Hi. My name is...Nils Andersson
Posted by NilsAndersson 12 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
A few weeks ago, I moved to the Caribbean. Not quite the Gulch, but there is a lot of liberty more by default than design. Paradise compared to the US or most of Western Europe. BUT you have to have an external source of income, both because local wages are low and it is much easier to go for residence if you are putting money INTO their economy than vice versa.
I am by training an engineer/mathematician/computer-programmer, although the latter is what has provided most of my income. I also have worked as a translator.
And yes, I was pretty much born a libertarian, to small extent due to my right-of-center but far from outlier parents. It is mainly that I could never understand by what right politicians impose their will on people. The fact of them being democratically elected never impressed me. Does morality and justice lie in having 51%?.
That will be enough for now.
I am by training an engineer/mathematician/computer-programmer, although the latter is what has provided most of my income. I also have worked as a translator.
And yes, I was pretty much born a libertarian, to small extent due to my right-of-center but far from outlier parents. It is mainly that I could never understand by what right politicians impose their will on people. The fact of them being democratically elected never impressed me. Does morality and justice lie in having 51%?.
That will be enough for now.
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- 1Posted by $ bigjim 12 years, 4 months agoWelcome to The Gulch, Nils. Thanks for the introduction. Glad to have you with us.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|