So Deep It’s Sunk, by Robert Gore
There are still lessons to be generally recognized from the fall of the Soviet Union. First and foremost: command and control doesn’t work. That’s a lesson US commanders and controllers and their media and academic fellow travelers ignore at their peril. They cling to their cherished vision of American life directed from above, with the infamous Deep State at the apex of the power pyramid, the ultimate string pullers. Recent maneuvers, however, suggest a Deep State so tangled in its own strings that any attempt to free itself will only make the situation worse.
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I've thought myself, that if we are going to drain the proverbial swamp...we almost need a tyrant, (or chess player), to do that because the 'rule of law' doesn't stand anymore.
Good catch on Feinstein's 180 turn around...although, I wouldn't of thought she had much to do with anything, thinking she's just another idiot but what you posit makes sense.