Catalonia Trying to Dump AMT?

Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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Are the Catalan's exit vote and Spain's response an example of a European Gultching attempt and totalitarian response?

I used the AMT moniker to draw a similarity between the tax base in the US and Spain's Catalonia.

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  • Posted by Snakecane 7 years, 5 months ago
    Democracy is not the be-all and end-all that statists would like it to be and is often used in the furtherance of collectivist ideology. The only way separatism is justified is if the separatists intend to institute a constitutionally hardened commitment to individual liberty, rule of law, free enterprise, and limited government demonstrably more so than the government of the greater state.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 5 months ago
      Charles Puigdemont was put into power by an agreement between a leftist alliance YesWeCan and an anti-capitalist CUP Popular Unity Candidacy.
      He leads the separatists and doesn't fit your criteria in my mind. He would be fine to have Catalonia fold into the EU.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 5 months ago
    You nailed the truth, Thor. Its the way every state in history has reacted. To quote Ben Franklin from the musical 1776:
    You should know that rebellion is always legal in the first person, such as "our rebellion." It is only in the third person - "their rebellion" - that it is illegal.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 5 months ago
      He is a statist. Charles Puigdemont in His travels — to South Tyrol, Sardinia, the Flemish Region, Occitania and Corsica — convinced him that the European Union must do more to reduce the role of nation states in the hope that those “national realities might eventually emerge with a little more personality.”
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 5 months ago
      That is epic! Stealing for my own use!

      I'm surprised more people aren't commenting on this. It is the first pseudo-Gultching attempt I've seen, and it could spur some support, now that Chille's success has lost the interest of the lemmings.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 5 months ago
    I think you need to understand who this clown is and what he represents before giving him any connection to the dreamland for producers that Ayn Rand dreamed of.

    Charles Puigdemont

    On January 10, 2016 he was invested the 130th president of the Generalitat of Catalonia by the Parliament of Catalonia. This followed an agreement carried out the day before between Together for Yes and the CUP.
    The human and unpredictable factor is Puigdemont,” said Lluís Rabell, the speaker in the Catalan parliament for the leftist alliance Catalunya Sí que es Pot (Catalonia Yes We Can), describing the Catalan president as someone “who may currently be imbued of a political mission … and be willing to personally assume the consequences that [such a mission] may lead to.”

    Commitment to the cause

    The 54-year-old wasn’t a candidate for the presidency in the regional elections in 2015, when pro-independence parties won an absolute majority of seats in the regional chamber. He took office after the anti-capitalist Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP) — whose 10 seats placed them in the position of kingmaker in coalition wrangling that lasted three months — vetoed the former president and Puigdemont’s fellow party member, Artur Mas.
    "To contemplate the Catalan state as an instrument to better serve our citizens, not as a goal in itself,” Puigdemont said. “If in 30 or 50 years the EU is the only state that should exist, in Catalonia we’ll have no trouble with that,” he said. “The state is a human convention, it stems from an agreement and this agreement can be renewed or not.”
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  • Posted by editormichael 7 years, 5 months ago
    "... Spanish police also raided several government offices in Barcelona looking to confiscate election material linked to the referendum. ..."
    Reminds me of the days when the "Spanish police" would raid the offices and homes of ELF, the Basque liberation movement.
    It was why ELF demanded every member have two back doors in their homes and offices.
    The premise was, if, or when, the Spanish police raided, ELF wouldn't be caught with all their Basques in one exit.
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