The Last Centurion
The Last Centurion is a near future, military focused novel. The Author, John Ringo also deals with a number of the issues which faced us at the beginning of President ObamaPhone's first term and a number of other Liberal tropes. He presents a great deal of excellent information and social comentary in the course of telling the story of the time we have an actual flu pandemic and Global Warming is proven false by a bout of severe global cooling.
John Ringo is former military and all his novels can be classed as military fiction. In this one he lets his Inner Conservative have full reign. Attacking organic farming, multi-culturalism and a number of other liberal fantasies. Any book that can comfortably weave together epidemeology, and Alexis De Toqueville while bringing peace to the Middle East is definitely worth reading.
It is comparable to Atlas Shrugged. Although he does insult it a little, it sounds like he was forced to read it in High School, so I can understand him being less than thrilled with the book. I know a number of "Classics" were ruined for me by being forced to read them in school.
John Ringo is former military and all his novels can be classed as military fiction. In this one he lets his Inner Conservative have full reign. Attacking organic farming, multi-culturalism and a number of other liberal fantasies. Any book that can comfortably weave together epidemeology, and Alexis De Toqueville while bringing peace to the Middle East is definitely worth reading.
It is comparable to Atlas Shrugged. Although he does insult it a little, it sounds like he was forced to read it in High School, so I can understand him being less than thrilled with the book. I know a number of "Classics" were ruined for me by being forced to read them in school.
Ringo is definitely more serious and more political.
But Dr Who was a lot of fun.