Humor is Where You Find It, by Robert Gore
Presumably—aye, there’s the rub. Last season, quarterback Colin Kaepernick expressed his disagreement with certain governmental policies and practices by kneeling during the Star Spangled Banner. Since then, other players have done the same, to the consternation of many fans, including President Trump. Ratings and attendance are tanking and the crony socialist owners are caught between the rock of their payrolls’ politics and the hard place of their fans’ disgust. To borrow from Oscar Wilde, one must have a heart of stone to ponder their plight without laughing. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of guys and gals.
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This is a job for every thinking American. Thanks for reminding us all again, SLL/RG.
Some will like this message to the clueless Mr Thompson.
Sorry if anyone thinks I'm insulting an innocent species.
Orangutans have a clear and valid excuse for acting like orangutans.
You are correct, we Must return to our founding principles if we and perhaps the rest of the world are to survive as conscious human beings.
Let us hope and dare I say, "Ask" for another enlightenment to awaken or re-awaken the best of humankind to stop the fall of reason and the profound appreciation of our existence in spite of all that has sought to confound us since our creation. (however you'd like to imagine that).