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Mrs. Animal and I are looking at houses in Alaska.
Hello, AJ:
Birds of a feather..........
It was a delight to live there. By the time I returned in 1999, PHX had devolved to be liberal spouting and influenced by the AZ Republic's conversion to liberalism. It had started in that direction much earlier, but it apparently took control in the mid-90s. (I knew some people who worked there in 90-91, and they all had liberal tendencies, and lacked understanding of the value of individual liberty -without the government meddling that they were attracted to- and how free markets were vital to happiness and productivity.) It was very sad to see the changes in those few years. I left again about 5 years later for health reasons.
I hope that AZ can return to its westerner self reliance.
I haven't found anything to favorably compare with PHX in 90-91 since then, and I have looked far and world-wide.
Remember "Trading Places" where the Dukes explain the market to Eddie Murphy? That's a very entertaining movie. (Much more entertaining than going to Vegas to gamble.;^)
Then you might be interested in Free State West:
For now, it's your only means of reaching us, but keep us in mind.
I am visiting for the first time in years and CA's siren call is silent. Had to backtrack 2 miles on the drive in to fill up with gas in AZ to save $1.00 per gallon, too. Yes, 40% lower gas price in AZ compared to Blythe CA. The inmates have been running the asylum here for quite some time.
I absolutely love my NY country home its the Idiots I can't stand! Lots of them move either south or west and take their idiotology with them wondering why where they went is going to the dogs.
Californicating Colorado
As controlling wildlife that does not belong here such as out of control wild hogs, fire ants and huge exotic snakes in the Everglades, me dino says slaughter them whether you eat them or not.
I have visited Texas over the years earliest visits the state was immune . It felt like a different country . But it has been attacked by the collectivist virus ( hurricane Katrina) (LBJ) (Bushes) . Even so the state has a feel of a nation.
The lone star. It is an attitude and that independence still prevails.
If a state were to secede this one could be it.
The greater good for the real Texans is the end of their rifle.
So far, you can reach us only via Facebook, but our website will be up and running ASAP.
For now, if you want to help build a freedom-oriented community in a state that has, I admit, fallen into the hands of the fascist nanny-statists, but that also has a rather proud heritage of liberty, consider https://www.facebook.com/FreeStateWes...
We are beginning in Southeastern Arizona, Cochise County, to be specific. But from this high desert area, we hope to expand as more liberty-loving people join us. I hope that includes you.
Not sure, but I think the first border fence is going up around Austin. good idea thou.