The Composite American

Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 9 months ago to Government
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Watching President Trump yesterday, I realized that he is the photo shopped American. He is marginally bright, has a good heart but offends unintentionally, has “common” manners but is not socially graceful, compared to others, he is very wealthy and while he gets pleasure out of helping others, he likes himself first and foremost. The elite see him as a buffoon that speaks his mind directly instead of in the oblique, sly manner of those “in the know”. The problem is that the elite have become a bunch of parasites that have been using these kind of people for their food (and everything else) supply by allowing them to think that they are one of the “swells” too. They held their noses as the bumpkins paid the check, rarely offering so much as a pat on the back but mostly snickering and rolling their eyes. First he told the US leaches, “no more”, then NATO, then the G-7, and yesterday the Paris climate scammers. It must really suck to be dumped by your favorite rube. No wonder they are all irate.
I am sure that the entitled powers will do everything to bring him down but they are making a mistake in trying. Trump is “The American”. He has farted in church and will not apologize. He has let the cat out of the bag that everyone farts and it is OK. As a matter of fact, he can fart louder than anyone and he is proud of it. It is time for the rational thinkers and the producers to come to the table and help instead of standing on the sidelines. I am sure that most will say that Trump has no ideology. He is a populist. He shoots from the hip. He doesn’t “get it”. That is just being an elitist on the other side. Trump has resonated with the heartland of America. They don’t have an ideology either, just a gut feel for liberty and fairness. They aren’t afraid of the Russians anymore. The wall came down and they saw a nation of ordinary people much like them. China has become more capitalist than the USA. Without “Iron Curtains” people can see what is happening on both sides and their leaders need to come up with something than the Orwellian phony war scheme for keeping them in tow.

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