Why Eating Healthy is so Damn Hard (and Arguably Pointless)
You have to watch the video...I could of put this into the humor category but there is a lot of truth to the humor in the video.
Yes, it's sad to admit, but science also...is subject to being a kakistocracy also, especially when it suits the kakistocracy.
This is why, for a long time now, I stopped listening to the lamestream anything...I do my own research and try as I might, employ my BS detector.
Even so, there are still a lot of unanswered questions...the "Science" is clearly unsettled and might never be conclusive...it will, hopefully, evolve before the fun of living is completely gone.
Yes, it's sad to admit, but science also...is subject to being a kakistocracy also, especially when it suits the kakistocracy.
This is why, for a long time now, I stopped listening to the lamestream anything...I do my own research and try as I might, employ my BS detector.
Even so, there are still a lot of unanswered questions...the "Science" is clearly unsettled and might never be conclusive...it will, hopefully, evolve before the fun of living is completely gone.
Hell...now I eat eggs, some butter, salt - still with tons of fish and as much veggies as I can manage to muster. Feels great.
Recently, the media reported that you shouldn't take vitamin D. Oh, and C and all those others. Oh, and coconut oil is bad for you (in any amount). Anymore, my wife and I just laugh at what they're telling the public. All these men with breasts, women with their hair falling out, people getting dementia young and younger. Just keep drinking the cool aid.
I've studied the bloodtype body of works by Dr. Peter D'Adamo. Each bloodtype has it's own way of dealing with foods, some being medicine and others causing agglutination of the blood, (not a good thing) but the only foods that no one should eat are the one's the lamestream promotes...modern day wheat, corn and soy...it is funny to watch them scramble each day to include "what's on the bad list today" that might be promoted tomorrow!
It's just the way our species has evolved...all this has been proven, observed, duplicated and repeatable...not to mention, the observed results of over 10 million people using this knowledge in practice.
It's made a profound difference in my life and everyone I know that gave it an honest try. I have not had so much as a sniffle in over 25 years when prior to that, I was always getting something, not to mention bad reactions to everything I was told to take.
I am Done with the allopathic sickness careless, symptom only medical complex; Doing for and against the body instead of doing with the body, allowing it to do which it can do for itself.
It's not the end to end all inquiry...it's just the place to start and that which all else be compared to.
It's been plain to see that one mans medicine is another mans poison. An observation made 1000's of years ago and still valid today.
Staying away from the doctor each day, keeps the doctor away!
we grow our own food and juice every day...working so far...
world hotel 12 years ago...once diagnosed back in West Palm Beach, I was sent to professional doc who had been treating spider bites for over 50 years...he told me it would abscess for over a month and would open up again in the future...I treated it myself with 3 different essential oils...closed it up in two weeks and it has never open up again since...he was clueless....sad
Like my musical notes?
One serving, (subjective) of processed sugar...mostly from corn, halts the body's ability to clean out the dead cells in one's brain...gives new meaning to being a "S**t" head! hahahah
I didn't do that out of doctors' orders, I just got tired of the bloated feeling or heart burn all the time.
One other critical change I made - I roast my own coffee... the freshness improves the taste about 10,000%, and I have no desire for creams, milks, etc., so I'm able to enjoy several cups all day long and not have the dairy that can cause heartburn & whatever. I don't care for the taste of butter or salt, no problems there, I've never cared for either as a condiment. I do a lot of Monterrey types seasonings on steak or shrimp when grilled, same with an occasional burger.
Their products and the prices have been excellent for the past 2 years. I have enjoyed about 15 different varieties in that time.
Here is an article discussing home roasting:
My popper takes about 7-10 minutes for about 55gm of green beans, and I do it outside so the hulls that break off the beans become compost for the yard, and the aroma does not linger in the house. I roast only enough to last about a week, so I have reasonably freshly roasted beans, and I only grind enough for the coffee I am making at the time. It makes a big difference in the flavor, as scojohnson noted.
Happy Mug usually gives their recommendations on how dark to roast in the description of each coffee they sell.
Most things I have found are fine - take the BS about 'red meat' that we went through for a while. I've found a nice slice of tri-tip on a salad to be fantastic, filling, and is actually quite low in calories. If consumed with the greens and veggies, there is nothing wrong with it. Look at the 'vegans' - while they tend to be 'skinny', they are also low-energy people in general. Humans are omnivores and we need to respect our dietary requirements. I'm not going to criticize the decisions of others, I'm just saying that maximum health requires a diversity of proteins, minerals, and nutrients.
Getting back to the steak, I don't think the suspected health problems were with 'steak' as much as the goopy stuff and the "meat and potatoes" diet that was common at the time. The starches in the potato and the huge calories and cholesterol in the goopy gravies were far worse than the steak was. Fast forward to modern times... I don't think I've seen a 'baked potato' from a restaurant that was actually 'baked' in a very long time, they deep fry those things now, people think they are getting something healthier than they really are- then they load the things with sour cream, chives, butter, etc.. pretty soon it's a 1500 calorie greaseball.
So, I don't 'reject' different types of food necessarily, but I know or suspect how various things are prepared, and how it will tear up my innards for the next 12 hours if I consume it, so I stick to the basics. With the exception of coffee and a few other staples, I sort of follow the paleo diet.
My main problem is that I burn calories like no tomorrow...just can't get or afford enough but can't do it with traditional fair...bloating...but a good clean piece of red meat is like a miracle medicine for me...laughing, maybe one of my ancient ancestors had a tryst with a Neanderthal; mankind did not evolve from them, they were a separate species but, it was recently discovered that they existed after the flood right up into the early times of Israel, so it wouldn't be surprising if we intermingled.
It's interesting just how much of our history has been lost or purposely confounded.
The narrative gets distorted by agenda, not facts.
People (including my past-self) struggle with moderation it seems like. Anything is probably fine, I just prefer to avoid stuff with ingredients that are probably shared with a car battery.
I also enjoy a beer a couple of evenings a week, and have cut back my soda consumption to maybe 24 ounces a week, I do really like old-fashioned mexican-imported coca cola, as well as the occasional bourbon-sour. I drink much more water than I did in my youth - probably 3 cups of coffee a day (straight-black) and at least 8-10 glasses of water. Here in the west though, the water is critical. My general rule of thumb, if I'm peeing and it's a little or very yellow, drink more water.
Funny, originally...coke-a-cola was a good thing...then like all things...it went south with the rest of the anti-civilization we live in.
Had to pay three big ones due to a complicated inheritance last year.
No, I'll stick to rounding off low.
Left out in the video was my morning coffee being bad and now it's just downright healthy.
I was laughing when the disgusted year 1979 man of the house defiantly chomped into bread after the man from the future said it was bad to eat.
The doctor I see every three months for my type 2 diabetes said I can eat all the eggs I want but that white bread is bad. At first . . .
Two years ago Doc told me to only eat whole grain.
One year ago Doc told me all bread is bad save for pumpernickel.
Psst! I eat pumpernickel as part of my breakfast but I still make sandwiches with whole grain and rye.
Doc also told me not to eat pineapples for being loaded with sugar. Pineapple is at least easy to avoid.
I drink a small amount of grapefruit juice in the morning, though Doc said not to drink juice of any kind period.
I predicted that in 2010 in my book and that is exactly what I am seeing here at Hospice.
The recent warnings about wheat and gluten (the pod around the seed) comes from non-lamestream sources. Modern day wheat is an abortion's abortions...however, it's forbearers was still on the no no list of O's cause it does agglutinate the blood of O's...not a good thing.
Pumpernickel?...they mix it with wheat to make it chewable...pumpernickel is hard as a Rock otherwise. Most oat bread, in fact most breads have wheat mixed in.
The holy trinity of modern non nutrition is wheat, corn and soy...all genetically modified and treated with roundup...so when you see these things attacked, you know it's from the outside...but in response...the lamestreamers are now profiting on gluten free...yes, these cunning SOB's will get you one way or another.
Modern day wheat was redesigned to make the starving children of Africa fat so as to ease our undeserved guilt, while they starved anyway from a lack of nutrition.
Who knows what a writer's motivations may be besides helping people with their health.
I left out rice above after having to rewrite my post due to a three-second power outage.
Doc says white rice is bad and brown rice is good and I have no problem eating brown rice unless beef tips on rice is the best choice of offerings at a buffet deli I go to twice a week.
I've seen lots of samurai movies. South Korean flicks obtained by Netflix have proven to be very good and I loved a horror movie called The Host.
One thing I've noticed is that oriental actors are almost always eating tons of white rice and yet remain skinny.
Sometimes, one must double back in the opposite direction until thing get better then ever so sneaky...make your way back in moderation avoiding the pits one might again fall into.
Similar to what your ancestors should of done around the la'brea tar pits...laughing
Not only do I know what a number is, I can ad 2+2.
When wrong is almost right, pampered little minds grow up to be snowflakes who need safe zones and coloring books.
Having written that, new thought. Did the kid go crying to the principal that you're being mean to him? Worse, was it his parents?
I advise you tell your pupils that there is only one right reality answer when it comes to arithmetic problems. A wrong answer is reality wrong. That's just the way arithmetic reality is.
I ,the venerable wiseguy Sir Allosaurus, Esq., with an honorable doctorate of dino philosophy (awarded by San Diego State University scholars later killed off in the second Jurassic Park flick) have spoken.
By the way, 2+2=a 3.14159 deli pie flavor of the day.
I'd rather have an ice cream cone.
Just think...no more parasitical humanoids in government.