You’re On Your Own, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 7 years, 3 months ago to Government
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Within a twenty-four-hour span the Catalonian people voted 90 percent in favor of secession from Spain, despite the Spanish government’s effort to violently squelch the referendum, and a man in a Las Vegas hotel room opened fire on a concert, killing fifty-nine and wounding over 500. There’s no tangible connection between the two incidents, but they illustrate incipient forces still gathering steam that are transforming the world.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2017/10/06/youre-on-your-own-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 3 months ago
    Creation of the real Gulch is more important than ever before.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
      Absolutely. It will be quite difficult due to the NSA and all the tools and powers it has. The gulch would have to be totally hidden, or it would be attacked by the establishment and destroyed.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 3 months ago
        Like offshore banking, if it becomes widely recognized/utilized then the rules will be changed to remove the threat to the looters power.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
          I have been reading "One second after" on kindle. VERY interesting. An EMP is something that N Korea could do which would wipe us out in a second over a period of years really. Scary scenario
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          • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 3 months ago
            Assuming they could deliver it accurately, yes. Of course, they would be incinerated, too.
            The breakdown of our complex system would be very ugly. Starvation within weeks for millions.
            You might check out The Last Ship tv series.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
              I will check that tv series. The preparation and delivery of such a bomb isnt that easy, fortunately. ONE woudlnt cover the whole USA; it would take several. There are quite a few OLD cars around too in addition to older mechanically controlled diesels. It would be hard to survive outside of very rural farm areas with low populations that had easy to obtain water supplies. Las Vegas, where I currently live, would be toast with rioting coming almost instantly from half of the residents who voted for hillary. Even if I had food, water, and protected solar electric systems, I would need substantial protection from armed thieves wanting whatever I had.
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            • Posted by seez52 7 years, 3 months ago
              It's my understanding they don't have to be all that accurate. Most likely it would not need to be an intercontinental grade missile and could be launched from international waters in the gulf or just off the east or west coast. An emp strike could have fairly limited area of disruption so the enemy would likely not be affected. The key would be how the recipient of such an attack identifies the culprit for retaliation.
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
    I have felt under attack for a number of years now by our government passing constant regulations, assessing fines, taking my money, and threatening to lock me up for violation they deem to be "necessary". Even DUI has been made some terrible crime even when no one is hurt.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 3 months ago
    This article reminds me of that old curmudgeon, Philip Wylie. In one of his books he describes a dream in which on a bright sunny day, the clouds gather up and form a swear word. It makes the news and the phenomenon continues day aftef fay until there's only one swear word that hasn't been used. That day, the clouds no longer form words, and a sigh of relief is heard world-wide. That night the stars of the galaxy start to move and they form a huge letter F. I can't make up my mind as to whether my great age is better so I don't have to experience the dissolution of humanity, or to stay alive in order to see what happens next.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 3 months ago
    Civilization runs in cycles. As the natural forces that make life hard are restrained, controlled, or moderated, and pressures are eased, a more peaceful society comes into being. Radical change becomes hard without violence, and those who seek a transformation of a static society increase artificial pressures to replace the natural forces and reinvigorate the drive for violent action.

    We have a relatively peaceful society with significant individual freedom and a low level of want. The rise of the social justice warrior is an artifice by political figures to create unrealistic pressures to tear apart a functioning society so that it can be "remade" to give them more power.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 3 months ago
    Hmmm, reminds me of a time, Julian Jaynes posits: " when the voices stopped speaking".
    About 2500/3000 years ago, the illusionary voices of their gods, their rulers or ancestors, that governed mankind's behavior stopped speaking.
    Can you imagine that confusion.
    Preceding that occurrence was a realization that what one mans voice said was different from what another said. So now...all is silent except for the spoken voices of man...what do we do now? (sound familiar?)

    Only those with the voice of "Self" will survive, (those conscious). That is the difference between then and now but somehow...I wonder if this too, is a cycle in human evolution.

    There is a song I heard that demonstrates the pleas for the voices to: "say something, cause I'm giving up on you."
    I can just imagine, a man and a women climbing to the highest point available to them, looking up and crying out those words with tear induced voices...begging..."say something...cause I'm giving up on you.

    I wondered why, that song and the story I just rendered, hits me hard; until that is, I read your article. Maybe because we are about to enter that time once more.

    For those of us with the voice of "Self"...how do we comfort those without, Robert? There are far too many.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 3 months ago
    We have in this country a diffuse organization bent on the destruction of our Constitutional Govt, Anfa! This group is an anachronism in this country, it's liberal left and deep pockets of the leftist idiotic rich is trying to rewrite history of the founding of America. So, you have segments of the world population wanting freedom from oppressive govts and those who desire to squelch freedom. I almost believe that this upheaval will continue. The World has lost it's moral compass along with many of countries leaders. People around the world will pray for relief but it won't happen. The individual will have to prevail, aka Where is John Galt, and Who is John Galt.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "So many blacks are entitled and demanding that its just more efficient to consider them all entitled UNLESS they show me otherwise."
    I can't stand entitlement or victim thinking, but I hate racism even more.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
      Its not racism based on skin color at all. Its "culturism" if you want to give it a name. I will admit to "culturism" all day. There are preferences everyone has relative to cultural beliefs and traits.
      For what its worth, when I talk with a person I dont know or watch them act, thats how I determine if I feel comfortable around them. I dont even see skin color at that point. Its NOT preferences based on race at all- its preferences based on culture.

      Its so politically correct to not saying anything negative about somone who is part of a minority race. That is BS. Most people make their determination based on cultural traits and beliefs, NOT genes.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
    I agree with all the ideas except for the allusion that violence is getting worse. The average person is much much less likely to die or be injured by violence as a person when the US was founded. And they were much less likely to be affected by violence than people a few hundred years before them. Even my lifetime violent crime, violent protests, and war are way down.

    You say we can expect random acts of violence and violent insurrections in the future. That's true, but it's been with us since humans appeared, and it's actually decreasing. A greater percentage of people on earth can explain the basics that it's wrong to us force on people. Violent protests and insane violent acts are not a portent of incipient forces. They're not a sign of a special situation requiring a special response (e.g. banning something). They've always been with us, but they're decreasing.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
      I kind of disagree. I would say that violence of all types is increasing in the last 50 years at least. Its popping up as verbal violence in late night talk shows, with movie stars, with news organizations, and politicians- and in physical violence on college campuses, neighborhoods, etc.

      Socialism is by its nature violent. Independent people tend to treat others with respect, not violence. Trump rallies were uplifting and exciting and definitely not violent. Hillary supporters are definitely violent by nature.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
        "Its popping up as verbal violence"
        Verbal violence is hard to quantify. Could it be that people are just more sensitive and consider hearing things they don't like a form of violence?

        "violence of all types is increasing in the last 50 years at least." "physical violence on college campuses, neighborhoods, etc"
        You think there is more physical violence now on campuses than in 2017-50=1967?

        "Trump rallies were uplifting and exciting and definitely not violent. Hillary supporters are definitely violent by nature."
        Isn't this a case your chance of winning the lottery being much more if you buy five tickets than three? Either way your chance is really low? I wonder if we compared rallies that you consider "violent by nature" to rallies for Nixon, George Wallace, and Humphrey 50 years ago. I would be surprised to learn modern rallies are more violent.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
          Back 50 years ago, I didnt see violence against conservative speakers preventing them from actually speaking. There was violent protesting concerning the vietnam war (kind of justified I would say). Today its just generalized violence it seems. Hatred of Trump all the time no matter what he does, or what shoes his wife wears. Its just different now and more generalized without specific things they are rioting against.
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          • -1
            Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
            "Back 50 years ago, I didnt see violence against conservative speakers preventing them from actually speaking."
            It did happen on UW Madison campus, but I don't have numerical evidence to back my perception that it's way down across all areas of society. We have obviously had nothing like the 1967 Dow Chemical Protests in 2017. I don't think we'll have another Sterling Hall in 2020.

            "Hatred of Trump all the time no matter what he does, or what shoes his wife wears."
            We've become more sensitive where simply hating someone or being mean is considered "violence" or "bullying". This is bad, but IMHO it's also one symptom of how much physical violence has decreased.

            Do you think a) crime rates have risen, b) people get away with violent acts now, or c) there is less violence now but it's more effective? In my view crime is way down, cameras and DNA make it harder to get away with, and thugs are less likely to get their way through violence. I would love to see shocking evidence that my perception is wrong and it's actually increased. I wouldn't love the result, but I love learning that something I thought was true was an illusion.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
              I dont have physical evidence that violence is increasing or decreasing over the years. All I can tell you is that I feel less safe now, and particularly when it comes to government as my enemy. With all the new laws and regulations and restrictions, I feel that what I have worked for is very much in peril now, compared with 50 years ago.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
                "I feel less safe now"
                I'm 42, so I don't have personal experience before the 80s. But it feels safer now, consistent with crime rates going down. Training for jobs that are interesting and pay well are is more widely available. The "laws, regulations, and restrictions" are a problem, but regulations have made us less litigious, making the average person less likely to be involved in a lawsuit. Regulations eliminated problems like acid rain and ozone depletion, which seemed huge. This does NOT excuse ever expanding gov't spending and power and use of regulations to squeeze out competitors. The world is FAR from utopia. The gov't borrowing and spending really stands out for me as enormous problem. And all this amazing data processing technology is making gov't surveillance and intrusion possible at level never seen before. So I get the risks and problems. But overall it feels like an amazingly safe and prosperous time. History might remember it as the brief period of a few hundred years after photos become available but before there's a cure for aging.

                It just seems like we solve one problem after another, huge problems, and well within the course of one lifetime.

                I really appreciate hearing from people don't see it that way.
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                • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
                  I am 72, and have started and run several businesses during my career. I am an inventor actually.
                  I definitely feel less safe. There is much more racial problems now than earlier in my life. The rise in black entitlement is a real problem that I feel could erupt at any time, and which contributes to my unease.
                  I would agree that actual crime is affecting me less, although I tend to live in more upscale neighborhoods now than I used to.
                  Regulations have expanded to the point that I no longer manufacture medical equipment. One small hiccup could mean the FDA could shut you down, plus they were in the pockets of the big mfrs who didnt want startups around.
                  Maybe people are more aware of lawsuits and stay under the radar more to avoid them.
                  Deficit spending and inflation are major problems which it is hard to escape from. Saving is ridiculous really. Spend it all just before you die.There is going to be a financial meltdown which will tear apart our society. No one knows when it will happen though. Stretching the rubber band will have a limit for sure.
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                  • -1
                    Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
                    "There is much more racial problems now than earlier in my life."
                    Wow. You were there for desegregation, as a child. I walked around Little Rock High School, and I felt like I could feel the struggle. One group of people denied access to education on account of racism. The "racist" people in those old photographs from the museum down the street. I oddly felt like I could see it from there point of view too. My impression is we are lucky desegregation wasn't more violent. That all feels like ancient history. I feel like it's over, something my parents barely remember. It actually give me hope because the political crap people are fired up over now is nothing: politicians want to lock one another up on technicalities. That's nothing. Those people in the 50s had legitimate big issues to fight about.

                    So if you were right, I completely miss what's happened in recent history. I see this world where violence dropped precipitously, and with nothing to worry about we turn to "microagressions" and politicians' wanting to lock one another up-- i.e. absolutely nothing, the "problems" of people with no real problems.

                    " in the pockets of the big mfrs who didnt want startups around."
                    I have seen it from both sides, big company and small company, and I agree. I have seen big companies lobby for more regulation, basic rent-seeking.

                    "Saving is ridiculous really. Spend it all just before you die."
                    I say NONSENSE. We're all free to do what we want with our wealth, but some people turned one restaurant into Outback and little store into PDQ, which just sold to a major chain. And for people who just to store their wealth, I've seen unsophisticated people buy, fix up, and rent out apartments. People who just want to store their wealth buy annuities, portfolios of bonds of various maturities, or even ladders of CD, which keep wealth save at the price of around 1% a year of inflation. I have a good friend with some traditional sock mutual funds and a decent bit of wealth locked in a safe in the form of gold, silver, and ammo. If you want the perfect ideal store of value that is the universal benchmark, that doesn't exist. But there are more safe ways for average people to store wealth than in most of history.
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                    • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
                      As to racial issues, I would say people were more honest about not wanting black people around. I was never one of those people. But since obama, the rise of black entitlement has spawned an under the surface resentment of entitled blacks. It’s a politically incorrect resentment, so it’s hidden. That’s what I mean about more racial problems than pre obama.

                      I would disagree about saving being safer now. The big dangers now are not petty thieves, I would agree. The big dangers are caused BY government- forcing us to rely primarily on the fiat currency, and then printing dollars and causing monetary destruction. Gold and silver are better stores if value but they will be confiscated again as they were in the 1930’s. Destroy the currency and our economy in the USA will crash.

                      Maybe physical. Violence is reduced, but it’s just under the surface, propelled by collectivism. Our intellectual base has been diminishing over the years. Riots are just under the surface, fed by entitlement

                      Another issue which makes it difficult to save is our litigious culture and the “bringing down” of people who are wealthy.

                      I find these things a bit disturbing
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                      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
                        "But since obama, "
                        I lean toward thinking all stories about culture changing based on the president are false. Many times I hear of some act of racism, and people say it's related to the president. It doesn't sound remotely true to me.

                        "The big dangers caused BY government-"
                        Right. It's not a think where we're afraid of a mugging, but it's this constant sending in huge amounts of money every quarter, the looming threat of such a powerful becoming wholesale totalitarian, the looming threat of a crisis related to borrowing.

                        "forcing us to rely primarily on the fiat currency"
                        I don't believe in this. If people want to trade value and don't want to barter, they can find some stable store of value to use, e.g. bit coin, foreign currency balanced with foreign exchange derivatives, precious metals, cases of brandy. There is no problem with someone wanting their lawn mowed, wireless functionality added to a product, or a meal at a restaurant but they cannot find a stable medium of exchange. It just does not happen in any form.

                        "but it’s just under the surface"
                        You're saying it's there but it's gone underground. I think it's just gone and we've turned to worry to higher-hanging fruit. If you're right, some emergency or crisis will bring this latent violence to the surface. If we go decades with actual physical violence staying low, I'll say I was right.
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                        • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
                          I think Obama is the result of voters granting him the presidency. Those voters inherently agreed with the whole entitlement of black people, perhaps out of guilt from what some other people did hundreds of years ago. Something turned them from being "oppressed" to being "entitled", and it seemed to happen concurrently with the obama years.

                          We seem to agree that instead of thieves mugging us, its government that steals far more than the thieves ever did.

                          Any sincere and effective alternative to the US dollar, or other fiat currencies, are met by strong government resistance. If gold and silver became big time alternatives to the US dollar, it would simply be made illegal and confiscated, as in the 1930's. Everything else is pretty much denominated in terms of fiat currencies unfortunately, all of which are subject to major inflationary pressures from printing press economic policies.

                          I dont think the white people will get violent against the blacks. I say the blacks will (and have) get violent against the white people for not satisfying their entitlements.
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                          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
                            "I dont think the white people will get violent against the blacks. I say the blacks will (and have) get violent against the white people for not satisfying their entitlements."
                            Your entire premise of viewing people as racial groups is wrong. Criminals commit crimes, mostly against other criminals or people tangentially involved in crime. It's going down. The physical appearance of the perpetrators and victims does not matter.
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                            • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
                              It’s really the entitled black culture that defines most black people today unfortunately.
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                              • -1
                                Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
                                "It’s really the entitled black culture that defines most black people today unfortunately."
                                I reject defining people by groups, esp based on how they look physically, out of hand.
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                                • Posted by term2 7 years, 3 months ago
                                  I dont have time anymore for entitlement, and reject all entitled people. So many blacks are entitled and demanding that its just more efficient to consider them all entitled UNLESS they show me otherwise. I dont owe anyone to treat them "politically correctly". I dont condone violating the physical rights of anyone, but I dont have to deal with anyone I dont choose to, and others can choose to deal wtih me or not.
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                                  • CircuitGuy replied 7 years, 3 months ago
                          • -1
                            Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 3 months ago
                            " Obama is the result of voters granting him the presidency. Those voters inherently agreed with the whole entitlement of black people,"
                            I don't remember race being a big issue in the 08 campaign. I remember it because in the primary I was for Obama, and my wife was for Clinton. I remember saying "he could change Washington". She said she knew from working in Washington that Washington would change him more than he changed it. She also said the old line about seeing how Washington works is like watching the sausage-making process. She said Clinton had experience with disgusting sausage-making process.
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