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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 5 months ago
    1. How many of your douchey 17-year-old cousins who haven’t read better books yet will donate to this campaign?
    What does a failed comedian do for material? Spouts anti-Rand bromides backed up by the emotional reasoning of emoticons
    2. When they set out to make this thing a trilogy, why on Earth didn’t they lock down the principal cast to avoid recasting the thing over and over again?
    Movies are expensive to make. These successful actors already commitments years in advance. The producers of AS II were not prepared financially at the time of making the first movie to retain them in advance. Much like a successful Broadway play, many actors can do great characters justice.
    3. Follow-up: do you think the cast in the first movie left because they saw the first movie, or did they realize while they were making it that “Atlas Shrugged” wasn’t the comic book superhero adaptation they thought it was?
    4. Is the Kickstarter campaign to get the third movie made a stunning lack of self-awareness or an acknowledgement that Randian philosophy is only applicable in a fictional universe constructed by the author of the philosophy itself?
    Rand’s ideas are those the US were founded on. Which has been the most successful, i.e. workable nation in the History of the World. If you had read some history and a little philosophy-like Locke and Aristotle-you would understand this.
    5. Why do people pretend there is still some sort of nobility in any of this?
    Individuals who value human life understand these fundamental ideas are the ones necessary to happiness. Those opposed, knowing or unknowing, push us into mass genocide-Maoism on steroids
    6. With three films of unbearable length (assuming the third will follow the lead of the first two), were any deleted scenes left for the DVD release?
    7. Defenders of Rand’s intellectual shortcomings point to her hatred of Nazi Germany. Does that mean that’s all that’s needed for legitimacy?
    Straw man. I’ve never seen such. Give one intellectual shortcoming and I’m happy to discuss. But instead of googling her detractor’s might you consider reading one of her none fiction works first?
    8. Another follow-up: if I go into a room and say “first things first, fuck Hitler, am I right?”, does that mean my spec will get purchased sight unseen?
    Is this an attempt at humor?
    9. If wealthy, well-connected Hollywood types do a Kickstarter and it doesn’t hit its goal, does it make a sound…of laughter?
    10. Who cares who John Galt is at this point?
    Thousands upon thousands

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