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  • Posted by GaryL 7 years, 5 months ago
    When an actor or actress makes it big because they are big, bad ass, pretty or just cool, what gives them the right to tell me anything over and above the entertainment I am watching them for? All of these individuals were simply just regular folks before they became famous maybe working as a waitress in the local diner. Fame and fortune from the big screen or the sports arena does not give any of these people license to preach or endow any of them with a degree of intelligence for anything other than their particular field. A doctor might be a very intelligent person but he probably won't have any clue how to repair the transmission in his car. All of these people should just STFU and concentrate on their chosen profession while keeping their politics and religious beliefs under wraps. I don't care what they do or how they feel in their private lives but just do your job, what ever it is when you are being paid by your customers.
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    • Posted by mspalding 7 years, 5 months ago
      Yes. Who cares what a trained actor says about climate change, GMOs, vaccines or anything in the realm of science. But oddly our species thinks that someone acclaimed in one area should be listened to in all areas.
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      • Posted by GaryL 7 years, 5 months ago
        Many of these football players would be down and out if not for their game. Most have phony degrees endowed upon them because the school needed their ball handling talents. Very few move on to become rocket scientists.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 5 months ago
      good point actually. they are just people, not gods. Many of my favorite actors and actresses have opened their mouths to reveal how irrational and stupid they are. I no longer have any desire to watch their acting now. I dont boycott; I just dont have any interest in seeing what they do.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 5 months ago
    Nice to see others finally following albeit for a different reason. Started my strike in '91 when owners refused to use instant replay to review bad calls. That was it for me. They didn't care about fair play claiming it slowed the game. Right.
    I watched a game and stopwatch timed the actual action. The 3 hour elapsed time (without any instant review) included 40 minutes of play. Haven't watched a game since.
    (Note that I was a fan with mid-field season tickets for years.)
    Bread and circuses.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 5 months ago
      Its now an advertising game to see how long people will sit there and watch inane ads just to see a few minutes of sports. I think this might break the cycle and get people to stop wasting their time feeding this pastime which has grown out of control
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 5 months ago
    Loved that "we get what we allow" article.
    Me dino wishes I studied acting to appear on the sliver screen.
    That way, I could be an expert on anything I cared to comment on.
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  • Posted by wiggys 7 years, 5 months ago
    I think the players have done what they have and it is over.
    Last night I noted on the news versus turning on the game for the same reasons that the players on both teams stood during the anthem and then the news stated the Denver team would also not take a knee.
    The blow back from the fans has been heard loud and clear so their actions are now history.
    Long live the fan base!
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    • Posted by GaryL 7 years, 5 months ago
      I would be fine if these particular players would just bend over and grab their ankles like the girly men they really are. This all has nothing to do with police brutality, white supremacy or any of the other BS claimed causes and everything to do with being led like sheep to the slaughter house by the liberals they follow. What bothers me the most is if we gave gave both the left and right hand grenades to pull the pins on I would be on the side digging the graves and I hate digging!
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  • Posted by Temlakos 7 years, 5 months ago
    I gave up professional sports long before this--probably after the 9/11 Incident. Somehow those pointless games hardly seemed worthy. And now this...!
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 5 months ago
    Oddly, my 9-y/o is a huge football fan. He plays football really well. He got in some minor trouble in 1st grade for refusing to stand to Pledge because he thinks it should saying something like "aspiring to liberty and justice for all." He also says when someone brags about how good they are, they usually aren't. We let him handle it, resisting the urge to get involved. He finally agreed to stand silently. He's a little kid, but he has strong ideas. He's the most conservative rule-oriented in our household. He follows politics the same way he follows sports, calling electoral votes "points". He considers himself a Republican, an extreme minority in our area, and is a fan of Kasich.

    I asked him if his opposition to the pledge was related to the football players. He said it's for similar reasons, but he was doing it long before the players' protest became an issue. He doesn't seem to care about their politics, just figures on points, yards, etc.

    I'm sure he'll change his mind on all these things many, many times in his life, although he's been anti-pledge for over a year now. I keep my mouth shut and let him figure it out. It's one thing he can talk about that I understand. He knows so many teams' players, what year they won bowl games, and so on. We took him to the football museum in Ohio, and I fell asleep during the video. All I remember is a display of which computers were popular around the times of significant Superbowl games. I have been reading American Football for dummies.

    It's too bad people get fired up about the politics. It seems so good to see the kids play and get exercise, teamwork, individual recognition for plays. I was never into sports at all, but now I appreciate it for the first time.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 5 months ago
    Yes MSM is taking a knee everyday. I can't stand the network fools controlling the brain washed minions. The MSM is controlled by our savior agency theCIA , who's side are they on? The answer is obvious.
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  • Posted by hvance 7 years, 5 months ago
    Yes, I'm boycotting the NFL and I am glad all of the nonsense happened. It brought to a point what ESPN and the other lefty networks are shoving down our throats at each game. I say cut them all off and do away with scholarships, let them eat cake (the networks). Here's a little look into the future with a prediction of what the idiots in the NFL will do next. A game will be played and one team will lay down for the entire game because of some point they want to push. The final score will be 150-0 and the fans will leave the stadium in droves. It will happen, it's their best way to crush the game. Sad day in America.
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  • Posted by Stormi 7 years, 5 months ago
    We expect the NFL players to report for work (the game) and do their job, not take time off to voice unresearched opinions during game time. Completely out of line. If an actor holds up production to express a tissy fit, they get called on the carpet for wasting money, lots of it. If a doctor stops in mid-surgery, to express an opinion, someone could die. If a cop stops to sound off, the idiot needing Narcam will die. There is a propter time and place, and the football field is not the place to act like sheep to spout some Marxist rhetoric, to trash our country, to express "solidarity", which is Marxist in nature.The NFL has allowed people to do what state workers would be fired for doing, and fans have paid big money not to see it.It is about value for value, and that is being compromised by there morons.
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  • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
    Interesting comment stream, klingons to 9 year olds. In a totally unrelated issue, a local 1st grader just made the news by taking a knee in class during the pledge... seems that is the goal of the communist groups orchestrating these actions.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 5 months ago
    There is not a game played in an arena that's worth the price. Hundreds of dollars? You gotta be kidding. A thousand dollars for family of four with a few concession stand items? Get outta here.For that price I don't care if I ever go to another game. In addition, they are going to insult me by insulting my country and disdaining my patriotism? They can take their foot ball, or baseball or tennis ball and shove them up past the kidneys.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 5 months ago
    I don't get this stuff. I'm a nerd, so I don't follow football. But I try to imagine if it turned out some percentage of the cast of the Star Trek had some political belief I disagreed with, e.g. they thought it was wrong to protest the gov't or something like that. I would have no impact on my Star Trek watching. I don't weigh the politics of the actors. Even if they had a 30-second service message in costume where they said it's fundamentally wrong to protest the gov't, I wouldn't say "forget Star Trek, I'm going to find another show based on the actors' politics." Of course I really can't imagine this happening and then President Obama coming out and saying, "no, no, the right to protest is actually in the Constitution." Who cares. I want to argue with other nerds about exceptions to when they can beam through the shields. Isn't it the same for football?
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 7 years, 5 months ago
      Reading that the new Trek had designed their Klingon's "based on Trump supporters" was the last straw for me and I decided not to bother watching the one broadcast episode.

      I'm getting tired of shows trying to pound their liberal philosophy into the viewers with a sledge hammer.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 5 months ago's a bastardization, a warping that occurs for political reasons. Some may say that it doesn't change the experience. But, for me it seems to.

        I actually boycotted the NFL for a year when they rehired Michael Vick. You know what...I never went back to watching it as I did before that, anyway. I'll catch a couple games a year now and that's about it. Just can't relate anymore...
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 5 months ago
        " Klingon's "based on Trump supporters"
        I watched it, and I didn't see get that out of it at all. I think people make make that up from whole cloth to draw attention to the show, or maybe some writer was inspired by modern politics. I see not even the slightest hint of anything about President Trump in the show.
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        • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 7 years, 5 months ago
          Well we did watch the first episode and I admit there was no "smoking gun" in what was going on, perhaps a hint due to Klingon nationalism.

          I don't understand why they needed to do yet another design on what Klingons look like, they didn't redesign the humans! Having the change from original Trek made sense because of the ability to improve makeup, but they had a nice Klingon look and culture down in the following shows and no need to redesign.

          And, the ship design was intended to be more shiny than even Next Generation and this is a decade before Kirk so they should actually seem somewhat like Kirk's ship.

          And the plot and dialog was terrible. They acted like squabbling high school kids rather than Starfleet.

          Only watched the first episode, will not be signing up to watch more. And I'm a Start Trek fan, went to a convention in 1975 watched it all.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 5 months ago
            "perhaps a hint due to Klingon nationalism."
            I thought the same thing, but I then I thought all references to nationalism are not about anyone nationalist figure. It reminded me of The Lexus and the Olive Tree. All these foreigners, he implied, are making them lose their cultural and religious heritage. The way he evoked the Klingon religion felt very un-like President Trump, who is not particularly religious and certainly does not himself as a religious icon inspired directly by Jesus.

            There's a stronger case the the protagonist, Michael Burnham, is closer to how I imagine Trump supporters see themselves. She lost her parents in a sneak attack by the Klingons. She says they need to prepare to fight the Klingons because fighting is all they understand. She is rebuked.
            1. The admiral accuses her of racism, even though she's trying to talk about culture. They keep saying she's racist.
            2. The admiral arrogantly says she ought to be more sensitive to racial minorities since her physical features are consistent with a racial group treated as an underclass hundreds of years ago.
            3. Her captain says she's been hurt by the sneak attack and just wants revenge.
            4. Even though she turns out to be correct, the Klingons were preparing a sneak-attack, no one acknowledges it.

            If there is politics in the show, I think the protagonist, Burnham, will be the Trump-supporter. Maybe she'll "see the error of her ways" or something. I don't think so though. I don't think the show has anything to do with modern politics though. These are all themes that have been around since ancient times.

            "the ship design was intended to be more shiny than even Next Generation and this is a decade before Kirk so they should actually seem somewhat like Kirk's ship."
            This is always the problem with prequels. It was true of Enterprise. I can forgive the shiny look-and-feel, but I don't want to see things well-established as being from the future, things like holodecks, intra-ship beaming, Romulans.
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            • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 7 years, 5 months ago
              I thought Enterprise had a design that one could believe was earlier. I didn't like Phlox and the "natural cures" as an advanced technology. I felt it was a bit of an anti-science new age intrusion onto Trek. The character was fine. Star Trek is supposed to be "gosh wow" science, not slugs.

              And, yes the harping on "racism" was not Trek like. I mean the original Trek had the racist episode with the half black half white people who hated each other if based on which half was black. The crew of the Enterprise didn't harp on racism, they just were completely puzzled as to why someone would care. I would hope that in 200 years that we look at race the same way: "Why does anyone care what color someone's skin is" Although there may be some speciesist thinking but that wouldn't be
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 5 months ago
                "yes the harping on "racism" was not Trek like."
                The people bring up the issue of race turned out to be dead wrong. The admiral did it in a rude way apparently intended to make the audience not care when he died. So it was not harping on race.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 5 months ago
                "I would hope that in 200 years that we look at race the same way: "
                Yes. Give it time. It's only a few hundred years, a blink of an eye, since the world got smaller. The implicit bias test shows we're still dealing with it. At some point it will be like the Assyrian Empire's affairs or Punic Wars. They were probably so contentious even educated people struggled with them, but now they're ancient history.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 7 years, 5 months ago
      CircuitGuy, you said: I don't weigh the politics of the actors.

      Well, I don't either, but that's because I for darn sure do not want to know what their politics are. Or, if like most actors they are (huge generalization here) liberal, they need to keep that to themselves during the time they are performing.

      In the end, just like with the NFL, they need to shut up and do what they are paid to do, during the time they are paid to do it, and then raise all sort of hell when they are off the job, if that is what they choose. (That would be great because I would never know about it....which is why they don't do it that way.) As an aside: never ever again will I watch anything Meryl Streep is on, around or about.
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