Montana, the forgotten state

Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 7 years, 5 months ago to Economics
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Have you heard we have over 1.1 million acres burning? I bet not. The guy in the picture is my brother.
I put this under economics for the obvious reasons.
Turn up your speakers

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  • Posted by wiggys 7 years, 5 months ago
    I just received a call from a fellow Montana and I asked him about the fires. he told me that the environmentalist made it impossible for loggers to cut trees killed by the beetles so the tinder would less. as well as killing the beetles. one more time environmentalists tie things up in courts to prevent people who know what they are doing from doing it. hence tinder for the fires and ground that will not support growth for years to come. environmentalists add to the tragedy .
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    • Posted by ewv 7 years, 5 months ago
      The viro strategy of exploiting legal standing to sue over Federal lands as a means of obstruction is growing. They hate logging and hate humans 'interfering' with nature. It is easier for them to hijack and exploit the power of government to impose their ideology when government already controls the land. Activists entrenched inside the agencies use their bureaucratic power and NGOs sue to stop anything else, often in friendly lawsuits in collaboration with the agencies.

      Here is a recent article on their blocking fire control at a National Forest in Montana where it has become a game of literally playing with fire that threatens a local town.


      Environmental Groups Sue Over Flathead Forest Project

      By Corin Cates-Carney • Sep 1, 2017

      Environmental conservation groups are suing to block a plan to log, thin, and prescription-burn about 2,900 acres in the Flathead National Forest. The groups say it violates federal laws.

      The Beaver Creek Project borders Lindbergh Lake and the Mission Mountain Wilderness. Rich Kehr, the Flathead Forest’s Swan Lake District Ranger, says the biggest driver in the project is wildfire concerns.

      “We have the community of Lindbergh Lake on the downstream end of the lake. And what we are trying to achieve with this project is establishment of a primary line of defense around the community. By doing that, we recognize that fire is going to continue to play a role in the landscape. But what we want to do is move the landscape into a condition where it can provide more of its natural historical role in the landscape where it had lower intensity fire.”

      The designated project area is about 35,000 acres, but only about 2,900 acres of that are slated for commercial logging, forest thinning and prescribed burning. The Forest Service says those actions will, "reduce the risk of uncharacteristic wildfire, improve forest health and ecological resilience, improve fish and wildlife habitat and benefit the local economy."

      The project plan calls for about 1,800 acres for commercial timber harvest.

      Just over five miles of new temporary road will be constructed. More than 17 miles of road will be temporarily closed or decommissioned entirely.

      Thursday, the Alliance for the Wild Rockies and the Swan View Coalition and Friends of the Wild Swan filed a lawsuit to stop the Beaver Creek Project.

      Steve Kelly with Friends of the Wild Swan says the project violates federal law, because the Forest Service failed to analyze the cumulative environmental impacts of Beaver Creek and another nearby project.

      "They want to log, they want to build roads, with no regard for the recovery and well being of grizzly bears and big game and other animals that are impacted and threatenedd by this kind of activity out in the backcountry."

      The groups say the project prioritizes logging over wildlife in critical grizzly bear and lynx habitat.

      Kelly says the project area is in backcountry wilderness and people with property in the area should understand the wildfire risk of living there.

      "If people can’t deal with nature and the way forests operate in a natural evolution, or a natural succession, they should move to New Jersey where they’ve cut down all the forest, or Ohio, where there are no forests. If people want to be paranoid about forests, they’re living in the wrong state."

      Wildfires raging across Montana are burning more than 200,000 acres, clouding the state with smoke, unhealthy air, and threatening homes and lives.

      With this backdrop, Republican members of Montana’s U.S. congressional delegation have attacked groups pushing lawsuits like the one filed yesterday.

      Soon after Friends of the Wild Swan and the other groups announced their intention to challenge to the Beaver Creek Project, U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued a statement saying it, "defies decency that yet another radical environmentalist group would sue to block a needed forest management project that would reduce fire danger."

      The U.S. District Court in Missoula has not yet set a schedule for the legal challenge to the Beaver Creek Project.
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      • Posted by $ 7 years, 5 months ago
        The Mission Mountains are my backyard. These are 2 fires are in the area this is referencing.
        Rice Ridge Fire currently 135,355 acres. https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5414/
        Liberty Fire 26.570 acres https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5414/
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        • Posted by ewv 7 years, 3 months ago
          Here is another example of government-run wilderness forest fires, this time in Oregon: https://kobi5.com/news/local-news/jos...

          Josephine County Board of Commissioners declare no-confidence resolution with U.S. Forest Service
          October 24, 2017

          Grants Pass, Or.- Josephine County Commissioners have declared a “no confidence” resolution in the current federal forest management policy.

          “The U.S. Forest Service’s fire policy is resulting in catastrophic fires,” Josephine County Commissioner Lily Morgan said. “We would like a change in their policy.”

          Commissioner Morgan says shes fed up with how the U.S. Forest Service runs its fire prevention practices.

          “We do not want to face these fires summer after summer,” she said.

          Nearly 678,000 acres of federally protected lands were burned this summer. Commissioner Morgan says those lands could have been prevented with prescribed burns and thinning.

          “We know that doing prescribe burning, by doing selective forest thinning, by reducing these fuels at the ground level with the grasses and some of the bushes that we can decrease the fire risk,” she said...
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    • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 5 months ago
      Yup. Bark beetles are a huge problem infesting 1 in 3 trees in the forests around Helena. And the Democratic Governor sides with the tree huggers, leaving this huge mess. Now there won't be any trees to hug - infested or not.
      To me its an example of the progressive mindset: penny-wise and pound stupid.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 5 months ago
      Truth. Fire is a natural part of the forest. The pine cones need the heat from fire to open their cones, and fire cleans out all the junk and duff adding nutrients to the soil for baby trees and making easy passage for wildlife. In addition, healthy trees aren't killed by fire. Because of the environmentalists, the fires are so hot they kill healthy trees and sterilize the soil.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 5 months ago
    I'm not so unhappy I retired to Oklahoma. Tornadoes have a tiny footprint compared to the hundreds of miles wide hurricanes. We got out of our severe drought with the wettest year on record in 2015, but the year before we had 50,000 acres of wildfires, so you have a lot of Okie sympathy. The news media doesn't have much use for flyover country.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 7 years, 5 months ago
      Well, I was fine with OK's tornadoes since I come from N. Texas, but what's this with the earthquakes! First one I'd ever been in back in February (that I could feel - I had no idea what was going on for more seconds than I care to admit).

      BTW Yes, I knew about the wildfires. Why, oh why is this being ignored? I guess they can't throw somebody out in the fire (like they can with a hurricane) and see how long they'll last. I guess that would be frowned upon (though I personally frown upon people standing outside in hurricanes, yelling "it's windy!") So, going with what egregious behavior they can get away with, I guess hurricanes it is.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 7 years, 5 months ago
    No, I hadn't heard. All I have heard is about Hurricane Irma, but I'm in Florida, so what would you expect? I have only been once to Montana ... to the site of Custer's last stand.

    From The Hunt for Red October, one of the few great books (by Tom Clancy) that was also a great movie, "I would have loved to have seen ... Montana."

    Stay safe, RMP! I will as well, amidst emptying my pool between squalls.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 5 months ago
    So long as we're not willing to bitch and complain like the eco-freaks do, we must swallow our castor oil. One more thing to add to the heavily weighted pro vs con debate between left & right.
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    • Posted by ewv 7 years, 5 months ago
      Who is "we"? The members of this forum? Rural people across teh country have been fighting the viro eco-fascists for decades. The politics is controlled in Washington and state capitols by the viro pressure group lobby and their political supporters. Most people in the more urban areas know nothing about the problem and tend to support the romantic imagery and 'pollution' scare campaigns that keeps the viros in power.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 5 months ago
        Because of the heavily slanted media's failure to report anything of the sort by anyone other than left and far left activists the conservative movement needs to be so massive that it can't be ignored. That's actually what Trump did in a rather chaotic way.
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        • Posted by ewv 7 years, 5 months ago
          Most conservatives and libertarians haven't known what the viros have been doing to rural Americans for decades. Trump doesn't either. He's a big fan of Federal land. His Interior Secretary Zinke is a promoter of more Federal land acquisition. He just recommended that Trump not rescind any of the Obama National Monument decrees.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years, 5 months ago
    Love the soundtrack. I heard this and bought a couple of Disturbed albums. That guy has a real man's voice, quite absent from rock these days.
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  • Posted by wiggys 7 years, 5 months ago
    I wondered where all the smoke was coming from for the past two or three weeks over the sky's of grand junction. now I know! it is not as dramatic to report these fires as it is hurricanes I guess. maybe if there was a football team in Montana a player would start a fund. thanks for the heads up.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 5 months ago
    Me dino recalls a drought in Alabama during the mid-80's.
    Near downtown Birmingham you could look around in a circle and clearly see the smoke of at least three different forest fires.
    Turned out that a couple of firebugs were responsible for most of it.
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