sovereign people give our consent. Voting in the elections that they control has the effect of giving consent. I DO NOT CONSENT.
Respectfully disagree... (1) He is a man of principle, shows (and can wear) humility, and he's not pro-Islamic. (2) He's not a neo-liberal socialist (3) He has principles, morals, integrity, and standards (4) He is (was) not likely to sell out to the highest bidder (5) He doesn't have an agenda to make us a UN protectorate, flood the country with illegal aliens, nor shred the constitution (6) He supports the rights of the American Citizens (7) He has this strange habit of taking responsibility for his actions (8) He has business sense, not lawyer sense (9) Not from a city known for governmental corruption, gang activity, and massive welfare-state caused unemployment
he would have taken full advantage of the current technological windfall in energy and led us away from the "slavery" which we have developed with regard to OPEC. -- j
"Most idols have feet of clay." I don't know who to ascribe that to but truer words were never spoken. Ronald Reagan was an outstanding president but he wasn't perfect. He actually was wrong on certain issues and made mistakes. If we were to minutely examine the lives of most of our heroes, I'm sure we would find flaws in all of them. But...we do not admire them for their flaws, but for their accomplishments. (Paraphrasing) "The standard by which one judges what is good and evil is a man's life" -- A.R. A debater in public life must be careful to not use one persons life as the primary example of the debater's points. By doing so, he diverts from the argument to the words of the person being quoted.
And that is a standard only applied to the righteous, not the wicked. And in our political realm, only to Republicans/libertarians and not Dems/Socialists/Collectivists/Progressives. Examples: Ted Kennedy (killed a girl, or at the very least his actions did nothing to try to save her), Robert Byrd (KKK leader), Al Gore Sr (stood against civil rights), and Marion Barry (crack user) just to name a few.
I don't like the fact that Reagan was not for Israel. No matter how you slice it, the Israelis have always wanted peace--until they were attacked! The Arabs, in contrast, actually had study books for their kids that casually talked about killing Israelis as right and normal. In terms of civil rights, the Arabs living in Israel had far more rights than those living in Arabia. Except for the rich, the rulers, and the imams. As far as other countries go, I don't know enough to compare the foreign policies of Reagan to those of, say, Obama. I do know only that when Obama says that we should draw lines at certain actions, and then he doesn't follow through, he just garners contempt for us.
If the Neocons (Trotskyites) hadn't grown powerful enough to sabotage Barry Goldwater, he would have been our greatest president. Or assassinated. Reagan started out well, but the Neocons took over (Bush & Cheney).
It certainly would have been interesting! Goldwater seemed like a libertarian President, albeit one who believed deeply in a God. I would have loved to see him as Prez!
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
I often wonder why our presidents have so little knowledge of history.
The reason the Middle East is such a quagmire is because all parties are so emotionally invested (and motivated) in the outcome. Each claims a divine mandate favoring them exclusively. It is complete chutzpah (a Hebrew word if I am not mistaken) to believe that man is going to end a conflict that has been going on for near 4000 years in some form or other. I think the Princess Bride has the right quote here:
"For the last time: Surrender!"
"Death first!"
Short of literal divine intervention or the annihilation of one (or both) of the parties, this conflict is never going to end. Only the arrogant and narcissistic believe in a "diplomatic" solution because they choose to ignore that the two sides are utterly irreconcilable.
I still don't understand why he's lionized and Machiavelli, who essentially did the same for politics, is demonized.
"Machiavelli's name does not rank in the noble company of scientists. In the common opinion of men, his name itself has become a term of reproach and dishonor...
"Why should this be? If our reference is to the views that Machiavelli in fact held, that he stated plainly, openly, and clearly in his writings, there is in the common opinion no truth at all... It is true that he has taught tyrants, from almost his own days - Thomas Cromwell, for example, the lowborn Chancellor whom Henry VIII brought in to replace Thomas More when More refused to make his conscience a tool of his master's interests, was said to have a copy of Machiavelli always in his pocket; and in our time Mussolini wrote a college thesis on Machiavelli. But knowledge has a disturbing neutrality in this respect. We do not blame the research analyst who has solved the chemical mysteries of a poison because a murderer made use of his treatise...
“We are, I think, and not only from the fate of Machiavelli's reputation, forced to conclude that men do not really want to know about themselves... Perhaps the full disclosure of what we really are and how we act is too violent a medicine.
“In any case, whatever may be the desires of most men, it is most certainly against the interests of the powerful that the truth should be known about political behavior. If the political truths stated by Machiavelli were widely known, the success of tyranny would become much less likely. If men understood as much of the mechanism of rule and privilege as Machiavelli understood, the would no longer be deceived into accepting that rule and privilege, and they would know what steps to take to overcome them.
“Therefore the powerful and their spokesmen – all the 'official' thinkers, the lawyers and philosophers and preachers and demagogues – must defame Machiavelli.
Machiavelli says that rulers lie and break faith; this proves, they say, that he libels human nature. Machiavelli says that ambitious men struggle for power; he is apologizing for the opposition, the enemy, and trying to confuse you about us, who wish to lead you for your own good and welfare. Machiavelli says that you must keep strict watch over officials and subordinate them to the law; he is encouraging subversion and the loss of national unity. Machiavelli says that no man with power is to be trusted; you see that his aim is to smash all your faith and ideals.
Small wonder that the powerful – in public – denounce Machiavelli. The powerful have long practice and much skill in sizing up their opposition. They can recognize an enemy who will never compromise, even when that enemy is so abstract as a body of ideas.”
James Burnham, “The Machiavellians”
Seriously - they look at me and ask if we're that stupid, that blind, and that ignorant to a history we saw happen right in front of us. While that hurts, I can't argue with these guys. And that is f'n sad.
Makes me wonder - if somehow history got it wrong, that the "promised land" of G*d isn't in the eastern Mediterranean but in those rocky, crappy mountains. Maybe that's where the Garden of Eden was really hidden... As every country casting aspersions on (and attempting to invade/control) it have failed (and miserably)... it's like G*d is watching over this patch of dirt as his own. And repelling all the Caesars throughout time that have come wanting.
-- j
yeah, but we DIDN'T do what every empire has done since Alexander.
I promise you, Emperor Hiraghm the First would NOT have played footsie with the Afghans. Afghanistan would submit or there would be no Afghans.
Unlike Alexander, the "American empire" would have MOABs, Daisy Cutters, napalm and sarin.
Y'know, about this whole "Shrugging" thing...
Remember that Ragnar, Francisco and even John himself, though having "shrugged", were hardly inactive. They did not just throw up their hands and walk away.
At very least - vote for the lesser evil. How many more lessons do we need on this???
I've spent too many elections voting for the lesser of two evils.
Never again. Either i get someone I can vote FOR, or the country can just go to hell that much faster.
(Insane as defined by Einstein - repeating the same action and expecting a different result.)
Are you really going to say Romney would have been as bad as Obama? That there would have been no practical difference?
If so, pardon me, sir but you are a fool.
[I'm sorry, that was rude and there is never an excuse for rudeness, but still....]
I don't know if Romney would have been as bad or better or worse. I have no respect for any congresscritter in either major party with the exception of Ron Paul.
The game is rigged. Najor party bosses control which candidates run for national office (and some of the state offices.) Majpr party bosses control the rules that reduce the chances of other parties or candidates winning national office to approaching zero. I think that no one will run for president that cannot be controlled in some way by those who run the parties.
I judge actions not words. The GOP occasionally claims to want smaller government and more individual liberty and Democrats never do. Neither major party has accomplished anything to reduce government or increase individual liberty in my lifetime. Talk is cheap; liberty is not.
Once upon a time voting made a tangible difference in America.
Today voting and the entire election process is bread and circuses and signifies nothing except how foolish a people can be to be distracted by constant divisive rubbish.
Those worthless looters in the Dark Center are only powerful if we the sovereign people give our consent.
Voting in the elections that they control has the effect of giving consent.
(1) He is a man of principle, shows (and can wear) humility, and he's not pro-Islamic.
(2) He's not a neo-liberal socialist
(3) He has principles, morals, integrity, and standards
(4) He is (was) not likely to sell out to the highest bidder
(5) He doesn't have an agenda to make us a UN protectorate, flood the country with illegal aliens, nor shred the constitution
(6) He supports the rights of the American Citizens
(7) He has this strange habit of taking responsibility for his actions
(8) He has business sense, not lawyer sense
(9) Not from a city known for governmental corruption, gang activity, and massive welfare-state caused unemployment
I can't think of #10 right now... anyone? Anyone?
technological windfall in energy and led us away from
the "slavery" which we have developed with regard to
OPEC. -- j