Posted by Storo 7 years, 8 months ago to Government
So over the years I've asked many people "If I __, (you fill in the blank) does that mean I won't die?"
I usually ask this of people who feel they have the right get on my face and harangue me about smoking.
The answer, of course, is invariably "No.", but that doesn't seem to ring any bells in their empty heads.
The same is true of Obamacare. If you have Obamacare it does not mean you won't die. But listening to Demagogues..err....Democrats, they have been coming out of the woodwork telling us about all the people who will die if Obamacare is repealed.
Yes, people will die. They will die in car wrecks, they will die of old age, they will die in drive-by shootings, they will die from cancer, they will die from heart disease, alcoholism, liver failure, stroke, aortic aneurysms, seizures, drug overdoses, and a myriad of other causes. But they won't die for not having Obamacare.
The fact is that people die every day. And Obamacare can prevent very few of these deaths, and the few people it does "save" will ultimately die anyway. We all do.
So why are the leftist Democrats so upset that Republicans are trying to repeal Obamacare? It is simply that Obamacare was passed to get the votes of those who would benefit from it.
The Socialist Democrats have had power, and have clung to it for so long by providing the ignorant, greedy masses free stuff at taxpayer expense ever since the last Roosevelt administration. And it really ramped up after World War II. Roosevelt passed a few things during the depression, but the real ramp up in government giveaways began with Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" programs of the 1960s, which to date has cost taxpayers an estimated $40 Trillion with no discernible results.
In the beginning Democrats could get votes by knocking off the little things - like a modest Social Security benefit to keep old people from being destitute. Or a modest unemployment benefit during the Great Depression. However, once these small things had been handed out, they needed more things to give away for free to get the votes they needed to stay in power. And the more they try to find stuff to create new entitlements, the bigger and bigger the things they find are.
Which brings us to today.
Obamacare is arguably the biggest, farthest reaching giveaway yet. It is 17% of our National Economy! It encompasses every aspect of our lives. It's passage, despite Obama's claims to the contrary, has resulted in millions losing the healthcare plans they had and liked, ever increasing costs, ever increasing premiums, ever more limited providers, ever decreasing choices, and fewer people covered. Billions (Trillions over 10 years?) are in play. People be damned.
The primary goal of Obamacare - wait for it - is to do so much damage to the US Healthcare system that the only option left is a government, single payer healthcare system. Think Canada or England, where people routinely wait anywhere from 6 months to 3 years for a simple MRI. People under these systems also routinely die while waiting to see their doctor or a specialist, or they are denied certain treatments because they are too old, or too sick. That's reality under a government, single payer system.
There are other realities that will come into play with a single payer government healthcare system. Think government is already too intrusive into your life? Under single payer the government can promulgate all manner of new regulations (no legislation required) that dictate to you what you can eat (think banning fast food) what you can drink (think 18oz sodas), where you can live (think environmental impact), where you can work (think coal mines) what games you can play (think banning football) all in the name of being safe and having a "healthy lifestyle", in the delusional hope of holding down healthcare costs.
EDITOR'S NOTE: it also gives leftist politicians a hellava lot of power over a big chunk of our economy, and thus our lives.
It will also result in restrictions on how much and what kind of medical treatment you can get. Think death panels. If you're
80 years old, suffering from heart disease, you could be deemed too old and have limited years to benefit from a heart transplant. In other words, death panels. In other words, people will die.
I will die some day, and so will you. There is nothing that can prevent that. Some will die earlier than others, and there's no way to predict or prevent that either.
An elderly friend of mine recently said "I've lived so long that my doctor tells me that if I want to live longer I have to give up everything that makes living worthwhile."
So it will be with single payer. The difference is that my friend currently has a choice. Under single payer, that choice is gone.
I usually ask this of people who feel they have the right get on my face and harangue me about smoking.
The answer, of course, is invariably "No.", but that doesn't seem to ring any bells in their empty heads.
The same is true of Obamacare. If you have Obamacare it does not mean you won't die. But listening to Demagogues..err....Democrats, they have been coming out of the woodwork telling us about all the people who will die if Obamacare is repealed.
Yes, people will die. They will die in car wrecks, they will die of old age, they will die in drive-by shootings, they will die from cancer, they will die from heart disease, alcoholism, liver failure, stroke, aortic aneurysms, seizures, drug overdoses, and a myriad of other causes. But they won't die for not having Obamacare.
The fact is that people die every day. And Obamacare can prevent very few of these deaths, and the few people it does "save" will ultimately die anyway. We all do.
So why are the leftist Democrats so upset that Republicans are trying to repeal Obamacare? It is simply that Obamacare was passed to get the votes of those who would benefit from it.
The Socialist Democrats have had power, and have clung to it for so long by providing the ignorant, greedy masses free stuff at taxpayer expense ever since the last Roosevelt administration. And it really ramped up after World War II. Roosevelt passed a few things during the depression, but the real ramp up in government giveaways began with Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" programs of the 1960s, which to date has cost taxpayers an estimated $40 Trillion with no discernible results.
In the beginning Democrats could get votes by knocking off the little things - like a modest Social Security benefit to keep old people from being destitute. Or a modest unemployment benefit during the Great Depression. However, once these small things had been handed out, they needed more things to give away for free to get the votes they needed to stay in power. And the more they try to find stuff to create new entitlements, the bigger and bigger the things they find are.
Which brings us to today.
Obamacare is arguably the biggest, farthest reaching giveaway yet. It is 17% of our National Economy! It encompasses every aspect of our lives. It's passage, despite Obama's claims to the contrary, has resulted in millions losing the healthcare plans they had and liked, ever increasing costs, ever increasing premiums, ever more limited providers, ever decreasing choices, and fewer people covered. Billions (Trillions over 10 years?) are in play. People be damned.
The primary goal of Obamacare - wait for it - is to do so much damage to the US Healthcare system that the only option left is a government, single payer healthcare system. Think Canada or England, where people routinely wait anywhere from 6 months to 3 years for a simple MRI. People under these systems also routinely die while waiting to see their doctor or a specialist, or they are denied certain treatments because they are too old, or too sick. That's reality under a government, single payer system.
There are other realities that will come into play with a single payer government healthcare system. Think government is already too intrusive into your life? Under single payer the government can promulgate all manner of new regulations (no legislation required) that dictate to you what you can eat (think banning fast food) what you can drink (think 18oz sodas), where you can live (think environmental impact), where you can work (think coal mines) what games you can play (think banning football) all in the name of being safe and having a "healthy lifestyle", in the delusional hope of holding down healthcare costs.
EDITOR'S NOTE: it also gives leftist politicians a hellava lot of power over a big chunk of our economy, and thus our lives.
It will also result in restrictions on how much and what kind of medical treatment you can get. Think death panels. If you're
80 years old, suffering from heart disease, you could be deemed too old and have limited years to benefit from a heart transplant. In other words, death panels. In other words, people will die.
I will die some day, and so will you. There is nothing that can prevent that. Some will die earlier than others, and there's no way to predict or prevent that either.
An elderly friend of mine recently said "I've lived so long that my doctor tells me that if I want to live longer I have to give up everything that makes living worthwhile."
So it will be with single payer. The difference is that my friend currently has a choice. Under single payer, that choice is gone.
Getting out of bed in the morning involves the risk of tripping over your shoes. Climbing a flight of stairs involves the risk of falling down them or inducing a heart attack. Driving a car involves the risk of some other lunatic running a red light and t-boning you. Everything we do has ramifications for the future we have little or no control over, yet people act as if either they can control everything or as if they are unjustified victims to everything that happens to them. The reality is somewhere in the middle. The choice is to control the important things while letting things we can't control slide. Otherwise we spend a lot of time and angst worrying and complaining instead of just getting things done.
The other comment is No One gets out of here alive , we are all going to die. Healthcare is meant to make the time we have here as good as it can be. nothing more.
Yes, thank you! I thought you'd never get there! This is the actual ultimate result they are looking for. Some I am aware of are even coming out and saying so. They don't characterize it as "damaging" the current Healthcare system. I think they call it "improving" it, but I am unable to discern how any of their "improvements" do anything BUT damage it.
Rand Paul has the answer. Why is it not being discussed by the congress critters? Because it would make them and their looter friends unneeded.
Paul does not go far enough to solve the problem caused by federal meddling that protects entrenched players (e.g., big pharma, alopathic service providers) from competition.
Making the expenses of health care tax deductible does not lower costs to patients; it just encourages the service providers to raise prices.
Why not: Obamacare is repealed, everyone get insurance as you see fit and can afford.
Of course the answer is: rent seekers/looters/parasites would be left out of the equation.
If only the other 99% could see past the propaganda and understand.
Reality: EVERYONE gets health care when they show up at an ER.
My wife worked as a ER RN at a large hospital in Bakersfield, California, for 3 years. In one 12-hour shift, the ER did 284 intakes, 23 intakes per hour. A new one walking in every three minutes.
No one was turned away, even the drug seekers, the drunks, the phony heart attacks, the tiny scratches, the bug bites, etc.
One size does not fit all, and all should not have to pay for the cost of others who choose to take higher risks, or voluntarily choose a specific lifestyle that entails greater voluntary costs, e.g., maternity, abortion, diseases related to sexually activity, AIDS, travel to 3rd world countries where diseases, parasites, etc thrive.
The free market once offered health insurance with a reasonably priced menu of risks. Only the free market can fix the mess created by 80 years of government meddling. TANSTAAFL.
Large employers offer health insurance as a benefit, and pay part of the cost. My last job gave me employee-plus-one coverage for about $50 per month. Family coverage was about $150 per month. But the real cost of that insurance for me was about $800 per month.
Everybody gets hung up on presumably having to pay for healthcare for others who "love an unhealthy lifestyle". But insurance has always been backed by large groups of people who have policies, and thus spread the risk of catastrophic illness over a large group. That's because the large group won't require a heart transplant, just a few.
What bothers me is that I have always had a choice of what coverage to buy - individual, employee-plus-one, or family coverage. Under Obamacare there is only one plan, because Obamacare mandates what coverages you will buy. I'm a 69-year old male, and I don't believe I will need maternity coverage any time soon, but Obamacare says I must buy it. And I know I am speculating, but it would not surprise me to learn that the reason men under Obamacare must have maternity coverage is to have a bigger pot of money available to pay Planned Parenthood to perform abortions for those women who want one, and hide it as "women's health".
Now, government wants to dictate what you buy, how much you pay, where you go, how you get there, what happens to you when you arrive. It's NONE of government business what I buy and where I want to go.
"You pays your money, and you takes your chances."
I can't think of a better description of Obamacare, or one-payer government-run medicine.
There is not one thing in obobo care or the single payer socialized sickness careless allopathic medical complex that will make you well nor make you live longer or at least improve the dignity of life toward the end of which was promoted by what they've done to you...all the while...earning undeserved profits.
Do we take part in our own demise? Yes we do, but it is our choice to do better for ourselves or not but it usually doesn't come down to just one bad thing we do to ourselves or what they do's a host of multiple things cumulatively.
BUT: we haven't been taught, informed or otherwise made aware of just how to give us the best chance to live long and prosper. There is a plethora of misleading false hoods out there. But, all and all, amongst the many things that would be good for us is above all...moderation...after all...too much of a good thing is just as bad as a lot of bad things.
Not to matter how many good things you do in just might get run over by a car driven by a junkie, demoncrap sexting on their dumb phone while playing with themselves and doing a selfie in a car paid for by your taxes...and to add insult to injury...they will get away with it so they can do the same thing again another day.
I use VA Healthcare but my needs are such that there is little to rate. In any case I never realized before that drugs were so prevalent in treating any and everything these days. Perhaps it's a coverup for, "I don't know what's wrong with you, here take these pills, come back in 3 months".
All the issues about Obamacare are strictly political, on both sides of the argument. Make it better? The only resolution sanctioned by the Constitution is to repeal it, then stay out of it.
EDIT: Also, someone shared this video in the Gulch a few weeks ago... thought it'd be entertaining here, too:
This just smacks of pure partisanship and people be damned!
But after that time I no longer believed the parties had a position on reducing gov't. In the 90s GOP wanted to cut Medicare, and Democrats said it was kicking grandma to curb. GOP called their tactics "mediscare." When President Obama wanted to cut Medicare to make Obamacare work, the roles completely reversed. GOP adopted 90s Democrat talking points. At that point I no longer believed in it one bit.
Keep in mind I'm not saying either group is bad people. I think their job is to get elected, and if they don't focus on that they don't get to or stay in office. And you get elected by dividing people into groups and giving out gov't funds and/or policies favorable to certain groups.
They hardly even pretend it's about ideas. You rarely hear "their ideas are wrong." Both sides want to get the other side "locked up" on a technicality for accidentally violating federal law.
I said I'm 42 b/c maybe there was a time before I remember when it was different. But given what I've seen I'm baffled when people say, "I am surprised a Republican wants to expand gov't intrusion, spending, and borrowing." Of course they do. That's how you get elected in the absence of Constitutional limits on power and spending. I am not surprised in the least by it.
We've all heard about the number of bills passed to repeal Obamacare during the Obama Administration. 47 or so? They were all show votes to let Republicans say they tried. But they knew Obama would veto them.
What I don't think people realize is that the GOP's opposition to Obamacare in the beginning was also a show vote. Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote. But they knew the Democrats had the votes to pass it anyway. Thus people like McCain, Collins, and the rest could vote against it then, and vote for repeal like in 2015. Now that the GOP has House, Senate, and White House, they have to show their true colors and vote against repeal!!
Hypocrites all!
I like this analogy. You can coax a cute little bear cub into your house with food and raise the cub to adulthood with said food and comfort. What you cannot do is stop the free food or take the comforts away. The rule with all animals, humans included, is never ever hand them anything for free except in infancy and when old or unhealthy. Hunger and shelter are mighty motivators but the human animal learns very quick that free hand outs cause nothing but a lack of survival motivation instincts.