New Gulch "Classifieds" Category Added

Posted by sdesapio 12 years, 2 months ago to Classifieds: Other
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IMPORTANT: DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN THE COMMENTS BELOW - THEY WILL BE DELETED. Click on the blue "Submit Post" button in the upper right hand corner to create a classified ad or check out current classifieds here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/g/classi...

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We built Galt's Gulch Online not only to facilitate the direct communication of like-minded individuals but to provide the opportunity to patronize one another. 

If I'm in need of a plumber, I would prefer doing business with a Gulch plumber. If I'm looking for an architect, I'd prefer patronizing a Gulch architect. If I'm on the hunt for a good used washing machine, I'd prefer buying one from a Gulch resident. You get the picture. 

On that note, we are proud to introduce... the Gulch Classifieds. 

Simply by submitting a Gulch post, you can now sell your goods and services or, engage with other Gulch members and patronize their businesses. How? Click on the blue"Submit Post" button in the upper right hand corner, add a title and description, optionally add a few pictures, select "Classifieds" as the post category, and submit. 


Keep in mind however, that while the Gulch Classifieds should be used to advertise your goods and services, the forum still abides by the same rules as all Gulch posts. Keep the hyperbole to a minimum and don't post the same thing over and over or you'll find your posts quickly being voted down into oblivion. 

Suggested Formatting: 
1. Start your post title with something like "For Hire:" or "For Sale:" or "Wanted:" or "Hiring:" or similar. 
2. Make your post titles succinct and your descriptions thorough. 
3. Add pictures when appropriate (you can add up to three per post). 
4. If you need to refer to a URL, do so in the notes. While URLs can be submitted with your post, we'd suggest avoiding them to ensure a higher level of community engagement. 

Finally, remember that you are responsible for your business. If you choose to engage in a transaction, do so with the knowledge that the outcome rests entirely on your shoulders. We'd suggest using an online escrow service like Escrow.com to ensure a solid exchange but again, it's entirely up to you. 

So go ahead and get started. Who are you? What do you do? How can you be of value to me?

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  • Posted by hechtd 12 years, 2 months ago
    Please also make this an Andriod App as well..
    I am currently putting together an small business myself and will be advertising for possibly several positions so thank you..
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