Out of Paris Accord
This is the right move. In my work these kinds of agreements have manifested themselves in all kinds of hairbrained schemes and employed all kinds of "sustainability" snake oil salesmen. It's taken our A&E away from engineering an into the realm of emotion and malarkey.
Maybe we will find out later today.
Trump has freed us from that sick as hell Obamanable scheme to take America down a few more pegs.
Was listening to lots of favorite music on USB drive most of the way until late on 2nd day when I was very tired and needed to stay awake until I could find a place to sleep. AS came through for me again;^)
Two others that I really enjoyed . Robinson Crusoe
and recently enjoyed Moby Dick . The narrator did a wonderful job with the voices particularly
Capt Ahab .
Thanks for the recommendations. I will look for those at the library.
I agree collectivists exploit AGW. You think AGW is wrong. Suppose for a moment that some shocking new evidence appeared that showed you you were wrong and something similar to AGW is happening and it will be costly to humans. Would you accept it, or would be inclined to ignore it since hardcore collectivism is worse than AGW?
As a scientist I would love your opinion on the effects of the Grand Solar Minimum that the sun has entered into and our greatly weakened electromagnetic shield allowing cosmic rays to enter the atmosphere.
An electromagnetic field (also EMF or EM field) is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. (Description not for you but other readers)
As cosmic rays that enter our atmosphere due to the weakened shield they create a increase in clouds .they have increased by 12% since 2015 and are expected to increase 17% more this year. Solar winds have been compressing our atmosphere due to the weak shield and have altered the jet stream as well as caused a shift in the intertropical convergence zone. Sunspots and solar flaring on an active sun energize our EMF.
Solar flares occur when a positive spot and a negative spot arc to connect and then snap off.
A good view of this is available on suspicious observers daily space weather report 2-4mins on average.http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/
No doubt you've heard of the recently named aurora phenomena "Steve" it is also evidence of a weak EMF . I will edit to add after this reply is pushed.http://www.space.com/36583-new-aurora-featur...
I would encourage you to also look into Wal Thonhill's work on the Electric universe.
Right, but I'm saying hypothetically, what if there were shocking new evidence that doesn't exist now. Are you saying it's unknowable? Are you saying that the final consequences are so undesirable that, as a scientist, you'll start with a desirable conclusion and find evidence to fit it? I don't think you're saying that.
My only point is if even for a moment you think, "no that's too undesirable, let me look at it again," that's a warning sign in science.
That's a critical-thinking warning sign.
"all of the apocalyptic prognostications of the AGW acolytes "
No, no, I said costly, not "apocalyptic", so your hypothetical scenario is different from mine.
" it provides a challenge to the scientists and engineers that must actually find solutions"
Yes. That's probably true for my hypothetical scenario (which I believe is really happening) and yours.
Regarding your claim that climate is difficult to model, I expect there will be new discoveries that radically change our understanding how human activities affect the environment.
"cherry picking the data to satisfy an agenda"
That's precisely what I think is happening. No one likes the answer we're getting, and someone of us are tempted to start with the desirable conclusion and look for evidence to support it.
"the AGW community"
I think I understand what you mean, but defining a field by one of its politically unpopular findings sounds as silly as calling biologists the "evolution community" or food scientists the "GMO community".
"I am somewhat loathe to engage in hypothetical discussions that are based on questionable data"
I think you're saying you don't want it taken out of context, with people remembering what you said but forgetting it was premised on something not true. It's like if someone asked me to suppose hypothetically, contrary to our current understanding, that dark-skinned people had mental capacity than light-skinned people. I'd be cautious about talking about it for obvious reasons, but my scientific mind would be interested in a finding that completely upends our understanding of the origin of humankind. It's bad if I find myself saying that I want racial equality so badly that I will reject any finding that contradicts my desired answer as being motivated by racism.
Maybe it was too remote an example. I was trying to think of an example of some unlikely discovery that I wouldn't want to entertain even hypothetically because I don't like the ramifications.
I agree with everything you said about racism being stupid.
Just as Trump said in the campaign, If you want the protections of the US military then pay the bill. China holds a lot of our debt yet they are not mandated to comply with the Paris Accord until 2030 and a lot of other major polluters have similar off sets for compliance. Dump it now!
I did not like that he was the choice vs the evil hag.
IMHO he is the best President in my soon to be 60 years. He has made good or attempted to make good on almost all his campaign promises. I think he is courageous, honest and interested in America's well being. Listening to the looters hysteria about dropping this unfair stupid agreement confirms my opinion.
The effects of enforcing the agreed changes would have little actual effect on the climate, with reductions in the rate of temperature projected (even by the optimists) at numbers I would declare to be in the measurement noise. The economic effects on the U.S. would be draconian, with crippling damage to both domestic and international trade.
Declare a sincere effort by the U.S. to improve technology to reduce the price of "clean energy," and offer to assist others with accountable development programs, but don't sign up to changes unachievable without crippling effect.
Then I wanted to play Richard Halley's Concerto of Deliverance in celebration.
Let's see how this plays out! I'm sure it will be far superior to the garbage that Obama and John Kerry "negotiated"!
What we WILL be short on is FOOOOOD! Better start growing it indoors cause the weather will be unpredictable. (see the crop losses due to cold at ADAPT 2030 on youtube) these reports are documented and can be verified.
Another source to use would be The thunderbolts project from David Talbot and Wal Thornhill.
Thank you Carl for passing on this urgent info to me.
If the paris accord was so helpful why was China and India except from a coal burning and mining reductions but we're not?
3 cheers for Trump!
Now if he does the same for the UN, he qualifies as the best world leader this century.
Abaco posted 2 days ago when it was rumor, now it has happened.
The shock/horror/dismay from the Eco-fascist moochers is up to standard.
The problem is not being ignored. It isn't proven to be a problem requiring any action.
The Paris accord is theft by looters at gunpoint.
There is no problem it is a manufactured fear to tax and take down economic growth.
The IPCC's game is up, the planet is not warming the sea ice is growing and Greenlands ice build is massive.
Greenhouse gases comprise 2% of the Earths atmosphere just 3.62% of that 2% is co2 .
And 3.4% of the co2 is caused by man or just .117% of the greenhouse gases. That is an absolutely minuscule amount of the whole atmosphere somewhere around 1000th of a percent.
The pause in global warming caused the controllers to change the term to climate change.
Data has been adjusted or manipulated to show a temp increase for years just recently caught are the countries of Australia And Switzeland.
You would be wise to look up Grand Solar Minimum that we have just entered. We are going to rapidly cool starting now and sourcing food will be the most important thing you will spend your time and money on in the coming next few years this is already Impacting global food crops. Did you know the US lost 40% of its wheat crop three weeks ago as a blizzard in Kansas dumped three feet of snow and many farmers seeds were washed away with the floods and storms in Missouri Illinois Arkansas and others. Cosmic rays have increased 13% in the last two years and are to increase 17% this year. Cosmic rays cause clouds to form which in turn create an albido effect reflecting sun from warming the ground. The other nasty weather effect from the GSM is the increase in Volcanos that discharge particles
That also block the sun.
Simply ignoring this warning is dangerous to your families future well being.
If you want to educate yourself instead of parroting the complicite media start at Adapt2030 David DuByne and check all his sources and do your own homework.
Instead of action, regulations and lies, Why couldn't government just tell the truth and maybe suggest some of the things we could do together, things entrepreneurs could work on...I guess that's way to simple a concept for non-conscious, parasitical humanoids to grasp.
There is no fraking problem. There's a theory, and not a very good one at that.
I consider this pure avoidance of reality.
I could hire an Alvah Scarret to run things by or get advice from Peter Keating's mother if I sought approval. I don't though. The extreme claim of denying science needs to be backed up. I find it beyond absurd.
It blows my mind people fall for that.
The funny thing is we may find surprising new data that reveals things being more in line with what we all wish were true. It would be exciting for scientists, and good news for everyone wanting to live an affluent life, basically everyone. But it won't mean wishful thinking is reasonable.
Sadly, the site where my article appeared went belly-up, and someone sanitized everything I wrote from the Wayback Machine. I still don't know how they pulled that trick.
But I have the Archive. I have Phil Jones' incriminating e-mail. I have Kevin Trenberth's e-mail saying, "We cannot show a warming trend and it is a travesty that we can't." And I have the data which I charted, and found that it didn't make a hockey stick. And Michael Mann knew it.
Those guys are all guilty of dry-labbing. So absolutely anything anybody says to suggest global warming, is suspect.
Paul Watson,
Co-founder of Greenpeace
I remember speaking with a high-ranking EPA official and hearing him spout complete falsehoods. That really bothered me, because he'd been given the authority to drive the bus...He was a total bullsh&%er. And, to add insult to injury he said something including how we need to "save the children"...Just total crap. I wanted to pull his tie until he turned purple...
Who is ignoring said problem?
Can you quantify the problem (with accurate data)?
How are people unwilling to pay for the effects of this problem on others?
How is this disgraceful?
I’m truly asking these questions as I’m not positive about your post, it’s unclear as to your position.
Climate change is the only scientific theory in history that has gone from theory to “law” without question and without peer validation. The scientific method encourages debate, climate change is not open for debate. The Paris Accord, from what I have heard (unsubstantiated) is a simple vehicle to redistribute US tax payer’s wealth to the rest of the world.
Kick it to the curb along with the BS regulations from the EPA.
Human activities causing/accelerating global warming
"Who is ignoring said problem?"
Some, not all, of the people supporting backing out of agreements to limit emissions
"Can you quantify the problem (with accurate data)?"
Yes, we can quantify it. No, the data is not that accurate. If we had accurate data, we could calculate exactly how much global warming caused by our activities cost others. My understanding is we have a good idea but not a high degree of certainty of the numbers.
Even if we had accurate data how much particular emissions drive global warming and how much global warming will cost people, we'd have to adjust for return on investment. For example an activity that makes a million dollars now but costs two million in 50 years is still a net gain because that one million could grow at 3% over 50 years and be worth 4 million.
All that is to say, no, accurate data is hard to come by.
"How are people unwilling to pay for the effects of this problem on others?" "How is this disgraceful?"
This is an ancient human behavior. It's similar to asking why to people steal.
Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
”No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment
There is no problem it is a manufactured fear to tax and take down economic growth.
The IPCC's game is up, the planet is not warming the sea ice is growing and Greenlands ice build is massive.
Greenhouse gases comprise 2% of the Earths atmosphere just 3.62% of that 2% is co2 .
And 3.4% of the co2 is caused by man or just .117% of the greenhouse gases. That is an absolutely minuscule amount of the whole atmosphere somewhere around 1000th of a percent.
The pause in global warming caused the controllers to change the term to climate change.
Data has been adjusted or manipulated to show a temp increase for years just recently caught are the countries of Australia And Switzeland.
You would be wise to look up Grand Solar Minimum that we have just entered. We are going to rapidly cool starting now and sourcing food will be the most important thing you will spend your time and money on in the coming next few years this is already Impacting global food crops. Did you know the US lost 40% of its wheat crop three weeks ago as a blizzard in Kansas dumped three feet of snow and many farmers seeds were washed away with the floods and storms in Missouri Illinois Arkansas and others. Cosmic rays have increased 13% in the last two years and are to increase 17% this year. Cosmic rays cause clouds to form which in turn create an albido effect reflecting sun from warming the ground. The other nasty weather effect from the GSM is the increase in Volcanos that discharge particles
That also block the sun.
Simply ignoring this warning is dangerous to your families future well being.
If you want to educate yourself instead of parroting the complicite media start at Adapt2030 David DuByne and check all his sources and do your own homework. Why don't you respond to this?
Not my beliefs, unless at some point after a third of the way into the book, where I stopped reading, Klein took it all back.
I consider the rest of what you're saying in the realm of inexpensive homeopathy working but being suppressed by the medical establishment, GMOs being dangerous, aliens visiting earth but the gov't hiding it.
A single volcanic eruption dumps more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than man has created throughout our ENRITE history.
Looking back over the fossil record we can prove that the climate has changed MANY times and for the vast majority of those changes man kind didn't exist. Why did the climate change then if man wasn't there to cause it? BTW have you read recent studies that show that there is MORE ice in Antarctica today than there was 30 years ago? https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/...
Have you read studies showing that there is MORE arable land today than there was 40 years ago? http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/A...
More ice and more arable land...Think about that those two things are both contradictory to what the CC people claim and they are seemingly contradictory to each other.
The chicken little's of the world love to scream that the sky is falling. I myself tend to look up and verify things for myself don't be too ashamed that you have bought into a bill of goods sold by the Looters. The vast majority of the world believes the BS also. You are only at fault if you refuse to open your eyes and see how WRONG YOUR ARE!
Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
Lead author of many IPCC reports
I also want to say that we create energy from what resources we gather from the earth, and that energy can be pointed to the cause of creating and sustaining so much human life, from drinkable water, ease of travel, and controlling facility temperatures in freezing and tropical climates that would otherwise be too difficult to sustain human life without A/C or Heating elements. And we will continue to create new forms of energy from the resources at our disposal to continue the survival and thriving of human life. I choose to consider these benefits of having energy as opposed to not having it due to restrictions that others may place against these cheap forms of energy to prosper just so man-made greenhouse gases can reverse directions. The graph is interesting because it shows what temperatures and weather patterns were like thousands of years ago, frankly, I'm not sure we could survive those temperature swings and weather patterns (all having occurred without man made greenhouse gases) even with technology as it is today.