Posted by $ winterwind 11 years, 2 months ago to Government
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On the way to the Gulch, I noted this on MSN [not a quality news service, but always good for a snicker}:
"The [U.S. government] shutdown is expected to... disrupt services like ... IRS audits."

They list this calamity with the shutdown of parks & monuments, furlough of govt workers, etc.

Oh, No, whatever will we do??

The thinking [or lack of it] boggles the mind. Closing a national part is cause for annoyance if you had planned to go there. Disrupting IRS audits gives Americans a cause for celebration and a reason to increase their intake of adult beverages.

Shut it down.

This IS a typo, really, truly, it is:
Shit it all down.

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 2 months ago
    I agree with the shutdown, especially the part where the IRS can't do audits. It's quite entertaining to watch mr. thompson and his blame game. He really has a temper tantrum when he isn't adored.

    One nasty thing they've done is to not issue retirement checks. That really sucks, The fools on the hill and mr. thompson are getting paid but retirees are getting screwed.
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