Hi. My name is Dave
Posted by dscotese 7 years, 8 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I started litmocracy.com many years ago and one of the first members (who answered an ad I made) was an author named Don Eminizer. He just sent me an email pointing at https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post..., "right up your alley."
True, I thought, but forgot to ask if he's on here too.
I've been volunteering as the webmaster for voluntaryist.com for about 5 years. I recently created CHOSE which can be explored at http://chose.sommunity.
True, I thought, but forgot to ask if he's on here too.
I've been volunteering as the webmaster for voluntaryist.com for about 5 years. I recently created CHOSE which can be explored at http://chose.sommunity.