Columbo investigates Scalise

Posted by Temlakos 7 years, 9 months ago to News
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Hello, everybody. Lieutenant Columbo here. Something about this shooting of Steven Scalise bothers me. I mean, who fires fifty or sixty rounds from an AR-15 assault rifle in 10 minutes and hits no one except one high-profile target, two bodyguards, and an aide? You wanna know what I think? The way I see it, Scalise was the target. The other shots were for window dressing--or suppressive fire. James Hodgkinson was a patsy. A patsy for the Republican establishment, George Soros, or maybe even the Clintons--who can say? Anyone want to read the link and chew the fat on this one?
SOURCE URL: http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/06/15/accountability/legislative/columbo-investigates-scalise/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 9 months ago
    Thank you very much. Uh, I'm sorry I took up so much of your time.
    (Turning back from exiting the door)
    Oh, listen, one more thing....
    It'll just - it'll just take a second.
    It's about that guy they found in the park ....
    lemme see, I've got it here somewhere ...
    I know I wrote it down ....
    Funny how you know you've got something and just can't place where it is...
    Ahh, yes, Mr. Foster, wasn't it?
    Yes, Mr. Vince Foster.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 9 months ago
    Libs hating the Second Amendment, maybe the angry little socialist was just a crappy shooter for lack of target practice.
    Shoot fifty to sixty rounds at people and you're bound to hit somebody.
    Myself a trained shooter, I view the attack as sloppy and amateurish.
    Myself not into 72 virgins, I would have pulled a quick hit-and-run~and with a higher body count
    It's possible I may have taken a bullet in the back, but the responding defenders only had pistols.
    And I read that the return fire did not happen right away.
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 9 months ago
    Don't get involved in the boogeyman conspiracy theory. It devalues the critical thinking conclusions when this work gets involved. In the Viet Nam war there were 300,000 rounds fired for every man killed. Bombs that are designed to kill 100 men usually only kill one even when dropped on target. People who train (soldiers, police officers) to hit targets and are good on the range usually fail in real life situations even when the target is very close. Many real life situations create the reason for this, excitement, fear and the strong desire not to really kill another human being. Very few people turn out to be natural born killers. The fact that so many rounds were fired by an inexperienced untrained individual should not be proof that something else was going on and some ulterior motive was in motion.
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    • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 9 months ago
      I'm going to reserve judgment until I find out whether there was a grassy knoll nearby.
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      • Posted by chad 7 years, 9 months ago
        I am not discounting ulterior motives but base it in reality. Kennedy was assassinated shortly after he and his brother provided a plan to end the Viet Nam War, put America on the gold standard and end the Federal Reserve Bank. I was 13 at the time but remember Warren report blaming a lone shooter. The first reports about Oswald stated he had failed the Marine Corps rifle qualifying range. He was using an inferior Italian weapon that when used by the FBI tried to duplicate his shot they used a hide at half the height Oswald was shooting from, a towed car with a silhouette was traveling at half the speed and there were not obstacles (trees) and found their best shooters could not duplicate the shot until the rifle front sight was welded (it was loose). When Robert decided to run for president he didn't even make it to the convention without being killed. While there is no direct evidence that I am aware of it seems that the fiat bankers had the incentive and the capability to assassinate those who threatened their existence. This however does not prove that the Dallas police department, city sewer workers, people along the parade route, book store employees, owner of the theatre where Oswald was captured were all involved. What I am saying is don't look for impossible explanations involving thousands in order to ensure someone's demise. Most people who disagree with the Federal Reserve (ordinary or institutional) are not really a threat and will not be eliminated.
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        • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 9 months ago
          Do you have any credible links to Kennedy's "plan to end the Viet Nam War, put America on the gold standard and end the Federal Reserve Bank"? If this plan was made public at the time, there should be plenty of supporting documentation in newspaper and magazine articles from the early 1960's.
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          • Posted by j_IR1776wg 7 years, 9 months ago
            CBJ Just a point of order. JFK inherited a backwater CIA operation in Vietnam. These was no Vietnam war while he was alive. It was his VP Lyndon Johnson who used the Tonkin Bay incident to turn this mess into a full-blown land war. I don't believe the rumors that JFK was trying to extricate America from the CIA op were ever proven.
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      • Posted by 7 years, 9 months ago
        Or whether the bullets that struck Mr. Scalise, the two Capitol Policemen, and the aide came from a different weapon from the one(s) that fired the other fifty to sixty rounds that didn't hit anybody.
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 9 months ago
    If that was true, they would have gone for Trump. HE is the focus of all the hatred. I never even heard of Scalise. This guy was an idiot and not a very good shot to say the least. Not even good enough to kill ONE person, except himself in the end.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 7 years, 9 months ago
      I think that you have it right. If this was some type of hit by the establishment, you would think that they would have found someone who could shoot better.
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      • Posted by term2 7 years, 9 months ago
        I do have to say that no one was even killed. Its just not that big a deal compared with 911 for example or many other terrorist attacks. The big deal is that it was one of our "revered" lawmakers, thats all. How dare someone shoot at one of our special lawmakers. I can think of several lawmakers who I wouldnt object if the bullets hit them- like pelosi, hillary, sanders, etc for example. They are all deeply evil people who dont respect my rights. Why should I respect theirs
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      • Posted by 7 years, 9 months ago
        They used Hodgkinson for cover. Everyone would point the finger at the crazy leftist and ignore the professional sniper who made the shots that counted.

        We must make sure of the ballistics report. What will anyone say if it turns out that the bullets that hit Scalise, his bodyguards, and the aide, and the bullets Hodgkinson sprayed all over the place while hitting no one else, came from two different guns?
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        • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 9 months ago
          Right. Haven't had the truth on JFK in 50 years. While I agree with you in theory, the control of ballistics report would have been a high priority and guaranteed to match the patsy's weapon before any such action was taken.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 9 months ago
    The clown didn't even know whether the players were Democrats or Republicans at first, so I doubt he knew who the individuals were he was shooting at. Scalise was just the unfortunate soul who took the worst punishment.

    I'd like to see an analysis of how this guy was radicalized, just like they do with each instance of Islamic terrorism in this country. Of course that would be very uncomfortable for the Democrats, so it probably won't happen.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years, 9 months ago
    Could be that your average lib whack a doodle Demon-crat can't hit the broad side of a barn? I mean when there are shootouts in the hood...[that's all Democrats there!] only baby's sleeping in their cribs seem to get hit!
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 7 years, 9 months ago
    Given that now we know Hodgkinson had a list of targets in his pocket, Columbo (i.e. Temlakos) has stumbled onto something.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 9 months ago
      Exactly. The way he sprayed bullets around without hitting anybody but the highest-profile target, he couldn't organize a bathroom trip, much less a multiple assassination. Somebody made sure he'd have that on him. It's a blind, nothing more.

      We need that ballistic report!
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  • Posted by $ rjim 7 years, 9 months ago
    Who knows what really happened… these days it could be for any reason. It may be as simple as Scalise may have spoken a bad word about the Clintons.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 9 months ago
    The Taliban would put the shooter to shame. Anything is possible in the DC political climate. There is so many disgruntled politico's and want-to -be big money leftist revolutionaries to pay for such nastiness. to quote Wild Bill Hickok "Are you satisfied?"
    Again I say- Just don't bring your philosophies to the "State of Gun" I'll be waiting.
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  • Posted by mrdenis 7 years, 9 months ago
    Lets wait and see if all the bullets are from the same gun ...or is their a "magic bullet" in the mix ,and who's doing the investigating as well ...
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