Mr. Putin is correct.

Posted by deBohun 11 years, 5 months ago to History
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To what degree is America an exceptional nation? To answer that we must ask ourselves, to what degree has America forgotten itself and those who made it exceptional? Virtually purged from American history books is any serious discussion of uniquely American ideals, of radical early-American Christian Unitarianism, of the revolutionary Declaration, the first American confederacy, or the counter-revolutionary Constitution. Missing from those pages and the national consciousness are any in-depth knowledge of the ideas of Sam Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Frederick Douglas, Andrew Jackson, Nat Turner, or John Brown, exceptional men all, who made exceptional decisions, exceptional contributions and exceptional sacrifices. As well absent are Robert Ingersoll, Mark Twain, Lewis Sinclair, Garet Garett, Emma Goldman, Stephen Vincent Benét, Will Rogers, Rose Wilder Lane, Dorothy Day and H.L. Mencken, exceptional men and women who chronicled the American experience in an exceptionally American way. We have forgotten Main Street and American Names, both Common Sense and Roger's common sense. We have, in large, turned our backs on what made us exceptional in order to make ourselves like every other place else on the planet, most especially to make ourselves like the place our ancestors were escaping from: Europe. Mr. Putin is correct, we are no longer exceptional, because we chose not to be. We chose to forgo exception, to forsake radicalism, and to instead embrace dogma and sameness. And for that we are the poorer.

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 5 months ago
    Unfortunately too many of our citizens have chosen political correctness, egalitarianism and popularity over principle....
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    • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 5 months ago
      And the only question OA does "too many" mean a majority who favor the former over principle? If they are, I fear for my grandchild.

      I found the following in "The Path To Restoring America" by KrisAnne Hall "Our founders believed that only a truly informed and educated people could maintain liberty. Sam Adams said in a letter written to James Warren on November 4, 1775, "…when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign invaders."

      Knowledge equals power, Ignorance foretells destruction.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 5 months ago
        I think we are at the tipping point. We ride the fence not knowing which side we will fall on. It would seem that we have a lost generation and to correct it we must educate those grandchildren before they too are lost.
        1816 January 6. (to Charles Yancey) "if a nation expects to be ignorant & free, in a state of civilisation, it expects what never was & never will be." Thomas Jefferson
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        • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 5 months ago
          I was having my hair cut yesterday when Kathy related that her son (age 15 or 16) had gotten in trouble at school. Seems that instead of attending his sixth period class, he was in the library reading a book on philosophy. She only knew that the author had a beard which could have been anyone from Aristotle to Marx. I quickly took out my business card and wrote on the back

          Ayn Rand
          We The Living
          The Fountainhead
          Atlas Shrugged

          Maybe my legacy will be determined by how well I did in saving one young mind at a time.
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  • Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years, 5 months ago
    We have embraced the philosophy of the lowest common denominator. Rather than holding those who excel (except athletes) as examples to emulate, we (as a society) hold up to ridicule those who would be such. Witness the problems with bullying and sneering in high school. It is too bad those who do these things are sheltered from the true consequences of their actions. Death, or debilitating injury, can be a real bummer.
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  • Posted by Spinkane 11 years, 5 months ago
    That makes sense. Consider Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and Jackson all abided by 2 term limits while Teddy Roosevelt (who started the progressive party), Woodrow Wilson (who needs no introduction) tried for a third term. Of course we can’t forget FDR (who gave us the new deal) was president for 12 years.
    Republican nominee Thomas E. Dewey, the governor of New York, announced support of an amendment that would limit future presidents to two terms. According to Dewey, "Four terms, or sixteen years, is the most dangerous threat to our freedom ever proposed." Long live the 22nd amendment.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 5 months ago
    I hope this is not true. Sometimes I'm afraid it is. Sometimes I run into people who want to turn responsibility over to someone else, and I feel like we're a place where no one wants to take responsibility for anything. I don't think that's true, though; there's good and bad everywhere.
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    • Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years, 5 months ago
      Unfortunately the ones who take responsibility are greatly outnumbered by the parasites and cannot make but little headway against the flood of apathy and disinterestedness exhibited by the mob. Give them their drugs, booze, sex, circuses, what have you and they are ensorcelled in the land of the lotus eaters.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 5 months ago
        That's true, but maybe it's always been that way. People have always felt that the new generation is lazy and has bad values.

        One thing that gives me comfort is that I believe when the average American hears the phrase "He did something disruptive that no one had ever done," without even knowing what it is, the American thinks "cool. Maybe it was something awesome" The average foreigner thinks, "Who does he think he is to do something new and disruptive?" That's just an initial reaction. What people think will obviously depend on the details. But the FIRST reaction in America is new / disruptive = cool.

        The thing that concerns me most about the US is I think when people hear the phrase "gov't should help the poor" the average person thinks he's the poor. I know most people here think, "no, I shouldn't be forced to help the poor." Some people think they should be forced to help the poor. We could debate that point, but the important thing is that most people should hear that and think of *themselves* taking action (or not) to help the poor. If most people (i.e. the 99%) think they need some kind of handout, that's a huge problem.
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        • Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years, 5 months ago
          Now you know what we are fighting against. The slugs and dimwits who comprise the majority of the 'feed me, clothe me, help me' class provide nothing but ever-increasing maws into which we pour the wealth of this country and the increasing ill wishes of those who provide it. Christ said we should give with a cheerful heart but to ungrateful whiners I have no sympathy.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 5 months ago
            Yes. I feel like it's normal in any country or organization to have 20% of the people doing 80% of the work, Pareto principle. Then you have 60% of the people doing a decent job. You have 20% at the bottom causing 80% of the problems. This is a principle, not hard numbers. When that 20% at "the bottom" or 20% that feels like it needs some kind of handout turns into 30%,40%,50%,and beyond, you reach a tipping point of disaster b/c it's numerically impossible for a small group to carry everyone. We can and should carry the poor, IMHO. But if half the population thinks it's poor, we have a real problem.
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            • Posted by $ johnrobert2 11 years, 5 months ago
              They only think they are poor because they have been told they are ands the government reinforces that idea by making it possible for them to survive without effort. Poverty is a state of mind, not a permanent condition. There may come a time when these will be told they can no longer receive largesse unless they unless they go where they are told, work at they are told, in the manner they are told to do it, for as long as they are told to do it. And I take issue with 'carrying' the poor. We may help them but I ABSOLUTELY REJECT any notion of carrying them.
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  • Posted by ou812 11 years, 4 months ago
    A simple known fact is the human race is doomed by its own cultivation. There will always be those on top that think they know better what the people on the bottom need. There will always be people on the bottom in masses i might add that think they are deserving of everything and have worked for nothing. as long as these two things continue to occur the human race will fall.
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