My daughter loves Thomas! I love when the trains brag about being "Very useful" At least they have a purpose in life! My daughter doesn't seem to care that most of the trains have boy voices. The writer of that article has too much time on her hands. Instead of bashing something children love, maybe she should come up with her own perfect TV show and see how much kids like that.
The Thomas series had a total of 19 mechanical female characters and one human female character (not including many random female children) out of a total of 120 characters in all. Now, consider the fact that this is a fiflthy, hot, sweaty and dangerous work environment. Is it really that uncommon to have a working female population of only 17% under these conditions? I would say yes as a matter of fact because something closer to around 7% would be a more accurate real-world scenario. Unless of course your complaint is that there simply isn't enough "eye candy" to keep the show interesting, but theyre trains man, theyre trains. That's just weird...
it doesn't have enough beagles in it, either.