Michigan Dept of Agri Forces Farmer to Dump 248 Gallons of Organic Milk and Break 1200 Free Range Eggs | The Daily Sheeple
Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 7 months ago to Government
Folks, if this isn't communism, then what is it? This is a perfect example of when to take a stand. MI's Dept of Agri is obviously full of communists. This should end anyone's idea that we still live in the land of the free.
Now that applies to a much wider swath of the population. I loved growing up and having our own chickens ( minus the crap). we went to our neighbor a farmer for milk and I loved crawling up this huge stainless tank, and filling up our milk bottles. In the next morning there would be an inch or two of cream on the tops of the bottles. After leaving home I drank very little milk because it tastes like they took water and put white food coloring in it.
Ah fond memories. Got time for one more? I was running late one morning and forgot to collect the eggs before breakfast, so just before school I run to the coop, collect the eggs, had a lot so I put a few in my coat pockets. Later in school I reached in and realized I left one, now crushed egg, to warm my pocket.
God bless my parents,
Got State approved Looting? Apparently, MI does.
How so? Why do you think the food police laid on this raid? To protect the CAFO chicken ranchers and large-scale dairymen who had to pressure-cook (Pasteurize) their product because they cannot possibly keep the milking operation as clean as it has to be.
(CAFO = Confined Animal Feeding Operation.)
Imagine if Hank Rearden had been a lot smaller than he was, but the government sat on him anyway, to benefit Orren Boyle.
That's what you're looking at here.
This is just absurd.
On the other hand, I'd love to know the answers to your 2nd and 3rd questions. I'd like to know what follow up actions the true victims here are going to do. Perhaps the biggest challenge for them is, finding a judge that hasn't been "bought" by the state communists who'll actually listen to their case and objectively rule based on logic & common sense.
Our local media channels come mostly out of the Detroit area. They are lap dogs... mindless automatons. They will not investigate or report on those questions.
I recently read about a new regulation for yet another safety mechanism being forced on U.S. auto makers. The DoT bureaucrats proudly announced that the new device would save the lives of 15 children over the next 5 years, at a cost of only $500M to the consumer. More children than that die from drowning in bathtubs each month, so either their concern "for the children" is misdirected, or just a phony mechanism to justify their paper-shuffling existence.
When my Mom was 9 years old, she came to this country from Poland right after WW1. While on the ship, a man in a sailors uniform was giving out cups of hot chocolate to the guests. She had never tasted chocolate. She went back for cup after cup. The sailor asked her where she was going. She told him, Michigan. (They were speaking German/Yiddish). He told her, Michigan? Is that where all the Michigoss are? (Michigoss in German could be translated into crazy or crazy person.) She ran crying to her Mom that they were going to the land of crazy people. As it turned out, she was right.
keeping my temper. I would have to ask my wife
to hide the shotgun....... -- j
Damn them!
If you can move it, move it
If you can't move it, paint it
If it moves on its own, salute it
We don't need noo steenking license.
These guys should have told those pencil-necked paper-pushers to go kick rocks.
permission to openly carry a firearm in public.
I asked why we need permission. if I want to take
my gun out into the yard, I do. screw 'em. -- j
I’m thinking 248 gallons of milk produced daily is a bit much for a small community co-op. There isn’t enough information and detail about this story to form an opinion. The pictures and images of all those eggs and milk going to waste is awful. Yet, I still feel I can’t work up rant yet. Need more info.