Well on that score he did well, his successor will be appointed by the republican governor of SC, and will have a leg up in the special election to be held in 2 years.
I concur with all preceding comments. Jim Demint is a fiscal hawk worthy of praise so long as he confines himself to that subject. I am a Heritage supporter and will miss Ed Feulner, but Jim Demint is a good choice overall and the choice for his replacement in the senate is in good hands. Regards, O.A.
I am a supporter of the Heritage Foundation, but I wish they had chosen someone with more of a libertarian outlook to head the fine organization.
On economic issues, I like DeMint, but he is a social conservative... and the religious right has some ideas about personal freedom that simply do not mesh well with a free society.
Fred, I agree with you completely regarding issues dealing with personal freedom. I don't need some religious order or another telling me what I can and cannot do. Those issues do not belong in politics. They're personal and no one else has that right to infringe on my choices. Sorry about the rant! Viv-aka Nma
On economic issues, I like DeMint, but he is a social conservative... and the religious right has some ideas about personal freedom that simply do not mesh well with a free society.