A Jubilee is Coming, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 7 years, 7 months ago to Economics
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According to Citibank, the growth in total global credit has just gone negative after eight years of the greatest expansion of government debt and central bank balance sheet expansion the world has ever seen. Their fiat debt can expand without limit, but not so the debt of individuals, businesses, and smaller governments bound by legal restrictions on debt issuance and without recourse to central bank monetization. Declining long-term growth trends and outright contraction, increasing outbreaks of fiscal stress around the globe, huge and growing unfunded pension and medical fund liabilities and aging populations that will draw on them are all indications that debt expansion by every class of entities but central banks and governments has hit a wall and is reversing.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2017/06/25/a-jubilee-is-coming-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 6 months ago
    The people who borrow and then declare BK a few years later definitely are making out on the whole fiat money thing. Its just wrong, however. Governments are the worst offenders, in that they dont declare BK, they just inflate the money and make ME pay for it
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 6 months ago
    I always wondered: if our money is fake, not backed by anything...then to our debt be fake as well?
    They ventured Nothing so should gain Nothing.

    Just a thought.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 7 months ago
    "Daniel , You don't borrow from Peter to pay Paul"
    My dad while growing up taught myself and my siblings that debt should only be used in an emergency or if it can be used to improve business.
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 6 months ago
    When any entity uses fiat currency the debt cannot ever be repaid. If currency is borrowed into existence the repayment would extinguish all currency in circulation and the interest would still be owed. Any business or individual who would borrow with the idea that it could never be repaid should realize that they have just enslaved themselves to a system that will always demand more. Paper currency should only be used when it represents something of real value and can be exchanged for that value in time of need to pay for something else of value. If I traded you my title (claim for property) for my Jeep and you supplied goods in return you might decide to then trade that title to someone else for something you wanted. At some time someone might decide what they really needed was the Jeep. When they come to claim the property if they discover there is no Jeep the last person holding the paper claim is injured. Fiat currency is the worst Ponzi scheme invented and it has been used by thieves,confidence artists and governments throughout recorded history. The ancient Chinese called it flying money because its value diminished while you were holding it, which it still does today. It only has value as long as someone else is willing to trade for the worthless title. What you are describing is the final devaluation (incorrectly termed inflation to make those using the currency to place blame in the wrong place) of the currency where more people are trading the slavery of debt faster trying not to be the last one to discover that debt has made them slaves. The machinations of blame, collapse and demands to be made and how they will be enforced might be interesting to future generations but those living through it will discover how difficult it is to lie about reality and try to live as though it had no effect.
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    • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 6 months ago
      Re: “When any entity uses fiat currency the debt cannot ever be repaid. If currency is borrowed into existence the repayment would extinguish all currency in circulation and the interest would still be owed.” Okay, wait. Currency cannot be “borrowed into existence.” A government can “print” a million dollars and simultaneously issue a bond for that amount, but it’s not the same thing. The fiat currency (the money that is “printed”) and the debt are separate and distinct entities. Fiat currency can be created without an accompanying debt instrument, and if we’re going to have fiat currency at all, that is a less harmful way to issue it. See https://fixourmoney.wordpress.com/
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