Liberals sick of the alt-left are taking 'the red pill'
Liberals sick of the alt-left are taking 'the red pill'. It gives me more hope than I have had in long time for the future and freedoms of this country. Those that won’t/can’t take the `red pill’ will eventually have to eat their own in order not to be left out there alone. I loved the recent response to Nancy Pelosi, maybe it will promote her to retire.
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- 0Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 5 months ago"The red pill" That's the word racists and sexists used to mean accepting bigotry. I know it goes back to the Matrix, and they're trying to reclaim it for something else, but what? What? If it's not a complicated code for bigotry, what exactly are we even talking about? Recognizing extremists for what they are? I think most people do that without some epiphany.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|