New Article: "The NFL Kneels Before The Anti-American Left"

Posted by tjmalone 7 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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This is what the NFL "kneeling" controversy is really all about. Boycott the NFL.
SOURCE URL: http://americanideals.info/the-nfl-kneels-for-the-anti-american-left/

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 4 months ago
    I'm amused when some of the Kaepernick copycats say their protest "isn't about disrespecting the flag, anthem, or nation." Kaepernick himself is on record as saying it's EXACTLY about contempt for the nation and its symbols. This reflects a clever element of induced mass protest: making the motive amorphous enough that the protester thinks it's about whatever he wants it to be.

    Remember the "Oppose" protesters on Wall Street? When queried about what was behind the protest, the answers were all over the map of social justice grievances: women's right to abortions, racism, employment gender bias, free health care, free college, etc. The only honest answer was "I dunno, man. I'm just here because they paid me."

    These vague understandings about protest are the propaganda equivalent of the fog of war, and are purposeful. Protest is a negative tool for change. It offers no solutions, only bitter, angry complaints, often without foundation. It is a tool to create division in society.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 4 months ago
      The leftists are often very skilled linguists. It's as though it's an essential trait. I've argued with liberal friends about stuff over the years and always marvel at how they twist. They often can't build an argument so they just mangle your words and spit them back.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 7 years, 4 months ago
    Incredible article. Thanks for posting.

    'Right, NFL owners are “slave masters” now because they pay grown men millions of dollars per year to run around playing with a football. That is how insane the left is these days. As Kaepernick himself said, he was kneeling because “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.” The fact that 70% of the NFL consists of black millionaires, and we had a black President at the time, seems to have been lost on Mr. Kaepernick, who himself has a net worth of $22 million.'

    Summed it up better with that paragraph than I could have ever done it.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 4 months ago
    Great essay , thanks for posting it.
    "This all started when Barack Obama and his fellow leftists started their dishonest war against the police as another way to “divide and conquer” America one identity group at a time. Obama enabled and egged on the violent “Black Lives Matter” movement and set race relations back in this country decades with his divisive rhetoric.

    There has been a heavy price to pay for this, both in terms of injured and murdered police officers and the “Ferguson Effect,” in which cops became very reluctant to be proactive for fear of racially trumped-up charges. This has resulted in significant increases of black-on-black violent crime in inner cities." So poignant and true.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 4 months ago
      Thank you, much appreciated. Yes, I think we have to keep in mind this is all part of the left's long war on America and now NFL players have just become pawns in their game.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 4 months ago
        Right, NFL owners are “slave masters” now because they pay grown men millions of dollars per year to run around playing with a football. That is how insane the left is these days. As Kaepernick himself said, he was kneeling because “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.” The fact that 70% of the NFL consists of black millionaires, and we had a black President at the time, seems to have been lost on Mr. Kaepernick, who himself has a net worth of $22 million.

        His charges of racism resulting in systemic oppression are utter nonsense. Although racism exists everywhere, a four-year study called the World Values Survey concluded that of the more than 50 nations examined, the United States was among the most racially tolerant.

        Never one to miss taking a dishonest swipe at President Trump, Hillary Clinton went on Bloomberg TV recently and accused Trump of “attacking black athletes,” which of course he never did. All Trump did was express the viewpoint held by the vast majority of Americans—that football players kneeling during our national anthem is inappropriate and disrespectful to our country and our military.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 7 years, 4 months ago
    Everyone should do a search on this name.......
    Nessa Diab.
    She is Kapernicks girlfriend. She is muslim and very active in the black lives matter movement.
    Kapernick emerged as the radical he is today since he became involved with her.
    Coincidence??? I doubt it
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 4 months ago
    Ask the fans how many of them want to see or hear a political statement at a football game. Football is a diversion. The entertainment for ex jocks, or wannabe jocks. It comes with a gathering of friends, food, beer, and other happiness. The next thing you know little kids will be emulating it. Uh oh, they already are? Someone ought to do something.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 7 years, 4 months ago
    Great article. Includes quote from Thomas Sowell I had not seen...And before you criticize this country, remember that slavery was not a creation of America—it was a remnant of the politics and the philosophies of Europe and the rest of the world. As the great Thomas Sowell has said many times, America was not the cause of slavery, it was the cure.
    This article included with the video of the Arizona police officer sums it up pretty well.
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  • Posted by Hamptonrc 7 years, 4 months ago
    Quite right. The NFL shows itself to be a dupe and the kneeling players have become communist insurgents sowing dissatisfaction and rebellion. Standard communist strategy to divide and conquer. Just like Korea, Viet Nam, Cuba, Nicaragua, and all the other Cold War proxy wars right up to Venezuela.
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  • Posted by Dennis55 7 years, 4 months ago
    NFL=Not For Long. Not my catchy line but time to bring it out. If some of you don’t remember “Atlas Puked” was my contribution. So here goes -NFL wins the Puked award for the next 4 months.
    I was thinking. We Objectivists, Conservatives, Libertarians, The Right, Patriots, ALL Of US rarely take a cause and “finish it off”. I think it’s because-wait for it-we go to our real jobs.
    Football was one of the last bastions where our “types” excelled. Hard work, sacrifice, athleticism, a little blood on the lip......the Left hated it. So they hijacked it-woosified it and took it from us. They can have it. I’ll miss it. But I will do without it rather than tacitly support their nonsense. I feel for the Objectivists Capitalists owners-but they didn’t step up. They helped hang themselves with their OWN rope. Now that’s Marxist irony.
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  • Posted by SteveFoerster 7 years, 4 months ago
    I don't agree that protesting police brutality -- the ultimate and most personal expression of big government -- is kneeling before the anti-American left. I realize that some conservative commentators have hijacked these protests to claim that they're meant to disrespect service members, but I just don't buy it.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 4 months ago
      I respect your take.

      Does it take courage to kneel as Kaep did? No. Not really. If somebody wants to do something courageous to make a statement I'll tune in.

      Police brutality, in my mind, is colorblind. We all suffer from it.
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      • Posted by SteveFoerster 7 years, 4 months ago
        Agree or disagree with him, he lost his career over it, and that takes more courage than most people display over their principles. And statistics show that you're right that victims of police brutality come in all colors, but they also show that that doesn't mean there's not still a considerable racial disparity in who's most often on the receiving end.
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        • Posted by 7 years, 4 months ago
          Thanks for reading my article Steve. In any country this size there are going to be incidents of police brutality. However, claims of widespread or systemic police brutality based on racism are a myth.

          As far as courage? Was that Kaepernick and other NFL players we saw running into the hotel in Las Vegas Sunday night? No, it was the police. As maligned, targeted, smeared, and abused as they are these days, they still answer the call when we need them. And that goes double for the military.

          The truth is Kaepernick is a typical product of our anti-American educational system who is parroting all of their usual leftist lies. He wears socks depicting cops as pigs, compares the police to “slave catchers,” makes claims of systemic racist oppression, admires and wears Fidel Castro T-Shirts, claims Communist Cuba has better education than the US, etc, etc. Here’s a good article from a Cuban American reporter who interviewed Kaepernick:


          If you look at Kaepernick's Twitter feed you’ll see it’s a cavalcade of left wing anti-American nonsense. He routinely re-tweets people like Linda Sarsour and The Democratic Socialists of America (Communists).

          I’d also suggest that being “principled” is not in and of itself something to be admired — not when it’s based on false premises or irrational ideas in service of an anti-Liberty agenda. The Communists were pretty principled, as are jihadis. That’s why having a rational philosophy (like Objectivism) is so important.

          Colin Kaepernick is just an ungrateful, overpaid “Social Justice Warrior” who foolishly ruined his own career… and unfortunately polluted the NFL in the process.
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          • Posted by SteveFoerster 7 years, 4 months ago
            Well, I'm entirely with you on the Che t-shirt and related nonsense. The proper response to the abuses of our corporatist system is not the even worse abuses of a communism system, it's a system of laissez faire capitalism in which anything that's peaceful is acceptable (even those things which sensible people might agree are unwise).

            As for lionizing the police and the military, well, that's another matter.
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