The culture, youtube, and your 15 minutes of fame.
The band I'm in played a volunteer gig at the end of May. For several reasons I thought the performance was bad to really bad. The gig was videotaped on a small handheld camera so the audio isn't good either. The other evening after practice I overheard the drummer saying he wanted to put the video on youtube and he just needed to make sure he spelled all the names of the band members correctly. He never asked permission from anyone. I was the only one who said no. Beyond the fact that in my opinion if you are going to put your band on youtube it had better be really good. He never asked my permission to be placed on youtube. He was surprised and mad that I said no. He ranted that he would have to make copies for all his friends and family. I still said no.
If you were in the same situation what would be your response? To borrow from dbhalling; what would John Galt have done?
If you were in the same situation what would be your response? To borrow from dbhalling; what would John Galt have done?
If you are in a band, you kinda have a public exposure and so to say to everyone else, you would never agree to a youtube video- well your reasoning would need to be laid out. I'd like to watch a video of a good song from one of your gigs. heck I'd watch a bad one-but we'd laugh together-privately, that is. ;)
Full disclosure I knew they would be filming part of it, but I thought it was for the clients, not youtube. This gig was a big party for the clients, who are mentally and physically handicapped. Many of them are in the video also, not just the band. I'm sure none of them or their families were consulted about being put on youtube either.
I'd still like to see you playing.
Are you willing to compromise? If you aren’t, then you do the right thing for yourself.
He does know how I feel (oh wo wo wo) and think about it and he disagrees. He did say he would password protect it for his friends and family. I still believe if it isn't your best effort then it shouldn't be sent out. I knew the gig would be a wreck and I would not have gone except that I had made an agreement to be there. I quit the band after this gig, but was assured that changes would be made. I think those changes are not going to be honored, so I will be quitting again. I would rather be a guitar hero in my own living room.
I agree that you do not want anything less than a good recording released for public view.
Not sure what I would have done; I don't want my face out there, anymore. I might have said he could put it on Youtube if he blurred my face and distorted my voice. More likely I'd have just objected.
Then again, if it was in a public place... too bad, he can post it, you didn't have an expectation of privacy... but you do have copyright to your performance... a convoluted problem... I like it...