This is really something, proof that our culture and intellect are being eroded. Pretty soon the inquisition will arrive to enforce the earth centric theory too.......
Is it at all possible to combat pure ignorance and total stupidity? Even education today has become so tainted, probably for political purposes, making opposition, someone to fight with.
Me dino is suddenly reminded of a story I read in a Marvel comic book during the 60s. In the story, it was revealed that our solar system is an atom in a universe that is a molecule. You see, that way, our universe may be within a collection of other universes that compose, say, a drop of water or the leg of a chair. Now please excuse me dino while I go set up signs that state Earth is a subatomic particle.
You once complimented me on the videos I can come up with. There are times my fat dino ego has to admit that perhaps you're better at it. About a decade ago my youngest brother Christmas gifted me a photograph book about fractals.
Imitation is the sincerest for of flattery. I credit you for showing me the way. BTW this is an even better video on fractals.
So what's the drop of water doing on the chair leg? This would seem to be a most untenable position. What happens to us if it rolls off or evaporates? You've just opened up a whole can of worms.
Me dino wrote a drop of water OR the leg of a chair. Those are two separate universes. Not one inside the other. Having had a big lunch, I'm going to eat a can of tuna soon. Hmm, that brings up a new thought. What if we are in a universe that someone or something drinks or eats?
Thanks for setting me straight on that, Allosaur. it was disconcerting. I wouldn't think the latter would be an issue though. Let's say your world is comfortably orbiting a carbon atom on the end of a protein chain in a cell on a piece of tuna. The carbon atom would still exist, even if it were exhaled on a carbon dioxide molecule a few days later.
Thats not so crazy, I have heard that same theory tossed around in some physics and science shows, it also includes the parallel universe idea, multiple universes that are just parts of atoms and molecules. Kinda like the flea story...
Well, that is certainly one way to look at it. I am just flabbergasted people can even consider such a thing, all it takes is a ride in a plane at 40,000 feet, to prove it is false. Fly from NY to London over the pole and you cannot deny you just went over something that cannot be flat.yet there are thousands of peopel who are completely convinced of this notion. I guess it explains Hillary....
Well, with the state of education in this country, and how it is progressing (or regressing), many people may eventually become convinced of it. (That is, if the populace remains literate at all, of course).
A YouTube video from Mark Dice: "Trump's Sons Kill a Triceratops on Hunting Safari - Liberals Believe, And They're Very Upset" Undoubtedly carefully selected/staged interviews, but . . . .
When I talk to people trying to convince them of the superior morality of the Objectivist philosophy I realize that most people believe the earth is flat.
Of course , it is flat. Just so large that we cant know where the boundaries are. Maybe parallel universes are responsible for the fact if we keep on traveling west, we start seeing what we already saw when we started. Maybe its god somehow.
First, I thought it was a joke. Then I did the suggested research in YouTube, and for my amazement there iare many that seriously say the earth is flat.
This reminded me that the way to reduce stupidity in the world is removing all warning signs.
I saw a video someone posted to FB of a dash cam that catches a motorcyclist going 70-80 and passing the car, just to run head on into another car. I am sure they did not survive, but was happy to see Darwin's law of evolution in play.
I remember my old pure maths lecturer saying things like, "You can believe that the earth is flat if you like, and you can make that true, but that makes the maths so much more complicated and difficult, which is probably we tend not to adopt such beliefs."
How do I understand the Flat Earth advocate? In the thought system of Gnosticism as does David Allen. Allen is widely recognized as the world’s leading expert on personal and organizational productivity. His thirty-year pioneering research and coaching to corporate managers and CEOs of some of America’s most prestigious corporations and institutions has earned him Forbes’ recognition as one of the top five executive coaches in the U.S. and Business 2.0 magazine's inclusion in their 2006 list of the "50 Who Matter Now." Time Magazine called his flagship book, "Getting Things Done", “the definitive business self-help book of the decade.” Fast Company Magazine called David “one of the world’s most influential thinkers” in the arena of personal productivity, for his outstanding programs and writing on time and stress management, the power of aligned focus and vision, and his groundbreaking methodologies in management and executive peak performance.
So how does a guy like that look at Flat Earth advocates as indicative of the Gnostic emanation of an aspect of consciousness known as Yaldabaoth, or as YWHW (Yaweh) and is known as Brahm in the Hindu thought system? You got me, but reading his exposition on the subject I see Yaldabaoth possessing far more than Flat Earthers. Antifa?
Jesus seemed to be quite against the Old Testament methodology and he caused quite an uproar at the time, why? Because he went against everything they believed and taught, against the Pharisees, the money changers & exposed the Old Testament God as Yaldabaoth, an ignorant chaotic creator God and a concept and belief far older than Jesus Christ himself.
It is exactly that form of consciousness -- ignorant chaotic creator -- that is exampled in the modern instance of the Flat Earth advocate. Allen's short book examines the making and continuation of such a personality in today's world of science.
You're right mate. Its out at St Kilda - my take is that this is just uni students taking the piss. They have exams next month and the spring weather is starting to warm up. Then again the story is via a West Island paper and they are always taking cheap shots at us.
In the story, it was revealed that our solar system is an atom in a universe that is a molecule.
You see, that way, our universe may be within a collection of other universes that compose, say, a drop of water or the leg of a chair.
Now please excuse me dino while I go set up signs that state Earth is a subatomic particle.
There are times my fat dino ego has to admit that perhaps you're better at it.
About a decade ago my youngest brother Christmas gifted me a photograph book about fractals.
for showing me the way. BTW this is an even better video on fractals.
Fractal cell phone antennas?!
Thanks for that mind-blowing video!
Those are two separate universes. Not one inside the other.
Having had a big lunch, I'm going to eat a can of tuna soon.
Hmm, that brings up a new thought.
What if we are in a universe that someone or something drinks or eats?
how it is progressing (or regressing), many people
may eventually become convinced of it. (That is,
if the populace remains literate at all, of course).
This reminded me that the way to reduce stupidity in the world is removing all warning signs.
Go the ABs!!!
So how does a guy like that look at Flat Earth advocates as indicative of the Gnostic emanation of an aspect of consciousness known as Yaldabaoth, or as YWHW (Yaweh) and is known as Brahm in the Hindu thought system? You got me, but reading his exposition on the subject I see Yaldabaoth possessing far more than Flat Earthers. Antifa?
Because he went against everything they believed and taught, against the Pharisees, the money changers & exposed the Old Testament God as Yaldabaoth, an ignorant chaotic creator God and a concept and belief far older than Jesus Christ himself.
It is exactly that form of consciousness -- ignorant chaotic creator -- that is exampled in the modern instance of the Flat Earth advocate. Allen's short book examines the making and continuation of such a personality in today's world of science.
Then again the story is via a West Island paper and they are always taking cheap shots at us.