Embraceambition.org - A Refreshing Change

Posted by $ jbrenner 7 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: General
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I saw the following ad on Fox Business this AM and thought, "Wow! What a refreshing change!"
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBRb3aIsUFQ

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  • Posted by jimslag 7 years, 7 months ago
    I spent 21 years and some months in the military (US Navy) and some of my best workers were of the female persuasion. I was in the electronics field and nuclear power, so it was no fluffy job. It actually required you to use your mind and training to solve issues and problems. School was hard enough. I am old enough that I did not have females in my electronics school. I did have 2 in my Nuclear Power School class, one stayed in and made Master Chief (E9), the highest enlisted pay grade. I had a bad car accident 15 years in and got dropped from nuclear power program but was made a standard Electronics Technician. I was senior enough to be put in charge of a calibration and repair facility at a Maintenance Activity and many female junior enlisted working for me. They were great performers and I gave them outstanding evaluations for their awesome work. I gave classes in electronics so they could take the advancement exams and pass them with little to no problems. I still keep in touch with some of them and they all thank me for the training and evals I gave them.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 7 months ago
    I know, every guy is saying, "So, what about men?" Apparently, ambition in women has been stygmatized. The ad is positive, yes, I only wish it wasn't so damn politically correct.
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  • Posted by STEVEDUNN46 7 years, 7 months ago
    So why just for women. Do they think women are stupid and need extra help. What about men that need the same things? Access to loans. Education. Networking. Experienced advice? A truly non sexist, non racial org would offer this to everybody
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    • Posted by ReneeDaphne 7 years, 7 months ago
      I was the first "girl" to ever take drafting at my high school. The teacher was furious and my counselor said "Nice girls don't take those kinds of classes."

      At my final "counseling" in high school, my new counselor wasn't looking at me when I walked in the room, he was reading my scores. "Wow, you've really got excellent math and science scores and your other grade are stellar, you'd be exceptional in an engineering career". Then he looked up and said "Oh, you're a girl. Well, there's still some nice jobs women are qualified for."

      I was also one of the first women technicians at IBM in Chicago in the 70's. When I was in training, I watched myself work through a "desire to fail" because I was competing against and constantly outscoring all of the other 65 men on all the tests.

      Not much has changed since then, especially when you consider that both the environmental movement AND libertarians are some of the most chauvinistic people I have ever met. We won't even mention the religious folks like mormons and muslims.

      It's not racism, it's not sexism. It's the inability to understand that intelligence isn't based on body parts or color.

      If women had not been "incapable" for thousands of years (it means "with power" - it does NOT mean incompetent) it's possible we would be in an entirely different place. Women have only been allowed "in the game" for less than 75 years and "full participation" did not come with the vote....we're still waiting.

      Women query, examine and then bludgeon last. Men bludgeon first and then may ask questions later if needed. And apparently there are still enough stupid women who value being liked and admired over being free to keep us second class for a while yet.
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      • Posted by BeenThere 7 years, 7 months ago
        "It's not racism, it's not sexism. It's the inability to understand that intelligence isn't based on body parts or color."

        Does the "inability" come from refusal that stems from irrational? Me concludes so!

        "...women who value being liked and admired over being free..."

        They need to learn that being liked and admired [and loved] and being free are not mutually exclusive.

        ++++++++++++'s for your post
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years, 7 months ago
    Looked like a pretty standard politically correct diatribe where they broadly suggested someone should be funding the women and minority women that were featured. Message projected....Ambition of course is entirely OK if you are female or especially a downtrodden female minority.
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    • Posted by ReneeDaphne 7 years, 7 months ago
      You obviously have not bothered to observe much around you or your would have noticed a plethora of young college women who look like they are carrying an oxen yoke. I voted you down because of your flagrant dismissal of something you won't even open your eyes to see all around you. Young women NEVER speak out and they are always in the background in every group discussion. Go sit for four hours in a Starbucks or on a campus around young people and just take a LOOK at how the women are treated.
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      • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years, 7 months ago
        What an unmitigated load of baloney! I have been hearing this silly argument for many years .... the poor girls are downtrodden by the evil teachers who favor the boys. Never mind that all these evil teachers that are favoring the male oligarchy are by and large women and the argument is ridiculous on its face but it just is completely untrue!

        You forget I went through school myself I have two daughters I have seen this in an action my entire life. Try peddling this silliness to somebody else. Girls always did better in school when I was a kid they're better behaved and they are more compliant. They do what the teachers say and the female teachers are comfortable with them. It's not so shocking that they do better in school ....who would have thunk it......doing what the teacher says, being quiet and studying actually works out for them, cuz that's what they mostly did.
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