Hi. My name is...investor2016

Posted by investor2016 12 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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The last election opened my eyes. I was a political junkie consumed by the talking heads. What a waste of time.
I am an Eagle Scout so I grew up saying the pledge of allegiance. I love my country and it truly breaks my heart to see what is happening to it. I believe in hard work and free market capitalism is the best path to prosperity for all so politically I am more of a libertarian that believes in a strong military than a Republican.
Mitt Romney received 2 million votes less than John McCain. Had those people voted he would have won him the popular vote and possibly the election. Millions of conservative leaning people did not vote at all because they did not see Romney as Conservative Enough. There is no “Perfect Republican”.
While not perfect, Romney and Ryan could have put our country on the right path to prosperity. The stupid people that did not vote will now get the government they deserve unfortunately I have to live with it or leave the country I love. It is looking I will have to leave.

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