My Liberal Professor, Uncle Joe...
Posted by sierrasky 11 years, 3 months ago to Philosophy
I hope I did this right.....My Uncle Joe, a devout liberal and Academic, posted this when I shared the Atlas Shrugged post on my Facebook page regarding citizens having to ask permission from the government. He seems to have to profess on my facebook page, like he is an authority on everything in his lovely condescending way.... this was our exchange......
Uncle Joe: Ahh, the tenets of Objectivism. Ayn Rand, a communist and avowed atheist is an interesting woman with many contradictory & conflicted opinions regarding our democracy as it existed in the mid twentieth century.
Me: Uncle Joe, Ayn Rand was absolutely not a communist. In fact she was the opposite, credited as to being one of the founding thinkers of Libertarianism. Although I do not subscribe to her religious views, she was absolutely for individual liberty, freedom and small government and always has been, Truly in opposition of communism. Here is her forward from her book "We The Living". Have you read Atlas Shrugged??? If not, you should. It is so reflective of what is happening in our country today.... "When, at the age of twelve, at the time of the Russian revolution, I first heard the Communist principle that Man must exist for the sake of the State, I perceived that this was the essential issue, that this principle was evil, and that it could lead to nothing but evil, regardless of any methods, details, decrees, policies, promises and pious platitudes. This was the reason for my opposition to Communism then—and it is my reason now. I am still a little astonished, at times, that too many adult Americans do not understand the nature of the fight against Communism as clearly as I understood it at the age of twelve: they continue to believe that only Communist methods are evil, while Communist ideals are noble. All the victories of Communism since the year 1917 are due to that particular belief among the men who are still free. "
Uncle Joe: Ahh, the tenets of Objectivism. Ayn Rand, a communist and avowed atheist is an interesting woman with many contradictory & conflicted opinions regarding our democracy as it existed in the mid twentieth century.
Me: Uncle Joe, Ayn Rand was absolutely not a communist. In fact she was the opposite, credited as to being one of the founding thinkers of Libertarianism. Although I do not subscribe to her religious views, she was absolutely for individual liberty, freedom and small government and always has been, Truly in opposition of communism. Here is her forward from her book "We The Living". Have you read Atlas Shrugged??? If not, you should. It is so reflective of what is happening in our country today.... "When, at the age of twelve, at the time of the Russian revolution, I first heard the Communist principle that Man must exist for the sake of the State, I perceived that this was the essential issue, that this principle was evil, and that it could lead to nothing but evil, regardless of any methods, details, decrees, policies, promises and pious platitudes. This was the reason for my opposition to Communism then—and it is my reason now. I am still a little astonished, at times, that too many adult Americans do not understand the nature of the fight against Communism as clearly as I understood it at the age of twelve: they continue to believe that only Communist methods are evil, while Communist ideals are noble. All the victories of Communism since the year 1917 are due to that particular belief among the men who are still free. "
Ronald Reagan
Let's ask Mike! ;-)
Soooo if Ayan Rand was born in a communist country, she MUST be a communist, I ASSume