Fight Back you spineless Bastards
Posted by wgingram1 12 years, 2 months ago to Philosophy
You will remain subject to Obama's Communist government until such time as you learn to put it on the line for liberty and freedom.
"Remember" the Russians who passively resisted. The did for close to 100 years and they are STILL passive "sheeple" because that is what they learned, practiced and taught their childrem
"Remember" the Russians who passively resisted. The did for close to 100 years and they are STILL passive "sheeple" because that is what they learned, practiced and taught their childrem
Have you read any of Rand's work?
In this day and age, it is not a realistic option to have a revolutionary war. Your oppressor is not 3 months away from your door. Historically speaking, the US revolution aside, most end in dictatorship.
The fastest way to change out a government is by its collapse. It used to be that countries could look to someone else doing the right thing (the US in the good old days). I am well aware of the the top 5 on the economic freedom list, but none of these countries could take on a mass US exodus. I believe that protecting our freedoms and the Constitution are not going to be about a land grab or hunkering down on one's land.
Posted by wgingram1 1 hour ago
FYI - I have read Atlas Shrugged 5 times, The fountainhead 3 time, Anthem twice and We the living twice. I have read the Life and times of Ayn Rand and everything I know about her life and times.
What you seem forget is that her books are idealistic, there is no Galts Gulch and that we have to deal with reality and not an idealized notion that was written half a century ago.
We have to deal with life and politics in a way that will work, not in some ancient fantasy that never happened but would have been great if it actually could have happened that way.
I am a realist as was Ayn Rand. She would recognize that times change and a novel is just a novel and not a reality.