The Second American Civil War
Posted by WWJGD 12 years, 3 months ago to Government
Texas is leading the pack.
Nothing will come of this first effort, of course. Various agreements and court decisions have made clear that no State can peaceably leave the Union.
Which means only one thing: War. Over the same issue as the first American Civil War: slavery.
Nothing will come of this first effort, of course. Various agreements and court decisions have made clear that no State can peaceably leave the Union.
Which means only one thing: War. Over the same issue as the first American Civil War: slavery.
Let us hope it doesn’t come to this. I fear we are either to be involved in a revolution of some sort, hopefully a peaceful one where people are simply picking up the pieces and starting over after the inevitable crash, or the nation is doomed to an existence of mediocrity like the socialist European nations without incentive for risk taking entrepreneurs.
Since the compassion of the Liberal progressives doesn’t extend to persons opposed to their ideology and they are presently in power, the likely hood, as itisntluck has stated, is such that any armed rebellion will likely be put down unless a public outcry is too loud to be ignored. I fear many American patriots/ Texans would die first because the official line would be that they are just a few right wing militia types and the MSM would fall in line.
I do not believe the progressives understand the implications of their actions. There have always been people on opposing sides that were able till now to tolerate and coexist. The progressives have never stopped trying to force their way upon all, without concern for rebellion. They have learned nothing from history. The economics will catch up with them even if the opposition does not.
You have to open a account to sign the petition. (That idea gave me the heebie jeebiez). And I don't like the word "peacefully" in the title either. As if......
The initiation of force is immoral. We know it will be denied, but we must still begin by presenting the opportunity to resolve our differences peacefully.
This appearance kept me from signing any petition that will ultimately result only in War, which will come with or without the petition.
So far, nothing. He's too excited about some Texas football game to talk about anything else.
He's the Honey Badger of talk radio...
They're not exactly known for logic, or facts, or...
Look at the confederate state constitution, the theme and the first thing discussed was not we have the right as states to leave the union, it was the lessor value of slaves and the lower mental capabilities. States rights was a cover for the battle over slavery. Would love to hear any historical evidence or books to read that would suggest otherwise.
But the Second American Civil War IS about whether we shall be slaves, or free men.
Ideas: Texas will officially petition to secede by midnight [some calendar date]
Arizona / Montana / Vermont / whatever will be the second US State to petition for secession
I'm guessing Arizona but not sure I'd put money on it...
To correct the article;
This movement is a toothless temper tantrum thrown by idiots. Does anyone really think those FEMA camps all over the countryside are there for their aesthetic value?
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom--go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"
-- Samuel Adams
I don't think they're coffins, because they wouldn't bother with burying us, just dig a mass grave for all us dissenters.