How Many Russians Do You Hate?

Posted by straightlinelogic 7 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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If you couldn’t continue hating someone who hurt you, why would you hate any one of billions of people you’ll never know? It’s foolish, a waste of time and energy. Most people pursue their own opportunities, living and letting live...especially people they don’t know. It’s an important element of a well-adjusted personality. Wars and conflict get all the press, but the unrecognized history of the world is actually a more salutary chronicle. Through the generations, people in large measure have lived peaceably together, even people of different races, nationalities, and creeds. Peace, cooperation, and mutually beneficial exchange, not war and conflict, account for humanity’s journey from cave to skyscraper.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.

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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 6 months ago
    Excellent article. It diagnoses American elections, the candidates usually serving the most hate in their rhetoric wins. Tells you what the public is choosing.
    When I was inducted into the Marine Corps in 1968 I was aware that the Viet Nam war had been going on for several years. Several cousins had already served there. I had heard many quarrels for supporting or not supporting it. I expected that part of my training would be to let us know exactly what was going on there and what we expected to accomplish. One day as part of the basic training they took us in for classes on why we should kill the people we were expected to. The class consisted of arguments such as; They don't love their mothers the way we do. They don't take care of their children well, etc. I expected at least some patriotic bromides but was subjected to;
    when we are given orders we obey no matter what. If we don't there will be chaos on the battle field and we won't accomplish our objectives.
    I spoke with a navy pilot who had been in on the first bombing run caused by the Gulf of Tonkin incident. He stated that those on the ship were aware that nothing had happened to justify sending planes on a bombing mission but they were servicemen and expected to obey orders. I wondered what would have happened if all those who knew there was no 'cause' refused, would the war have started? Later the Pentagon Papers proved that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was invented to promote the hate to get people to war. Reminds me of a parody of a recruiting poster back then; "Join the Navy and see the world. Meet different people and cultures. Kill Them!
    I don't know that there has ever been a war that was not started by conniving, lying leaders to accomplish a goal of controlling their own people as much as plundering others if they think it is possible. I suggested a method for fighting war to my commanding officer once. Take the leaders of the nations who want to go to war and send them to an island. Arm them and let them fight the war. When there is only one leader left send in a combat team and kill him. Install new leaders and ask if they have any problems!
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    • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 6 months ago
      You are completely right. For example, Roosevelt knew 11 months in advance about the Japanese plans to bomb Hawaii. He could have prevented it, but he wanted to get a reluctant USA involved in WW2 in order to help his pal Churchill. If you look at it in a strictly objective manner, there was not a single war in the 20th century where our participation was for the benefit of ourselves. smart are we?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 6 months ago
    Hatred has always been a big issue with me. It took me many years to realize that it was a waste of energy and in addition was damaging to my psyche and even my body. So, a number of years ago, through effort and discipline, I gave up hatred. That doesn't mean, however, that I replaced it with forgiveness. There are sme things that can be forgiven, and other things that never can. Another thing about hatred is, that because it is such a strong emotion it tends to block rationality, thereby causing one to operate a a lower than oprimum level. Thus, hindering the ability to do one's best in repairing the cause of the hatred.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 6 months ago
    I just keep being amused at how the dems sound like a bunch of anti-Russian war mongers, it wasn't until they lost an election that they came up with their new boogeyman.

    Threat-wise... they have a couple of barely-functioning carrier and battle groups, compared to about 30 that we could put to sea. They have less than a dozen subs, we have hundreds. They may only be out-numbered 5 to 1 in aircraft.. Lethality, no match for us even if there was parity... they never have been. The only thing they can do is pick on a third world country or go nuclear.

    Economically.. Maybe 1/5 of the US..

    Our only potential foe is China, they want to lead, 4 times our population, larger economy than we have, and they are catching up in technology (mostly through theft). They haven't figured out how a carrier catapult works though, we must not have had the plans for that online or those cheap Chinese gaskets keep breaking.

    Our enemy is China, always has been. They are the Athens that looks at us like Sparta.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
      I think the government of china is definitely the big enemy. I dont think the people of chiina are a big threat, however. I deal with them all the time in business, and they have always been very upstanding, customer oriented, fair, and benevolent- at least to me.

      In the USA, the enemy is definitely anyone who supported hillary or sanders.
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      • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 6 months ago
        The Chinese people are fine. They have zero input into their government though and their government owns a chunk of every business.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
          I agree bout the zero input into the government, which isnt far from what we in the USA have with our government actually. The people here spoke by electing Trump, and look where he is getting with all the blowback from the establishment.
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          • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 6 months ago
            I think the political & media class's angst runs deeper than purely being anti-Trump. The Bush kids are basically a couple of do-nothings, and the Clinton kid is pretty much an NBC-hanger-on with a $600k salary for 3 minutes of work a year. She would be unemployed without that, and by all accounts, she beats her wimpy-looking husband just like Hillary probably wails on Bill.

            They "want" and "need" Trump to look like the family failures that most of them are, but he's not - he's had some "marriages" but his kids all seem to have their shit together.

            Here's what they are scared to death of - a Trump political dynasty, and the first female president being Ivanka Trump some day, not the Hillary Clinton they wanted.

            Look at how they have attacked Donald Jr. over a stupid email in the midst of the campaign and a 20 minute meeting with someone he thought would talk about reviving the Russian foreign adoption program. Suddenly that is the "smoking gun" they have been hunting for.

            The double-standard is, Donald Jr. can't respond to an email from a Russian-born attorney residing in the US or whatever, but Hillary can approve vast uranium mining rights to Russian oligarchs while her husband is pulling down millions in speaking fees from Moscow companies. It's amazing. They (the dems) wonder why we're pretty much headed toward another civil war with those assholes (remember -they were the Southern political class..) and no matter how many days of 24 hour wall-to-wall coverage CNN can muster over a stupid email and 20 minutes to potential opposition research - they can't believe that the American voter thinks even less of them.

            We're stuck... they have 50% of the country relying on a government welfare or social security paycheck to pay their bills and put food on the table with, we'll never completely be able to get rid of them, no matter how much damage they continue to do to the vitality and reputation of the United States.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 6 months ago
              The Dems today are infinitely worse than the Dems in 1860.
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              • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 6 months ago
                I don't actually recall a time in my life when I was simply not interested in what anyone in a vast group of people had to say. They are completely unhinged, no longer rooted in reality, and its shocking they still get airtime with their nutty-conspiracy stuff.

                Between healthcare healthcare healthcare, Russians Russians Russians, and Putin Putin Putin, I just want to throw up (after clicking off the television).
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                • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 6 months ago
                  That's why I don't have a tv. (I had 4 of them when I gave it up.) I admit the pathetic quality and statist propaganda bias of almost all entertainment does weigh on that as well. I lost interest in watching sports about the same time (~25 years ago) that I lost interest in tv, too. Just can't see sweaty behemoths and brainless hormonal freaks running around as entertainment, and when they speak it's almost as bad as politicians.
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                  • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 6 months ago
                    Go Packers... you can tell their leadership keeps their mouths shut.

                    My wife and I pretty much only watch Netflix these days, I'm actually turning off the Dish service in August when the contract is up and just subscribe to FoxBusiness News and a few others with the new Internet cord-cutting services. That will work much better with our RV travels anyway.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
              The being dependent on the government part is very scary. It means Medicaid will be the predominant way for medical care in the future, and the regular insurance companies will disappear and medical care will become worse and worse. Mayo Clinic is turning away government insurance patients now as the government cuts in payments gets more and more severe
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      • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 6 months ago
        You never hear a negative word about China from Democrats, and Obama was bending over backwards to hand them one sweet deal after another to the detriment of the US. I'd love to know how much cash the dems take from Chinese monks & government.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
          democrats are socialists, and china is basically socialist with a dictator party. I am sure that democrats are in the thick of it when it comes to government benefits from china
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          • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 6 months ago
            Because they use capitalism as a tool in order to take advantage its immense wealth production, we tend to forget that China is a communist country, with no input, in reality, by its citizens.While it uses capitalism in order to prosper, China will eliminate any contrariness in a heart beat.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
              I wouldnt want to live there at all. It bothers me to buy things from there actually, although I have to in order to remain competitive, because I am supporting a regime which will eventually want to take over the west
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              • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 6 months ago
                You shouldn't feel any guilt for supporting China's regime in order to survive in business.There are certain immutable facts in economics, one of which I term the down hill proposal. In almost every case money flows downhill. The only exception is when someone can afford to lose the money involved. That means, given equal quality, you must buy at the best price you can in order to sell at the best price you can.Now in my case, I was unable to compete price-wise, so I offered great service instead. It narrowed my market, and caused me to carry more profitable peripherals but we managed to survive for 20 years until the business I was in became untenable. While I didn't do business with China, I, unfortunately, was compelled to do business with scoundrels anyhow. When I closed the business, I was fortunate to have other opportunities available to me, and as it turned out, that particular segment of the business that I was in disappeared altogether with the advent of digital technology.
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  • Posted by drthorn 7 years, 6 months ago
    I agree. As Americans, we have a rare moment of watching the Olympics -on TV - in Russia, they seemed to be very soulful people. I love their music, dance, and determined athletics. They showed well attended beautiful churches. Why are Russians the only group the Democrats push for no contact? This is not right.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 6 months ago
    Me dino views Russians as potential allies against ISIS if we can just work out our differences.
    Me dino does not hate ISIS, Al Qaeda or the Taliban.
    Me dino does not hate mad dogs either but I know they need to be put down on sight.
    Me dino fears all creatures who want to hurt me. That's why I'm a concealed carry and go to the range so I know I can shoot straight.
    Fear of what a "I dream of open borders" El Presidente Shillary Clintonista would have Evil Hag done to the USA is why I built up an arsenal in my house.
    Me dino does not perceive himself as having a hatred problem.
    Methinks what I have is a fear for survival problem.
    That leads to this question~Is that a problem at all?
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  • Posted by Zero 7 years, 6 months ago
    I don't mean to be dense, but should I infer an unspoken message?
    That perhaps that we shouldn't be so alarmed about Putin?
    That perhaps it's not so bad to be a little warmer towards him?

    Am I reading that right?
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    • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 6 months ago
      Putin is a thug and a villain. But, past politicians have put us in a position where we have no choice but to deal with him. However, all the "colluding" accusations are just so much smoke without any fire.Compared to any one of Clinton's offenses pales in comparison.
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  • Posted by GaryL 7 years, 6 months ago
    Hatred prevails throughout the ages. I certainly hated the Gooks during Vietnam. My dad hates the Japs and granddad hated the Germans. Heck, there are still many who hate both the North and the South right here in our own country. I could easily hate my liberal friends, all Muslims, Many black and brown and yellow and red people and even all the RINOs.
    I am just thankful I have better things to do with my feelings and can't be bothered with any hate other than on an individual basis. We should all hate cop killers, terrorists, rapists and a host of other evil doers but I try hard to not go there even though it is a real emotion.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
      I dont have the deep hatred feelings except towards individuals who have specifically done things to me. The rest of the undesirables, hillary supporters at the front of the line, I just try to stay away from and get on with my life.
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    • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 6 months ago
      Don't hate them, deal with them. By the way, the military and hatred stand apart from everything else. In order to kill a certain amount of hatred has to be present. It is fostered when a compatriot is killed, sometimes before your eyes. You'd have to be a pretty cold fish to shoot at someone without a modicum of hatred, or else be psychotic.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 6 months ago
    None. I don't really think about them at all.

    I will say that I do have a degree of respect for the Russians and even the Muslims for their fidelity to their respective causes.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
      Boy, one doesnt hear praise for the muslims or russians these days ! I dont know many muslims, and although I think their religion is bizarre (not far from the mormons along that scale), they have some good ideas relative to family and finances.

      Just dont get between two muslims, jews, or mormons, and expect fair treatment. They stick up for themselves ONLY.

      I dont know any Russians, but they cant be ALL bad- wasnt Ayn Rand Russian?
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      • Posted by GaryL 7 years, 6 months ago
        I just cannot lump and label folks like this. Russians, Jews, Muslims, Mormons. There is not a single group here that is all bad or evil. Sure I can completely disagree with their religious and political beliefs but in all reality so do many of them. I say hate the message but not the messenger.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
          The problem in our advanced society is that there is not enough time to spend time carefully evaluating EACH person individually. One has to categorize people and make generalizations, at least initially, in order to survive in society. Call me racist, or the other -ist names, but generalizations are just required. What is lost by missing out on some good people is counterbalanced by the elimination of bad people. One's generalizations can become more and more carefully crafted with experience so they are more accurate.
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          • Posted by GaryL 7 years, 6 months ago
            I respectfully disagree! Can you tell by looking at or talking to me if I am Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, Russian, German or almost anything else? Don't answer that because you might immediately conclude that I am a liberal or some other undesirable and be 100% wrong.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
              It’s not easy to initially categorize people with accuracy. That said, it’s more effective than taking toe time initially to learn about each person individually. Even though I might initially categorize you and think you are a liberal Jew, I can always allow for additional information to modify my original assessment. Most of what I am talking about happens in an instant in terms of a feeling. And we all do it. Tell me you don’t categorize instantly a black persons with baggy pants having off their ass
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 6 months ago
        Steadfast fidelity and commitment to one's belief or causes can be respected even if one doesn't agree with that belief or cause. As a people we could learn something from each about viciously protecting and pursuing what we believe and hold dear.

        My two bits.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 6 months ago
        I cannot speak for Muslims or Mormons, but as to Jews I know them to be as fair as anyone when they are judging other Jews in a court of law. There are even s few Supreme Court justices. I certainly can see a certain degree of patronage when people of close racial, or religious backgrounds are involved in controversy.
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  • Posted by mgarbizo1 7 years, 6 months ago
    SLL, let me start off by saying that I am a fan of your writings that you have posted here on the gulch, but I'd like to discuss with you some things on this recent post of yours:
    "Hate is stoked to overcome the natural desires for peace and prosperity and aversion to war. As a leader, you don’t sit the citizens down one-by-one and calmly explain to them why they should hate whomever you’ve chosen to fight. Rather, you make a frenzied appeal to a crowd, and let crowd psychology work its woeful wonders, with ostracism and worse for the few rejecting the appeal."

    You mentioned the Iraqi war as an example of this hate to go to war, but I believe we weren't stoked by hate at all. Those that fought this war went to that war of their own volition because they felt the need (duty?) to protect our way of life here in the US. More than any other war that the US has entered into, the war in Iraq has changed people's minds about how we ought to view our soldiers returning home. There is a pride and respect for our soldiers that we never showed them prior to the war in Iraq and I think it is because we all recognized that we went to war not out of hate, but out of the need to protect our way of life. Protection is what the government is about, its what the state should only be about, and we should be coerced to pay taxes for that protection because we recognize that we can't do it on our own. We would like to think we can, but even the constitution points out the following:
    "we hold these truths to be self-evident,... That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men,"
    I understand this to mean that the men that created the constitution realized that we need government for our own protection, because we can't do it by ourselves.
    Again, I'm a big fan of your writings, and I would love for you to discuss these points with me.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 6 months ago
      You ask me to discuss your points and I will. As I discuss, I will make assertions that I have investigated and I believe are amply supported. However, I will not cite source material until the end of this reply, for ease of reading.

      First off, I must admit that the paragraph from my article you cite would have been better if, when I talked about stoking hate, I had said hate not just against another country and its citizens, but against its leaders as well.

      Sadamm Hussein had been an ally of the US in the 1980s when he made war against Iran, a US enemy since 1979 after the Iranian Revolution deposed the US-installed puppet, Shah Mohammad Rezā Pahlavi. The US provided arms, including, it has been alleged, the gas which Hussein used on his own people.

      George W. Bush, his team of neoconservatives, and the US's putative allies Saudi Arabia and Israel, were bent on remaking the Middle East. Long before 9/11, the neconservatives had envisioned widespread regime change, especially in the Shiite nations of Iran, Iraq, and Syria (Saudi Arabia is Sunni, and Israel aligns with the Sunnis).

      After 9/11, the US moved first against Afghanistan. This was perhaps justifiable, because that was where Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda were then located. The US invasion of Iraq was justified on two grounds: that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and that he had aided al Qaeda's 9/11 attack. The first was later discredited by both events (no such weapons were found) and subsequent revelations that the intelligence had been cooked. The intelligence community had given Bush and Dick Cheney not the truth, but what they wanted to hear.

      The second argument has been discredited as well. No credible evidence has been found to link Hussein to 9/11. Other assertions have been made that Iran was involved. Both assertions are on their face implausible. Osama bin Laden, a devout Wahhabist (Sunni sect) hated secular Hussein, and it is doubtful that Shiite Iran would have aided Sunni al Qaeda. The only state actor for which the evidence indicates involvement would be that of Saudi Arabia. Most of the 9/11 coconspirators were from Saudi Arabia, and there is evidence that the they were aided by wealthy and powerful patrons within Saudi Arabia, some part of the government, some not.

      Hussein was no threat to the US and the Bush administration knew it. However, a massive campaign to demonize Hussein, to make Americans hate him, (admittedly he was no angel but he had managed to hold Iraq together), was undertaken by the US government and mainstream media. The US invaded and deposed Hussein, and he was eventually executed.

      Fourteen years later, the US is still in Iraq and Syria as well. Anyone who paid attention to the Iraq war recognizes that the US is using the same tactics against Syria's Bashar al-Assad that it did against Hussein: cooked intelligence, unproven accusations of atrocities, arming and otherwise supporting local guerrillas of dubious pedigrees and tactics, and other regime change machinations. In Syria, the US has actually armed and supported al Qaeda and its offshoots, ISIS and the al Nusra front. So we have been allied with the al Qaeda, the terrorist group we originally went after in 2002 in Afghanistan, and we're still in Afghanistan to boot!

      Since World War II, the US has not conclusively won any of its military engagements. We've been in Afghanistan 15 years and Iraq 14. We're going on 6 in Syria. US-inspired wars have created millions of casualties and refugees, fomented chaos in the Middle East and Northern Africa, and stoked the terrorism they were ostensibly meant to stop. All without making anyone in the US one bit safer.

      I have far more sympathy for Vietnam vets than I do for those who have fought in the Middle East. The Vietnam vets arguably didn't know better when they went off to war, and some of them were drafted. While kids nowadays get sucked into the military with the same slogans and jingoism kids have always got sucked into the military, the US's shameful record of interventionism is now clear and the armed forces are all volunteer. Anyone who is going to volunteer to kill or risk being killed for the US government at least owes it to themselves to investigate what that government has been doing the last 60 years.

      I guess I went over the limit and got cut off. I will give you my supporting material in another post.
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      • Posted by mgarbizo1 7 years, 6 months ago
        Only 2 areas that I would ask for you to cite sources for:
        1. Saudi Arabia is Sunni, and Israel aligns with the Sunnis
        A lot of conspiracies around 9/11 theorize that Israel played an active role in the 9/11 attacks to help certain US gov't authorities further their plans in the Middle East. I find this interesting if I can come to the same conclusions that you make in this statement.
        2. Osama bin Laden, a devout Wahhabist (Sunni sect) hated secular Hussein.
        The second one asserting that Hussein was a secular having ruled over a predominately Shiite sect of people in Iraq since the 80's. Something's wrong there because I would think civil war would have been going on during Hussein entire reign in Iraq. Great information and detail by the way. I agree with your sympathy for Vietnam vets, but mainly because they were mistreated when they came back home. I still give my respect to any man willing to fight for his country's freedoms even if the government has been corrupted by certain individuals to make war with another country. You are still correct in that peace, cooperation, and mutually beneficial exchange is the way that man should strive to live his life. You chose star wars, I'll pick Dr. Strange for a nice quote of the day: We can never lose our demons, only learn to live above them.
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    • Posted by mgarbizo1 7 years, 6 months ago
      BTW, your post is still a great argument as to why we should not hate or be led to hate others for any reasons, I just disagree that we can exist as we would like (freedoms and all) without a government protecting our freedoms and therefore requiring certain powers that we acknowledge and give to it.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 6 months ago
    "Hate" is one of those words that the Ministry of Language has done a great job of changing the meaning of. Kids use it all the time. Everybody "hates" all kinds of things if you listen to people talk. If I "hate" somebody, their ass is grass...
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 6 months ago
    Excellent essay Robert! What about the people who hate the haters? I'm almost in the that category all I hear on the news about the Dimms with their hatred of the President. Even this morning watching the hearing for the new FBI Director, the constant entrapment they try to weave by restating the same question over and over again.
    Then the whole deal with the Russians and the Trump campaign the Leftist Media and the Dimms bellowing for Trump family heads is reaching a crescendo. I start thinking they might need a dose of their own violence.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 6 months ago
    Hatred is a tool of community organizers and liberals, set people against people while they steal all the money and power for themselves. Them, I could hate. However, thanks to e-bay, I have had several good transactions with people all over the world, good conversations, positive transactions, including Russians.I can dislike some Russian leaders of the past, but not the people they abused, anymore than I can hate the clueless people Obama and Hillary have used over here. I find it interesting the liberal politicians push Earth Day, yet never mention the whole original connection to Gorbachev's green agenda in the USA, and the fact Earth Day is big commie Lenin's birthday! I guess I hate people who manipulate other people, regardless of their nationality.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 6 months ago
    If someone intends to harm you or your family or friends, you should be capable of dispatching them without hating them. Should you be wary of potential enemies? Undoubtedly, but first try to understand why they appear to be a danger, and determine if there's any chance to find common ground.

    Extreme ideologies depend on stirring up extreme emotion in their populace to distract from the discomfort of lack of material goods, or personal freedom. Hate is definitely an emotion that hampers your ability to think logically and dispassionately, so the progressives do everything possible to stir up blind hatred against anyone who doesn't believe as they do. Left wing supporters are taught that opponents who use reason and fact are cold blooded and heartless.
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
    I disagree that people have lived in harmony over the years. There always seems to be war going on in one place or another, and in some cases in essentially all places at once.
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    • Posted by mgarbizo1 7 years, 6 months ago
      Not always, remember the Renaissance? The Age of Enlightenment
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      • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
        That could be, although I would think that there would have been conflicts somewhere in the world pretty much all the time. I wouldnt say that we in the USA live in "harmony". Most of us just grin and bear what we dont like, and the country is split right down the middle and on the verge of civil war with the producers and the moochers taking sides
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  • Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 6 months ago
    Good article. Too bad we all don't keep this in mind. I will say I bet CNN, MSNBC, et al, will not like the idea. They love warfare (class and others).
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